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Your portion of drama

• In order to understand something of what I am going to tell you, I need to
introduce you a little in the context.We met by chance in the north station,
both of us going to Bucharest. I had the same car and I was sitting a few
seats away. After a few tens of minutes of admiring the view, he
appeared. Starting a conversation. I found out he was a first-year
theology student. He was coming home and preparing for the session. I
kept in touch and after a few months I started a story. From my
perspective, the most traumatic story I've ever lived. Tall, with green
eyes, a child's face covered with fifteen hairs that he proudly called
"beard." He was funny, polite and very loving. Okay ... I guess he was
very loving because it seemed so. I had not known love in the true sense
of the word. I should have learned something from my family, but for me
"love" is based on quarrels, screams and daily reproaches. Don't condemn
me :). Sometimes it was very strange because I felt like I was talking to a
budding saint. However, he was trustworthy, sensitive, humble, positive,
patient, and wise. Although there were 150 km in play, we saw each other
several times a week. If you're wondering what it was like to meet
someone from theology, I'll tell you. The first meeting was at the
monastery. The most fascinating date of my life :)).
• Then we started going to quiet places ... in the woods, near the lakes, on
the hills or wherever we had a view. As he said "where is God closer".
Time passed and because everything was going perfectly we were aware
that something bad was going to happen. And so it was. But after 547 days
of storytelling, the "nightmare" followed. He died due to a drunk driver
driving at 160km / h. The pain has been, is and will be enormous for a long
time. I hate myself for not being able to say goodbye. I hate myself
because I wasn't able to tell anyone this ... and I chose to go through this
alone ... But in the end this pain has its charm. And although his
characterization has no negative parts, God's characterization has ... he has
a lot because he is not based on justice. What I wish you .... reader is to
cherish all the people who make you happy. Because .... there is infinite
beauty in every passing moment.

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