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Description of the house and the

neighborhood where you live

My name is Scheila Arellano and I live in the Santa Isabel neighborhood, in a three-story
white house with a large garage in the city of Bogota.
Most representative place in Colombia

Colombia is one of the most important tourist destinations in South America. The prosperous
capital of Colombia captivates with its colonial architecture and its buildings of avant-garde
design. Here you have the opportunity to see the main tourist sites in Bogota by entering
through one of its two airports or by road from the nearest cities in the country.Upon arrival
you will find an inexhaustible cultural offer with numerous museums, artistic expressions,
cultural centers and open-air festivals. As well as its gastronomy that combines the best of
local and foreign food that is known as one of the best in Latin America.

I get up at eight in the morning, make my bed, take a bath, prepare breakfast, at
eleven in the morning I go to work until six in the afternoon, from twelve in the
afternoon to one in the afternoon, lunch and at six and fifteen I start classes until
ten at night, from ten to eleven at night I do homework and I go to sleep at 12 at
Free time and weekend activities

On Saturday I wake up at half past eight in the morning, I start classes at new and fifteen
and at twelve and fifteen they finish, at one in the afternoon I prepare lunch and then I
watch movies until night, on Sunday I wake up at six forty, I take a bath at seven in the
morning and I go to work at eight in the morning until four in the afternoon, at five in the
afternoon I do homework and go to bed at ten at night.

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