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The look at the dimond

'Ah' its the dimond

But 'bu' wait what is this it’s a diary it says ‘mystery forest'. laya this is
ur father’s book u must not
Read others book ,but I am curious to read it mom 'k u can ask ur father
tomorrow and read it now u got to bed '. Dad I want to ask u something
'u can ask me dear ' dad hears ur diary I once ant to read it ' ' see my
darling that after u find another 2 diamonds u should read this book
and when u have a trouble in the Arabian castle. I promise to keep ur
talk dad 'that’s like me darling' .
Found it
• 'Laya' its me ur brother 'my little brother lons
• See I ve to go on a trip do go to ronny auntys house k 'bye'
• 'Ah' must go to find for camping , laya started collecting sticks for camping 'ah'
I found another diamond that means in this hill there are diamonds I must
find the other 1 diamond yes I will go for it
• 'Och' its so cold out here ah now let me put
• My tent and sleep . 'Och' what is it which fell
• On top of my tent
• 'Oh ' it’s a diamond yes finally I can read the book now .
Read the book
I was a little boy my name is lane . I went for camping for a forest very far away I was the
prince of the Arabian castle the Arabian castle had a power which would always safe the
castle it was got from the Queen of diamond
For the sake of the kingdom but the evil king of forest stole our power till now no one dare to
go there bcz it is full of evil people .
We always tried to return the power back to
The queen of diamond because of the power
Evil king tried to take it , finally it was success full. there is one diamond with me but
Another two diamonds was in the mystery place no one knew the place , if we find the two
diamonds we can entry the evil forest
And try to defeat the evil king and try to
Return the power back to the queen
Laya went to the sprite
So my father wrote the book alright so now what I should do is to defeat
the evil king yes but the matter is how will I defeat the
Evil king I don’t have any power Then the
sky replied the 3 diamonds are the powers
U can use them but remember to keep the diamond safe . Hmm … I think I
ve heard this voice somewhere anyways let me go …
Laya went to the door of the forest help of the 1st diamond and then she
wished to use the 2nd diamond and then again the sky replied u can put
the body of the evil kings wife and ask to give her the power .
Tried to take the power
laya did like the sky said she locked the evil
Kings wife and she went to the king and she said ' I am feeling to go
somewhere trip with my frends so I thought I will take the power and
go for my safety ' ' k dear but be careful
I cant give the power like that I must do fasting for 10 days so till then
pls. wait my dear ' k said laya ' after 10 days the king gave
The power and then laya was success full
She went back to her kingdom .
Plan for the battle
Laya did fasting for 10 days and called queen of the diamonds she
returned her power back
The queen said we ve to do a battle and kill the evil king other wise he
will trouble everyone take these powers and tomorrow we will do
battle said the queen laya had the diamond powers .it was morning
laya was ready for the battle she went and said the king how he was
trapped and called him for the battle.
The battle
The battle started evil king and laya had equal powers no body won
nobody lost
But then the evil kings son went towards
Laya because he noticed that it was his fathers mistake and then the
king felt bad and he got to know his mistake and he asked sorry to
queen of diamonds but he said his last wish to laya that the power is
nothing else its ur own mother .
Layas mother is back
Laya was shocked herring to the secrete but then she said mother was
the power I cant believe it then she asked the power that mother why
did u not support me u had to not safe the evil king the power replied I
wanted u to learn how to save the kingdom .
Laya became the queen and ruled the kingdom .

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