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Nilufa Yesmin
B.Sc in Nursing (RANC)
Nursing Instructor(CHNI)
Definition of Bandage
A Bandage is defined as a piece of gauze or other materials
used for wrapping, binding up and support or immobilized a
part of the body.

Definition of bandaging:
Bandaging is the process of covering a wound or injured part
using the most appropriate bandage.
Bandaging is a process which applied to the injured part of the
body or to limb for immobilized, binding up and secure to
Types of bandages
A. Triangular bandage :It used for slings.
B. Roller bandage: It used for bandaging any part of the body.
C. Special Bandages:
1.Many Tailed bandages:It used as abdominal binder
2.Four tailed bandage:It used for bandaging the chin or jow
3.T bandage: It used holding,dressing over perineum.
4.Crepe and plastic bandage:It used for joints and
varicose veins and also used in sprain.
5.Crinoline and plaster of paris bandage: It used for making
casts or for plasting.
Triangular bandage Roller bandage Four and many tailed

T bandage Crepe and plastic bandage Crinoline and palster of

paris bandage

Figures: Types of bandages

Purposes of Bandaging
 To immobilize an injured part and relieve pain.
 To support the wound and dressing.
 To immobilize a fracture or dislocation.
 To control hemorrhage.
 To improve venous blood flow from lower extremities by applying pressure
 To reduce or prevent swelling.
 To fix and retain dressing or splint in a position.
 To give support to an injured part.
 To apply pressure to stop bleeding.
 To prevent and reduce swelling.
 To absorb discharge.
 To prevent infection and avoid further injury.
 To restrict movement.
 To provide physical comfort.
Principles of Bandaging
 Place the patient and the injured part which is to be bandaged in
comfortable position.
 Select a bandage of proper size and suitable material.
 Apply bandages when patient is sitting or lying down position.
 Bandaging is never applied directly over wounds.
 Avoid pressure over painful area.
 The bandage should not be very loose or tight.
 Bandage always should neat and clean.
 Never use dirty or wet or unroll bandage.
 Use tightly Roller bandage of the correct width.
 Support the part to be bandaged throughout the procedure.
 Always stand in front of the patient.
Rules of Bandaging
 Wash Your hands thoroughly before starting.
 Collect all equipment together and make sure that it is closed at hand.
 Have the patient in a comfortable position .
 Stand opposite the patient and on the same sight of the part to be
 Place and support the limb in the correct position.
 See that the part is free from perspiration .if necessary wash, dry and
apply powder.
 Place the bandage against the skin, seeing that the roll remains upper
 Keep skin surfaces apart and allow no turn over bony prominences.
 Bandage from below upward from within outward and over the front of
the limb.
 Fix the beginning of the bandage with a circular turn.
 Finish by securing the ends nearly wth a circular turn.

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