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The Enlightenment of Europe in the Philippines

16 to 17th Century
• Exploration. A period of expansion for Western colonizers for Spain and
Portugal that produced the likes of Christopher Columbus, Vasco de
Gama, Bartholomew Diaz and Ferdinand Magellan in quest of gold,
evangelization and power.
• Reformation of the Protestants and the
Counter-Reformation of the Catholics.
• The Scientific Revolution and the rise of Copernicus, Gallileo and
Newton. The Renaissance, the revival of the arts and humanities
rediscovering the knowledge of the Greeks and the Roman. It was the
rise of masters Michelangelo and Leonardo de Vinci.
18 th century
• Enlightenment
• The Rights for Women

• Growth of Literacy and Reading. The age for the printing press
• The rise of modern philosophers like John Locke, writers and artists
• Discussions on life, liberty and equality
• Promotes progress, secularization and individualism
• Society became anti divine right, favored the separation of church and
state, and the proliferation of social classes
• The emancipation of black slaves in the United States by President
19th century
• 1821. Mexican independence from Spain
resulting to loss of trade in the Pacific.
• 1834. Opening of the Philippines to World Trade by Spain. Natives
started to engage in trade. More Chinese migration to the country.
• Influx of European influence. The Enlightenment reached the Indios.
• Education of the Natives like Burgos, del Pilar, etc.
• The rise of the educated middle class the

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