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Presented by:

Abdullah Jamshaid
Hamza Khaqan
Qasim Irfan
Zain Sheikh
 Significance of sublime supply chains
 Onslaught of COVID-19
Dr. Bob Novack, Associate Professor of Business
Logistics at Penn State explains,
“This pandemic is like a natural disaster, but it’s also
not. The results of a natural disaster on the supply
chain are usually localized and short-lived. In a
pandemic it’s global. It’s the rapid increase in
demand that a pandemic creates that puts additional
strain on suppliers.”
What is a supply chain disruption?
 A supply chain is a network of people,
organizations, and activities that move a product
from a supplier to a final customer.
 A supply chain disruption is any sudden change / or
crisis—be it local or global—that negatively
impacts that process.
6 Types of Supply Chain Disruptions

 Pandemics
Supply Chain Disruptions
 Natural disasters
Supply Chain Disruptions
 Transpiration failures and delays
Supply Chain Disruptions
 Defected products
Supply Chain Disruptions
 Price fluctuations
Supply Chain Disruptions
 Cyber attacks
7 Tactics to Prepare for Supply Chain Disruptions

 Create a supply chain emergency plan

Tactics to Prepare for Supply Chain Disruptions

 Build up inventory
Tactics to Prepare for Supply Chain Disruptions

 Conduct a supply chain vulnerability audit

Tactics to Prepare for Supply Chain Disruptions

 Identify backup suppliers

Tactics to Prepare for Supply Chain Disruptions

 Diversify supply base

Tactics to Prepare for Supply Chain Disruptions

 Partner with a logistics expert

Tactics to Prepare for Supply Chain Disruptions

 Adopt risk evaluation tools

Steps to Take When a Disruption Has Occurred

 Communicate with customers

 Evaluate all critical components of the supply chain
 Estimate available inventory
 Assess buyer behavior
 Optimize production and distribution capacity for
 Identify logistics flexibilities
 Evaluate cash flow impact
 When your supply chain is operating undisrupted, it’s
easy to take it for granted
 However, in times of trouble, having a good long-term
plan in place (or being able to create a strong crisis
management strategy in the moment) is essential
 Supply disruptions are inevitable, but by planning your
response carefully, evaluating potential supply chain
risks, and diversifying your suppliers, you can help
prepare for even the most unprecedented of

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