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A Review on Nuclear Chemistry

Article · April 2020

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1 author:

Reuben Ajene Ikape

American University of Nigeria


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A Review on Nuclear Chemistry





Worldwide, over eight countries generate more than half of their power from nuclear sources. In
order to generate power from nuclear sources, you must have an extensive knowledge of nuclear
chemistry. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview on nuclear chemistry.
Nuclear chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with radioactivity and all radioactive
processes. Radioactivity is the major aspect of nuclear chemistry. However, different articles on
nuclear chemistry have failed to give an extensive overview on how nuclear chemistry is
dependent on radioactivity. To address this issue, this paper would cover the history, the main
areas, and the different applications of nuclear chemistry


Most advance branches of chemistry including nuclear chemistry, have a broad background
history. Nuclear activity was first discovered in the year 1895. This discovery was made by a
German physicist called Wilhelm Rontgen. His observation was based on how electrons react
when they come in contact with a surface. He found that when electrons hit the surface of a glass
material or object, the glass surface reacts by radiating visible light. This type of radiation is
called X – ray. The discovery of X – rays showed how radiation occurs. However, the discovery
of X – rays was not evidence of radioactivity. Henri Becquerel, a French physicist continued to
investigate on the possibility of some elements to radiate X – rays when they are placed under
the sun (Gregory R. Choppin, 2002). Becquerel used the element uranium to carry out his
experiment. He found that when certain radioactive element such as uranium is placed under the
sun, they emit particles with some amount of energy. This process is called spontaneous
radioactivity. Becquerel discovery of spontaneous radioactivity provided the evidence of
radioactivity in certain elements. For this reason, the standard unit (S.I) for radioactivity is
Becquerel (Bq). Becquerel discovery and conclusion is significant in nuclear chemistry because
radioactivity is the basis of nuclear chemistry.

To show that radioactivity is the basis of nuclear chemistry, nuclear chemistry can be deduced
like this; Nuclear chemistry deals with nuclear activities, nuclear activities in turn deals with
radioactive elements, and radioactive elements undergo radioactivity. Radioactivity is a process
that involves radioactive elements. These radioactive elements are elements with an unstable

nucleus in their atom. Radioactive elements have an unstable nucleus because of the size of their
nuclei. A specific radioactive element can have different sizes of nucleus. This phenomenal is
referred to as isotope. Isotopes are elements that have the same mass number but a different
atomic number. All radioactive elements have relatively large nuclei with different isotopes. For
these radioactive elements to be more stable, the large nuclei can undergo a decaying process
that reduces the size of their nuclei. This decay process is accompanied with the release of a
large amount of energy. There are three types of decay radioactive elements can undergo. They
are alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay. The amount of time it takes for a radioactive
element to decay to half of its mass is known as half-life. The half-life of radioactive elements
differs with the stability of their isotope. Examples of radioactive elements and their respective
half-life are Technetium, 4.21 x 106 years; Promethium, 17.4 years; Polonium, 102 years;
Astatine, 8.1 hours; Radon, 3.82 days; Francium, 22 minutes; Radium, 1600 years; Actinium, 77
years; Thorium, 7.54 x 104 years; Protactinium, 3.28 x 104 years; and Uranium, 2.34 x 107 years
(Helmenstine, 2017). All the listed elements are radioactive and they have the ability to decay.
Therefore, radioactivity can be defined as the spontaneous decay of radioactive elements
accompanied with the release of energy (L'Annunziata, 2007).

Apart from radioactivity, there are various areas of nuclear chemistry. Other main areas of
nuclear chemistry include the following, Radiation chemistry, Chemistry for nuclear power, and
Absorption of radiation on surfaces. Radiation chemistry is the aspect of nuclear chemistry that
deals with how radiations from radioactive elements affect other matter and their surroundings.
Chemistry for nuclear power is the aspect of nuclear chemistry that deals with the use of
radioactive element to generate power. This aspect of nuclear chemistry covers from the
excavation of the radioactive element ore to the disposal of radioactive waste after power
generation. Absorption of radiation on surfaces is the aspect that deals with the effect of radiation
on various types of surfaces. This aspect of nuclear chemistry is important in the construction of
nuclear plants and nuclear waste disposal structures.

Applications in Power Generation:

Nuclear chemistry can be used for power generation. Usually, power is generated when steam
water turns a turbine in a power plant. However, for water to get to its steam state, an external
energy source is needed to raise the temperature of water. A coal power plant would make use of

the energy available in coal to raise the temperature of water. Similarly, a nuclear power plant
makes use of the energy available in radioactive elements for power generation.

A nuclear power plant is where power generation with radioactive elements occurs. In a nuclear
power plant, radioactive elements undergo a process called nuclear fission to increase the
temperature of water. Nuclear fission is a decaying process that involves the splitting of the
nucleus of an atom into smaller particles. This process occurs in the nuclear reactor. The
radioactive element usually used in nuclear plants is uranium. Palettes of uranium are usually
placed in a different tubes and this bundle of tubes is then put in the reactor containing water. As
nuclear fission occurs there is a release of energy in form of heat. This heat energy increases the
temperature of the water in the reactor. At 1000C, the water begins to transform to steam. This
steam is the driving force of the turbines in a nuclear plant. As the turbines turn, electricity is
generated (Nuclear Energy Institute).

Applications in Biological Research:

Most times, a biological research deals with observing a phenomenon in living organisms.
Usually, to observe these phenomena researchers would have to dissect a subject to physically
see the system. Some systems in living organisms cannot to be observed with this method of
dissecting because of the delegate nature of the organs in the system or the complexity of the
system. In order to carry out such observations in living organisms, researchers must use their
knowledge of nuclear chemistry. A computer tomographic scan can be used to observe most
phenomena in living organisms. The computer tomographic scan is based on the principles of
nuclear chemistry. It makes use of the x-ray particles to form a detailed images of the organs
needed for observation. This is helpful in presenting the result of your research. With the help of
a computer tomographic scan, researches can have images to support their hypothesis (Chemistry
Libretexts, 2017).

Biological Effects of Radiation:

Often times, when the effect of radiation is the topic, the disease cancer is the next word to
follow. Although radiation causes cancer, there are positive and negative effects of radiation on
living organisms. All living organism contain a nucleus in their cells. This nucleus house the
materials needed for heredity. The basic unit of heredity is genes and genes house deoxy ribo

nucleic acid (DNA). The DNA codes for the different proteins in living organisms. They are
made up of codes or instructions for the synthesis of specific proteins. When a living organism is
exposed to radiation, it has a mutating effect on the DNA of that living organism. Mutation is the
sudden change in the structure of a DNA sequence. When this change occurs within the DNA
sequence, the instruction or code contained in the DNA sequence is changed consequently, the
protein being synthesized is also changed. This change in the protein synthesis leads to the
abnormal outgrowth of organs in the body. This abnormal growth is referred to as cancer thus the
negative effect of radiation.

Individuals with cancer usually undergo a process called radiation therapy to kill cancerous cells
in their body. This is a positive effect of radiation in living organisms. The process of radiation
therapy involves the targeting of specific cells with radiation. The purpose of exposing affected
cells to the radiation is to kill or slow down the rate of spreading of the cancerous cell. X-rays
and gamma rays are used for the purpose of radiation therapy. These radiation particles attack
cancerous cells by attacking the DNA that codes for the affected cell (National Cancer Institute ).


Nuclear chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with all the processes of radioactivity.
Radioactivity is the basis of nuclear chemistry. It is the decay of radioactive elements. Nuclear
chemistry can be applied in different professional fields. For example, the knowledge of nuclear
chemistry is used to generate power, for biological researches, and to identify the effects of
radiation on living organisms. Although the applications of nuclear chemistry are advantageous
it is, however, difficult to manage. This is because there are a lot of safety requirements to meet
before nuclear chemistry can be used.

Works Cited

Chemistry Libretexts. (2017, October 2nd). Application: Radiation in Biology and Medicine. Retrieved

November 19, 2017, from Chemistry Libretexts:


Gregory R. Choppin, J.-O. L. (2002). Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry (3rd ed.). Butterworth-


Helmenstine, T. (2017, July 05). List of Radioactive Elements. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from


L'Annunziata, M. F. (2007). Radioactivity: Introduction and History (1st ed.). Elsevier B.V.

National Cancer Institute . (n.d.). Radiation Therapy for Cancer. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from

National Cancer Institute :


Nuclear Energy Institute. (n.d.). How Nuclear Reactors Work. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from NEI

Nuclear Energy Institute:

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