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Culture Awareness

Alyce Molnar
Today we are going to Discuss:

What is culture identity?

Why is it important to understand our students’ cultural

identity and backgrounds?

How can we incorporate practices to meet varying

cultures and SES needs for our students?

What is cultural
Discuss with your group what cultural identity
means to you.

Culture Identity
The Oxford References defines culture identify as “the definition of
groups or individuals (by themselves or others) in terms of cultural or
subcultural categories (including ethnicity, nationality, language, religion,
and gender). In stereotyping, this is framed in terms of difference or

Additionally, the Communication Theory (2014) states, “Cultural identity is

the constantly shifting understanding of one’s identity in relation to

What is YOUR
cultural identity?
On a post-it note, write down what your own
cultural identity is. Share with your group.

Why is it important to understand our students’ cultural
identity and backgrounds?
Watch this video and discuss with your group why you think it is important to know our students’
backgrounds and cultural identity.

Why is it Important?
Understanding your students’ backgrounds and culture identity helps
create a community in the classroom where each student feels like they
After watching this video and hearing the students admit that
sometimes they wish they were “more white” made me realize these
students were not confident in who they were. As educators,
understanding where a student comes from and their cultural
background allows for open conversations in the classroom about
different cultures and allows the students to celebrate each other's
differences starting at a young age.
As students grow older, they will be able to have more acceptance of
themselves and their peers by understanding one anothers background
and cultures.

How can we incorporate practices to
meet the various cultural and SES
On a post-it note, of
down astudents?
way you may already
be doing this in your classroom.

Get to know your students
Getting to know each student will
At the beginning of the year, have students and families fill out
ensure that cultural awareness is
questionnaires that share information about their
promoted in the classroom. As cultural backgrounds and traditions, parents’ occupations, and
educators, it is important that we student’s interests.
take the time to learn about our
Have students create an “All About Me” activity. This allows
students’ backgrounds, traditions,
students to share all about them in their own way. This can be
hobbies, and learning styles. This shared with just the teacher, or with the other students as well.
will help create a bond with your
students and allow you to plan your
During your morning meeting, do a “Question of the day.” This
curriculum and instruction. allows the teacher and other students to learn more about each

Make time to do weekly check-ins with your students. This will

allow students one on one time with their teacher to discuss
anything they need to.

Connect with families
Just like it is important to know your students,
Work with families to discover more about their
it is also important to connect with their
backgrounds and cultures. This not only helps
families. Creating a relationship with the
build a relationship, but also helps the teacher
students’ families allows for the teacher not
understand first hand the backgrounds of their
only to have a better understanding of their
students, but also allows the families to have a
better understanding of what is going on in the

Create a positive way to interact with families.

This can be done by using a weekly newsletter or
a form of online communication (via email,
Seesaw, ClassDojo, etc.). Keeping in mind the
families resources and what may be the best
form of communication.

Culture Responsive Teaching
Understood (2021) defines CRT as “a research-based approach that makes
meaningful connections between what students learn in school and their cultures,
languages, and life experiences.”

CRT helps students feel valued in the class because they can see themselves
represented in the curriculum. This helps create an environment that reflects all the
diversities and backgrounds of all of the students in the classroom. By doing this, you
raise the level of academic rigor for all of your students.

CRT gives all students and even the teacher a chance to learn from an inclusive
curriculum. Including everyone’s culture and backgrounds in the curriculum allows
EVERYONE to understand different perspectives and appreciate one another.

Ways to encourage these practices beyond
the classroom

Student clubs Libraries

Work with local libraries and outside sources to
Promote student clubs that celebrate differences. provide reading materials that represent
This will allow for students to learn more about different cultures and backgrounds to the
different cultures, backgrounds, and hobbies. community and schools.

culture related events Involved with the

Attending and sharing opportunities of multicultural
events going on in the area will allow other students Community
and their families to learn about other possible
Getting involved with the community will help
backgrounds and cultures outside of their own.
teachers, parents, students and other community
members to work together outside of school.

Cultural Identity Theory. (2014, September 8). Communication Theory.


IHS-Knight TV. (2018, May 30). Cultural Identity Documentary [Video]. YouTube.


Oxford Reference. (n.d.). cultural identity. Retrieved April 11, 2021, from

Understood, E. T. A. U. A. (2021, April 1). Culturally responsive teaching: What you need to know. Understood.



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