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• Positioning is an act of designing the company’s
offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the
mind of the target market. The goal is to locate the
brand in the minds of consumer to maximized the
potential benefit to the firm. A good brand
positioning helps guide marketing strategy by
clarifying the brand’s essence, what goals it helps the
consumer achieve, and how it does so in a unique
Result of positioning is….
• Customer-focused value proposition. Example of value proposition
demand state and marketing tasks.
Company and Target customers Benefits price Value proposition

Volvo (station Safety conscious Durability an 20 percent The safest, most durable wagon in
wagon) upscale safety premium which your family can ride

Top (laundry Environmentally Eco-friendly and 10 percent A plant-based detergent that is

detergent) protective to high premium eco-friendly ad keeps your clothes
consumer performance clean
Positioning requires..
• That marketers define and communicate similarities and differences
between their brand and its competitors. Specifically, deciding on a
positioning requires:
• Determining a frame of reference by identifying the target market and
relevant completion
• Identifying the optimal points of parity and points of differences
brand associations given that frame of reference
• Creating a brand mantra to summarize the positioning and essence of
A brand mantra is a short, 2–5 word
encapsulation of everything about a brand.
A brand mantra is not an advertising slogan or
tagline, and, in many cases, it won't be
something you use publicly at all. ... They
become rallying cries that define everything
a brand is and will ever be.
Example of Brand Mantra.
Nike uses a three word brand mantra. Their mantra is: “Authentic
Athletic Performance” “Nike's brand mantra put a particular emphasis
on maintaining authenticity, by which we also meant integrity and purity,
front and center…
Point of difference (PODs) refers to the factors
of products or services that
establish differentiation. Differentiation is the
way in which the goods or services of a company
differ from its competitors. Indicators of the point
of difference's success would be increased
customer benefit and brand loyalty.
3 criteria determine whether a brand
association can truly function as PODs:
• Desirable to consumer. Consumer must see the brand association
as personally relevant to them.
• Deliverable by the company. The company must have the
internal resources and commitment to feasibly and profitably
create and maintain the brand association in the minds of
• Differentiating from competitors. Finally, consumers must see the
brand association as distinctive and superior to relevant

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