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Yuan T Lee

By: Logan Manalo

Yuan T Lee's Contributions to Chemical
Reaction Dynamics

• Yuan T Lee further developed Herschbach's invention of the "Cross molecular

beam technique" 
• This technique he helped further develop is where "beams of molecules are
brought together at supersonic speeds under controlled conditions to allow
detailed observation of the events that occur during chemical reactions."
• Lee introduced mass spectroscopy to identify the products resulting from the
reactions of oxygen and fluorine atoms with complex organic compounds. 
Yuan Lee how his research influenced future
use of his findings

• Yuan Lee's research started organizations that focused on sustainability for

countries and for energy.
• His research was used by many scientist to find how certain chemical reactions
occur and which ones were good and which ones were bad.
• His research and work is used to help clean the world of nasty chemicals
messing with and hurting nature.
Lee's background that led him to make his

• Lee accepted a job as an assistant professor at the James Franck Institute of the
University of Chicago in October 1968
• In 1974, he returned to Berkeley as professor of chemistry and principal
investigator at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory of the University of California.
• He now has seven very sophisticated molecular beams apparati which were
specially designed to pursue problems associated with reaction dynamics,
photochemical processes, and molecular spectroscopy.

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