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Maudhira Anindita
■ Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. It can be a reaction to
stress, or it can occur in people who are unable to identify significant
stressors in their life.

■ Common stressors include:

– Moving
– Starting a new school or job
– Worrying about finding a job
– Feeling nervous before a big test
– Being embarrassed in certain social situations
– Having an illness or injury
– Having a baby
Fear versus Anxiety
■ This distinction between fear and anxiety arose accidentally.
■ The main psychological difference between the two emotional responses
is the suddenness of fear and the insidiousness of anxiety.
■ Fear is a similar alerting signal, but should be differentiated from anxiety.
Fear is a response to a known, external, definite, or nonconflictual
threat; anxiety is a response to a threat that is unknown, internal, vague,
or conflictual.
Autonomic Symptoms
■ Headache
■ Perspiration
■ Palpitations
■ Tightness in the chest
■ Mild stomach discomfort, and
■ Restlessness, indicated by an inability to sit or stand still for

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