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Performance and Goals


Purpose 2

 To align company and employee goals
 Set S.M.A.R.T goals as a group and as individuals
 (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely)
 Update employee efforts
 Assessment of performance from employees and management
Benefit to Company 3

 Short-Term
 Improve day to day efforts
 Track progress of employees and collect feedback on how to improve
 Improve employee engagement

 Long-Term
 Develop and meet company goals
 Improve employee retention
 Improves relationship between company, managers and employees
 Improve company performance and improve profitability
Benefit to Employees 4

 Short Term
 Improve day to day efforts
 Engage in performance assessment to review progress
 Employees have a voice and can give feedback to improve work and company

 Long Term
 Meet long term goals
 Develop employee skills
 Seek new opportunities
 Improve employee retention and engagement
Negatives 5

 Time consuming
 Meetings with all employees
 Training for employees
 Conflict if employee goals are not aligned with company
 One-on-one and feedback may be discouraging
 Targets and singles out bottom performers
Interrelations 6

 Performance goals is in direct relations with
 Succession Planning
 Evaluating employees and tracking their progress and success
 Learning
 Employees that have engaged learning will result in better performance
 Indirectly:
 Recruitment:
 Hiring employees that meet the criteria and have aligned goals with company
Is it worth it? 7

 Yes
 Allows for improvement and skill development
 Better quality reviews
 Consistent communication between employees, managers and company through feedback
 Identify top performers
 Improving employee retention
 Employees can plan for evolvement in company or promotion opportunity through goal
 Employees and managers stay focused on reaching personal goals while aligning with
company goals
 Provides strategies to coach and evaluate employees
Conclusion 8

 Performance development allows for employees and the company to align goals
and objectives
 Employees feel supported and engaged through development
 Improve employee retention
 Communication between employees, management and company
 Employees and company are goal focused allowing business to evolve
 Provides strategies to coach employees and recognize talent

Company would benefit from the Performance Goals Module

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