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Nazareth Rebolledo Agames
They are affectionate, have a
round head, a rough tongue,
short legs, important, sharp and
retractable nails, abundant and
rather soft fur, and their pupils
are dilated so that they can see
Dogs are charming animals, they better at the behest of darkness.
have 4 legs, they are domestic
and faithful animals, there are PARROTS
many breeds and colors but my Parrots are very funny animals,
favorite is the pug. they imitate people, they are
Favorite green, they like to eat fruits and
Soccer is a sport that requires a lot of
concentration and a lot of gross motor skills,
it is a sport where you can play anywhere
and it is very practical.

This sport is very good and helps a lot in the part of
your growth, on the other hand, it is a sport where you
have to have a lot of agility not to let your opponent take
Favorite Sports the ball from you.

Swimming is a sport that
requires a lot of skill, it is a
sport that uses your body
and it is fun.

Many people think this is a boring sport (and yes, sometimes baseball
goes too slow). But baseball has many nuances that do not exist in
other sports. This is the only sport where the defense has the ball.
These are unique circumstances because the attacking team rarely
touches the ball.

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