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Summary Writing

• It should be in the form of paragraph.

• It begins with the introductory sentences i.e. text’s title, author and
the main point of the text.
• It is written in your own words.
• It contains only the ideas of original text.
How to Write a Summary
• Read the essay or text for second time.
• Put the text away before you begin to write a summary.
• Include essay’s article and author’s name etc.
• Omit most details.
• Include all important highlights and details.
• Do not include your opinion and evaluations.
• The summary should be thorough, fair, objective restatement of original.
• Compare your summary with original.
• You can add any thing obvious that you previously omitted.
• Make sure that you don’t copy so closely to original text.
Solid Summary
• 3 to 5 lines long.
• Include WHO, WHAT and Major Achievements.
• Make sure you answer following questions:
1. Who is involved
2. What happened
3. Where did it happen?
4. When did it happen?
5. Why did it happen?
A Good Summary Should be:
Isolate(identify) all the original points in the original passage.
Include all the points that are essential to author’s thesis.

Summary should be considerably short than author’s original writing.

It should not sound like a list of sentences that are strung together in
paragraph or essay form.

Do not imitate(copy) author.
Use your own words.
Your summary should be your interpretation of writers points.
Do not introduce your ideas and comments.
Daffodils (William Words Worth)
I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Summary of stanza 1
The beauty of the daffodils lifted his mind and his spirit. His
imagination and his poetic instincts came to the fore. He could see
himself as a cloud floating past the golden-coloured daffodils on
the ground where some trees stood beside a lake.

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