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 Facilitates learning job-related competencies, knowledge, skills & behaviour. 
 Why is it important to Systemically design training?

 Systematic approach to training provides a logical progression from the identification of the
tasks required to perform a job to the implementation and evaluation of training.

 This is a well-structured and logical model for designing effective training, serving as a
theoretical and practical guide for professionals concerned.
 It ensures the training program supports the organization's needs for human performance; also, people are prepared
and capable to do their jobs.

 SAT uses constant evaluation of the training program to ensure it is meeting the needs of trainees and training is
delivered properly.

 SAT is always a combined effort between trainers and experts from operating line organizations. They determine the
knowledge, skill, and attitudes that must be mastered and the standards to be judged against.

 Through the use of the systematic approach to training, individual units within organizations ensure that important
topics and skills are identified, proper learning methods are used, training material is useful , and that trainees can
perform work as expected when they are assigned to work.
 What are the limitations of the ISD and ADDIE models?
 What should you do in practice?
 ISD or ADDIE may be defined as the systematic and iterative method for creating learning experience
that develop and enhance skills and knowledge.

 In the past, ISD or ADDIE was often referred to as a Systems Approach to Training

 ISD can be thought of as a roadmap that helps to ensure the learners and their organization achieve
their learning and performance goals through formal, non-formal, and informal environments.

 On the other hand ADDIE provides a means for sound decision making in order to determine the who,
what, when, where, why, and how of a learning program.
Why ISD?
 The concept of a system approach is based on obtaining an overall view of the learning process. It is
characterized by an orderly process for gathering and analyzing collective and individual performance
requirements, and the ability to respond to identified learning and training needs. The application of a
systems approach insures that learning programs and the required support materials are continually
developed in an effective and efficient manner to match the variety of needs in a rapidly changing

 When some people see or hear the word “system”, they often think of mega-methodologies that require
several bookcases and intense training to use. ISD is not that difficult or complicated. The ISD model
was designed to solve human performance problems related to learning or training

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