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5 Everyday Safety Tips

5 Everyday Workplace Safety Tips

Workplace safety talks are channels for discussing safety issues at work, whether it’s dealing with
workplace hazards or engaging in healthy work practices. They are an important part of office worker
construction that cementing workers’ commitment to promoting a safety culture, both at the office
and on hazardous job sites.

A well-planned safety meeting:

•Informs people about workplace risks and safety training
•Gives the chance to evaluate prior safety-related incidents
•Keeps people alert and aware of potential hazards

Here are 5 workplace health and safety topics to ensure your workforce is always focused on
5 Everyday Workplace Safety Tips

1. Ergonomic and Workplace Stress

2. Heat Exhaustion and Safety
3. Workplace Injuries
4. Fire and Electrical Safety
5. Silica Dust and Protection
Ergonomic and Workplace Stress
Employees should be aware of ergonomics and Works place risk factors in the workplace in order
to avoid them
Ergonomic Stress
Hazard – Acute injuries
Risk – Lifetime Injuries
Control Measure
Workers should regularly
stretch, exercise, and do
strength training
Repetitive task Overexertion Awkward Posture
And many other factors can contribute to stress and discomfort.
Workplace Stress
Hazard – Mental disorder
Risk – Long term/Lifetime
Control Measure
• Ask for help
•Communicate problems clearly
Fatigue Depression Anxiety •Meditate and other relaxation techniques
Creating a work culture that encourages conversations about stress and work-life balance promotes a
healthy work environment.
Heat Exhaustion and safety
Heat exhaustion results from the body’s inability to cool down and regulate its internal temperature.
It is usually caused by continuous exposure to excessive heat that dehydrates the body.
Symptoms of heat Exhaustion

Headache Nausea /Vomiting Fatigue/Dizziness/Fainting Weak Pulse Muscle Cramps

Symptoms of heat Exhaustion

Irritated Seizures Nausea/Vomiting Abdominal Cramps Weakness

Hazard – Heat Stroke Risks – Fatality Control measures – Proper knowledge about Sign, Symptoms and Prevention
of Heat stroke
Workplace injuries
Accidents or injuries in the workplace can occur due to many reasons.
Some of the most common causes are:

Trips and Fall Lifting Being hit by machine Violent Acts

Hazard – Long term injuries, Cuts
and abrasion
Risk – Lifetime Injuries, fatality
Control Measure
Stress / Fatigue Vehicle-related mishaps Exposure to hazardous
• Ask for help
•Communicate problems clearly
•Meditate and other relaxation techniques
Talking about how such injuries happen and what workers can do to
•Sufficient space for working area
avoid them should be a key element of a safety meeting.
•Use of appropriate PPE’s
Organizations should inform workers on procedures and training
that help protect them from accidents in the workplace.
Fire and Electrical Safety
It’s good for employees to know what to do in the event of a fire accident at
the workplace. Safety meetings present a chance to cover topics such as how
to minimize the effects of fire, prevent the fire from spreading, and save lives

Accidents caused by electricity can often be

fatal. Knowing how to be careful with electrical
equipment and devices at work is of the
utmost importance. It’s vital for any safety
meeting to discuss the consequences of not
wearing proper protective gear while working
with electrical wires or being careless around
Hazard – Burnt, electric shock
Risks – Lost of properties, Fatality
Control measures
• workers to know, whereabouts of fire
extinguishers, how to use fire extinguishers,
Quick evacuation routes if/when necessary
Silica Dust and Protection
Prolonged exposure to particles of crystalline silica can lead to serious and fatal illnesses. Examples include chronic silicosis,
interstitial lung disease, and even cancer. People who work in mining, steel, glass, and construction industries are more prone to
silica-induced diseases.

It’s essential for these industries to hold safety meetings to discuss how workers can protect themselves from silica dust:
Some common materials that contain silica are:
•Cement and mortar
•Abrasives used for blasting
•Tiles and masonry
•Sand and granite

Hazard – Lower and upper respiratory disease

Risk – Lung Cancer, fatality

Control Measure
• Dust control and suppression
• Exposure monitoring training
• Proper no. and location of exhaust
• Use of appropriate PPE’s
• Banning smoking in areas where silica dust is present
How to Effectively Communicate Workplace Safety Practices
Communicating a pre-work or pre-meeting safety moment, just for the sake of it, is inefficient. Knowing how
to share information about workplace risks and safety training is equally important. This ensures workers and
managers benefit from the time spent in workplace safety topics for meetings.

To run an effective workplace safety moment, try to:

•Engage your audience. A safety briefing, or moment at the start of a

meeting, must be a two-way conversation between you and your
workforce. Don’t talk at them. Talk with them. Understand their
concerns and give them a chance to ask questions.

•Chalk out a time and place. It’s best to plan. Demonstrating what
you are trying to teach works better, too.

•Discuss relevant safety issues. Don’t talk about topics that don’t
apply to work.

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