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Ioan patricia
• Dumbrava Sibiului Natural Park was declared a natural
protected area by Law Number 5, of March 6, 2000. It
consists of a forest area (Dumbrava Forest) crossed by
the Trinkbach River, forming on its course
three anthropic-type lakes.
• The natural park was a favoured promenade location for
inhabitants of Sibiu as early as the 18th century. It is
known nowadays for the ASTRA National Museum
Complex. The defunct tram line connecting Sibiu with
Rasinari can also be seen from there. The Municipal
Cemetery, opened in 1907, is located on the south side of
the park's woods.
• Species of trees: English oak(Quercus robur), (Quercus
petraea), European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), elm
 (Ulmus), field maple (Acer campestre), European beech
 (Fagus sylvatica), linden (Tilia), pine (Pinus);
• Species of shrubs: common hawthorn, common privet
 (Ligustrum vulgare), dog rose (Rosa canina), 
alder buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula), blackthorn (Prunus
• Species of grass: great willowherb (Epilobium hirstum), 
wall letuce (Lactuca muralis), red campion (Melandium
rubrum), autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale).

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