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Welcome to class!

 In this lesson you will learn to use Connectors

to join 2 sentences.
• What are your favorite foods?
• Name 2 foods you don’t like? Why don’t you like
• What did you eat today?
Did you use any of these connectors?
So many connectors

Let's look at each of these functions.

•ADDITION – and, plus, furthermore, moreover, in

addition, also, as well as.

•TIME – when, while, as, as soon as.

•SEQUENCE – then, after, afterwards, next, firstly,

secondly, finally.

•CONTRAST – but, however, though,

although, nevertheless, despite, whereas, while.
What comes next?
How do you make spaghetti?

1 2 5

6 9
I’m hungry

I am hungry put I don’t have money for fast food. I really want a pizza! My
mom when shopping for groceries yesterday. I think we have all the ingredients.
I just need the recipe.
 Student A you are an excellent chef. Please give student A complete
instructions on how to make a pizza.
 Student B you do not know how to cook. You have so many questions.

First gather all

your ingredients. Do I need 2 or 3


• You now know how to use sequence connectors to give directions.

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