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Maquiddang | Mernado
Mananghaya | Montano | Morales

: not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful
Synonyms: slack, slipshod, negligent, remiss, careless
Antonyms: stern, careful
Examples of lax in a sentence

Vincent sighed, his body going lax once more.

Never let go of that privacy or be lax with your security.

His lax attitude as of late led his girlfriend to feel unwanted.


no·to·ri·ous | /nōˈtôrēəs/
: famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed
Synonyms: scandalous, well-known, famed
Antonyms: unknown, anonymous, faceless
Examples of notorious in a sentence

The company near that city is notorious for paying its bills late.

The singer is notorious for wearing clothes that are way too

Some people avoid that street because it is notorious for crime.


lei·​sure | /ˈlē-zhər/
: use of free time for enjoyment
Synonyms: spare time, time off peace
Antonyms: work
Examples of leisure in a sentence

His leisure was devoted to geological study in the United States.

He dedicated his leisure to his favorite studies here.

I'd rather help a lot of people than enjoy my precious leisure time for

men·​tor | /ˈmen-ˌtȯr/
: an experienced and trusted adviser
Synonyms: adviser, guide, confidant, confidante, counselor
Antonyms: hinder, inhibit, curtail
Examples of mentor in a sentence

He was my mentor until I go to college.

My mentor once said, "All great things starts with something small
and ends with something big".
He recalled so little of the teachings to John, yet my mentor's disjointed
words somehow soothed him.

lu·​gu·​bri·​ous | /lu̇-ˈgü-brē-əs/
: looking or sounding sad and dismal
Synonyms: mournful, gloomy, sad
Antonyms: bright, cheerful, joyful
Examples of lugubrious in a sentence

His face looked even more lugubrious than usual.

The diner's dim lighting makes eating there a particularly lugubrious

After his wife left him, he walked around in a lugubrious condition for

noc·​tur·​nal | /näkˈtərnl/
: done, occurring, or active at night
Synonyms: night, nightly, nighttime
Antonyms: daily, diurnal
Examples of nocturnal in a sentence

Bats are nocturnal creatures because they tend to be more active during
the night hours.
Jim is a nocturnal hunter who prefers to do his hunting in the

The festival’s nocturnal activities will begin at sunset.


myr·i·ad | /ˈmirēəd/
: a countless or extremely great number
Synonyms: abundance, boatload, bunch, bundle, plenty
Antonyms: bit, handful, hint, little, mouthful, ounce, pinch,
Examples of myriad in a sentence

A myriad of emotions washed over me as he spoke.

Movement can contribute to health in a myriad of ways, one of which

includes improving stability.
Players whose value to their team stood out in a myriad of ways were
reserved for this classification.

neg·li·gence | /ˈneɡləjəns/
: failure to take proper care in doing something
Synonyms: carelessness, incautiousness, laxness
Antonyms: care, carefulness, caution, cautiousness, heedfulness
Examples of negligence in a sentence

The parent’s negligence resulted in their children being taken from their
care and placed in a safer home.
The soldiers were ordered to appear before a disciplinary council on
charges of negligence.
Most of these accidents have been caused by negligence and loose

mal·​ice | /ˈmaləs/
: intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal
justification or excuse
Synonyms: spite, malevolence
Antonyms: benevolence
Examples of malice in a sentence

She recoiled inwardly at the malice in his eyes.

Actions done with malice have no good intention.

To truly forgive someone, you must not have any malice or desire to
do harm to that person.

ne·​go·​ti·​ate | /nəˈɡōSHēˌāt/
: to try to work out an agreement between parties that each want
something out of the deal
Synonyms: arrange, work out
Antonyms: mismanage, misconduct
Examples of negotiate in a sentence

She has good negotiating skills.

The customer wanted to negotiate over the price.

The driver carefully negotiated the winding road.

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