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7 Tips

on How
to make
By: Emma Reed
1. Keep It short and to the
 Avoid putting literal text on the screen
 Shorten bullets and keep it to the point- no paragraphs!
2. Choose the Right Font, size
 Pick a classic font instead of aand
creative Color
 Wrong font can be unreadable
 Make sure you pick a color that can be read

 Nothing too bright or that blends in with your

 Make sure your font is not too big or too small
3. Use art to help convey your
 Use charts, graphics, graphs, pictures
 Use enough but not too much
4. Write a script
 Planning is key
 Know what you want to say and how
 Have a beginning, middle and end
5. Modulate your voice
 Speak like you are talking with a friend
 Don’t become a drone and endlessly talk
6. Ask questions
 Make your audience think
 Engage them, pique curiosity and arouse interest
7. Have a plan b ready
 Technology is not always reliable.
 Have a backup plan in case technical difficulties arise

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