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Defenition Symptoms Prevention Complementary

1. Defenition

Coughing is the most efficient defense mechanism in cleaning the respiratory tract which
aims to eliminate mucus.

cough mechanism can be divided into four phases, namely:

The irritation Expiratory

phase phase


Colds are conditions that occur in a person when a person complains of nasal
congestion or runny nose

Colds Risk Factors

1. Children aged <6 years

2. People with poor immune systems,
3. Smoking habit.
4. Living in an environment where many people have
5. Lack of sleep, because it can weaken the immune
2. Symptoms and causes


Common symptoms of stones are:

1) Fever
2) Shivering
3) Pain in the body
4) Sore throat
5) Nausea or vomiting
6) Headaches
7) Night sweats
8) Runny nose

The causes of cough include:

a. Long-term recurring diseases
b. Liquid from the nose that drips down the throat
c. Smoking or using tobacco in other ways
Causes and symptoms of colds

• Viral infection, the virus attacks the nose, sinuses, or throat.

• Bacterial infection.
• Allergies, exposed to substances that trigger allergies such as dust or animal dander.
• Drug side effects.

Cold Symptoms
• Headache.
• Reduced sense of smell and taste.
• Swallowing pain.
• Itching in the throat.
• Pain in the face.

 Avoiding cigarette smoke and other pollutants Toxic chemicals are abundant in a
cigarette that can damage organs, especially the lungs.
 In addition, other pollutants such as smoke burning garbage, motor vehicle fumes
and other types of smoke can also cause coughing.
 Avoid sweet, cold, and oil-containing (fried) foods

• Flu vaccination once a year.
• Eat clean and healthy food.
• Exercise regularly to keep your body fit.
• Not close to other people who have colds.
• Do not share food and drinks from the same cutlery with other people
who have colds.
• Always be hygienic by washing your hands especially before eating
4.Complementary Cough, runny nose

1. Pharmacology
a) Synthetic medicine
Bromhringer HCL (Biosolvon Tablet)
Indications: For cough with phlegm, cough caused by flu, cough due to asthma and acute or
chronic bronchitis
Side effects: Occasional side effects occur in the respiratory tract. Very rarely: redness of
the skin due to allergies
Usefulness: Works by diluting the secretions in the respiratory tract by removing
mucoprotein and mucopolysaccharide fibers that can be sputum sputum so it is easier to
Interaksi:Pemberian bersama dengan antibiotika (amoksilin,sefuroksim,doksisiklin)akan
meningkatkan konsentrasi antibiotika pada jaringan paru
Kontraindikasi : Penderita yang hipersensitif terhadap bromhexine HCL
Ambroxol (epexol)
Ingredients: Each epexol package contains the active substance (generic name) as
Indications: The use of epexol (ambroxol) is for the following conditions :
• As a medication for diseases of the respiratory
• This drug is also used to reduce pain in the thrust

Counter indication:
• Do not use this drug for patients who have a history of
allergy to ambroxol
• Patients suffering from gastric ulcers using this drug must be
done with caution
Dextromethorphan HBr (Konidin)

Indications: To relieve cough

Usefulness: Works as an institution, provider and antihistamine
Contra indications: Patients who are hypersensitive to the components of this drug
Side effects: Drowsiness, indigestion, headache, insomnia, excitation, tremor, tachycardia,
arrhythmia, dry mouth, palpitations, difficulty urinating
Drug Interactions: CNS stimulation and severe respiratory depression can occur with
concomitant administration of MAO
b).Modern herbal medicine
1).Woods ’

Helps relieve cough with phlegm How to use :
• 2-5 years: 2.5 ml, 3 times a day
• 6-12 years: 5 ml, 3 times a day

2). Silex

Indications: Can help relieve cough with phlegm and help

relieve throat and colds How to use :
• Adults: 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 3-4 times a day
• Children: 1 teaspoon (5ml) 3-4 kasli a day
2. Non-Farmalogy

you wantOr you can use traditional medicine as follows:

a. Squeeze lime juice and take the water and then it has 1 cup hot water (60cc) + a
little betel lime and drink 2x a day 1 tablespoon
b. Take 15 crushed clove seeds, split the oranges into 2 then all the ingredients are
put into a panic and boil until half the water is just removed. Used 3 times a day.
Once a drink 3-4 tablespoons
c. Plant name: Garlic Species: Allium sativum L
Benefits: Treat coughs, colds and influenza Usage: 1
wash garlic and mashed wrap and then put it in panic
with 300 ml water or 1 half cup of boiled tea so that it
boils over low heat for 20 minutes
d. jahe
Plant name: Ginger Species: Zingiber officinale
Ingredients: Starch, dammar, oleo resin, gingerin.
Essential oils containing zingeron, zingiberol, zingiberin,
bornrol, camphor, cineol and felandren Benefits: Ginger
contains banti-bacterial substances that are good for
the body. Usage: How to make it is very simple by
ginger grimacing


Plant name: Carambola Wuluh

Species: Averrhoa Bilimbi L
Usefulness: Treat cough, whooping cough, mumps,
gout, thrush, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, fever,
inflammation of the intestinal axis, stomach ache,
mumps, ulcers, eliminate acne and treat rashes
Usage: 6-8 star fruit wuluh plus rock sugar and
enough water boiled until the cooking water is
finished. So that it resembles sweets, eaten 2 times a

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