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Your friend has joined an established OEM Supplier

of widget who has decided to enter the market as a
brand. She asked to present a test launch plan for the
Baveriwan Regur and Suburbs of Tokyo. She also
knows that the budget allocated can’t support two
launch, but such opportunity does not knock again
and again she has come to you for advice.
OEM widget
• The term, OEM (original equipment manufacturer) refers
to companies that make products for others to repackage
and sell. Resellers buy OEM products in bulk, minus the
costly retail packaging that comes with individually sold
units. The product itself is essentially the same as its more
expensive, retail-packaged sibling. OEM products are used
in many industries, but are perhaps most prevalent in
• In computing a web widget is a portable chunk of code
that can be installed and executed within any
separate HTML-based web page by an end user without
requiring additional compilation. They are derived from
the idea of code reuse. Other terms used to describe web
widgets include: gadget, badge, module, webjit, capsule,
snippet, mini and flake. Web widgets usually but not
always use DHTML, JavaScript, or Adobe Flash.
Test Launch
• A test launch is a type of release for hardware,
software, and websites where the product is released
incrementally with little fanfare, initially to a limited
audience. Many companies like to use a
soft launch to test the viability of a product. A
soft launch is also useful because it allows companies
to fine tune a product before making a big marketing
push. Soft launches are especially common with
websites, to which new features can easily be
Why Test?????
• Considering the significant investment required for a
new product launch, and the high rate of new product
failures, it is careless not to do test marketing.
• To see changes in customer product awareness,
advertising , attitudes, and responses to different
creative approaches.
• This will allow us to evaluate more clearly the
effectiveness of your campaign.
Product Launch reality….
Business Analysts Sales

“Long Lead” Press
Product Definition & Creation


Product Marketing Information Upgrades

• customer response
• advertising effectiveness
• media mix
• various creative approaches or messaging
• sampling effectiveness
• packaging
• special offers
• price variations
• sales and retailer incentives
Choosing Market
We have to be sure our test market reflects our full
target market as nearly as possible.
This will allow us to replicate the conditions of the
full market with the greatest possible accuracy and
increase our test’s significance.
To learn about specific regions, take advantage of
information on specific geographic areas offered by
media outlets.
We have chosen Suburbs of Tokyo as the test market.
Area Selection.
• We have to take care that our selected area reflects our full
market as much as possible.
• We have to consider, for instance, the demographic
characteristics of people in the area and ensure they are
similar to those we hope to attract on a broader scale.
• The area we select for our regional test also should offer a
variety of advertising media that reflects what our plan to
use nationally in press, radio, television, and online. If
direct sales is a large part of our strategy, we might
identify one of our geographic sales regions for a regional
Why Tokyo
• Presiding over the world`s second largest economy, Tokyo is
the governmental, financial and administrative centre of Japan.
• Hub of computer hardware.
• Out of 500 fortune companies 56 companies are in Tokyo.
• Most major Japanese companies have their head office in Tokyo,
and for foreign companies a presence in Japan generally means
a presence in Tokyo.
• Tokyo offers investors abundant business possibilities and
opportunities to interact with customers and business partners.
The high concentration of talented personnel, universities,
research organizations, and SMEs with excellent technological
capabilities propels the Japanese industry.
Why Tokyo……
Thank you

Any questions?
Evaluate Distribution Channels
Are resellers prepared to stock the product?
What incentives are required to achieve target stock
How well do various retailers display the product?
What retailer training is required?
What retail support is needed?
How effective are point-of-sale campaigns?
Establish Advertising Objectives
• increasing product awareness;
• communicating product benefits;
• generating leads for the sales force or retailers;
• convincing prospects to buy directly through a direct
response mechanism;
• encouraging prospects to switch brands; or
• communicating product information or how to buy.

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