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Christine Diane Galvan

• The dictionary defines it as “any netlike
combination of filaments, lines, veins,
passages, and the like”.
• When translated to people, a network
means an association of individuals is
having a common interest, formed to
provide mutual assistance, information, and
the like. It is an organized, interrelated, and
interlocking system.
“A network is a set of interconnected
nodes. Networks are open structures, able
to expand without limits, integrating new
nodes as long as they can communicate
within the network. This means that the
nodes should be related to the whole
network for those to be integrated to the said
network. Nodes, on the other hand, are
components of a network.”
-Manuel Castells, a Spanish sociologist
Tool for Mapping Networks
• NetMaps, short for Network Maps, is a
stakeholder mapping tool that shows the
visualization of connections, linkages, and
levels of influence and goals of various
interested parties ina fiven issue or
• Given this, NetMaps by nature are products
of perception or views of the person who
did the said map.
Network Mapping
= Process of making NetMaps
Why are Networks important?
• It makes dreams into reality
• It is both a resource base and power base
for any cause and advocacy
• No man is an island-thus, relations with
other human beings is an essential part of
our lives.
Concept of Time and Space in the
Network Society
Today, virtual networks become a
fundamental fabric of our reality. The
proliferation of the use of social networking
sites is a perfect example of this.
• Connections made via sites such as
Facebook and Twitter are valid connections,
despite being separated by space and time.
• A person from Asia can comment to the post
of a person from Europe about his/her day.
• Pictures can be posted, which one can like,
love, laugh at, etc. – all while facing the
computer/Ipad/phone screen.
Points to Ponder
1. A network is an association of individuals having a
common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance,
information, and the like. It is an organized, interrelated,
and interlocking system.
2. Networks are the concretization and evidence of
relations. It is both a resource base and a power base.
3. Networks can be visualized through Network Mapping.
4. Global development is a mark of the rise of the network
society. Everyone has a stake in this society, including
Responding to Local
and Global Issues
through Networks
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Climate Change
• a broad range of changes happening to
our planet
Climate change roots from global
warming, which in turn is caused mainly by
the burning of fossil fuels, resulting in the
release of heat-trapping gases into the air.
Just like a greenhouse, these gasses get
trapped into the earth’s surface, thereby
earning the name “greenhouse gasses.”
Is Climate Change natural or
What can Networks do?
NASA asserts that responding to
climate change will require a two-tiered
approach: mitigation and adaptation.
Mitigation means the reduction of the flow of
greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere,
while adaptation means learning to live with
climate change.
There is a myriad of ways on how to respond to
climate change through mitigation and adaptation. Here
are some possible recommendations using networks:

1. The international community composed of states and

non-state such as NGOs, private organizations, and the
like, can coordinate a response through forging policies
and agreements. Avenues such as the United Nations,
ASEAN, and various international meetings may serve
as platforms to make this possible.
2. Within states, governments can mobilize
their ministries/departments, in coordination
with their lawmakers, to make laws and
policies that will mitigate carbon emissions
or institute cleaner emissions. Government
can also negotiate with private companies,
especially those directly concerned with
carbon emissions, on how to mitigate the
said emissions.
3. Concerned citizens can stage awareness
measures on climate change and its possible
effects and impacts to make the general public
know of the phenomenon.

4. Direct administrators such as barangay

captains can start with their barangays
improvements on how energy is used, so as to
reduce and also adapt to the current situation.
Instructions: on a ½ sheet of paper, how can
you mitigate or adapt climate change?

Consider these:

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