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What are your common distractions?

What kind of strategies do you have for

achieving your goals?

Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?

Do you know
the Word
Procrastination is the thief of time.
What is procrastination?

In simple terms, procrastination is what we do when we avoid

working on a task which we know needs to be completed.

This could mean putting off writing an essay by spiraling through

YouTube, telling ourselves we’ll head to the gym tomorrow as we
settle down with a new box set or even reasoning our way out of
taking the first steps towards achieving a lifelong dream
Types of Procrastination

Passive procrastinators: Delay the task because

they have trouble making decisions and acting on

Active procrastinators: Delay the task purposefully

because working under pressure allows them to "feel
challenged and motivated"
Types of Procrastination

Perfectionist: Puts off tasks out of the fear of not being able to complete a task perfectly
Dreamer: Puts off tasks because they are not good at paying attention to detail
Defier: Doesn't believe someone should dictate their time schedule
Worrier: Puts off tasks out of fear of change or leaving the comfort of "the known"
Crisis-maker: Puts off tasks because they like working under pressure
Overdoer: Takes on too much and struggles with finding time to start and complete task.
Tips for Procrastinators
Fortunately, there are a number of different things you can do to fight procrastination and
start getting things done on time. 

Make a to-do list: To help keep you on track, consider placing a due date next to each item.

Take baby steps: Break down the items on your list into small, manageable steps so that
your tasks don’t seem so overwhelming.

Recognize the warning signs: Pay attention to any thoughts of procrastination and do your
best to resist the urge. If you begin to think about procrastinating, force yourself to spend a
few minutes working on your task.
Tips for Procrastinators

Eliminate distraction: Ask yourself what pulls your attention away the

most—whether Instagram, Facebook updates, or the local news—and
turn off those sources of distraction.

Pat yourself on the back: When you finish an item on your to-do list on
time, congratulate yourself and reward yourself by indulging in
something you find fun.     
Do not forget to work out!

• A settled tendency or usual manner of behavior.

• It is a routine of behavior that is repeated

regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.

• The American Journal of Psychology (1903)

defines a "habit, from the standpoint
of psychology, [as] a more or less fixed way of
thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through
previous repetition of a mental experience.




Thank you!
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,
AND including
icons by Flaticon, THE FORCE
infographics BE by
& images WITH

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