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Samsung Galaxy 9+

Accessibility Features
Where are my phone’s accessibility features?

Just go to Settings, and scroll down to Accessibility!

Click here
Choose the option that best fits your needs.

The Galaxy S9+ has great features for those who need
accommodations that will assist them in using it. There is a
screen reader, visibility enhancements, hearing
enhancements, interaction and dexterity features, and in
advanced settings you can find Bixby.
Click here!
Screen Reader
To see this

Screen reader is a great option for not

only the visually impaired, but also for
struggling readers. The following slide
shows what is in the settings option.
Screen Reader Settings

Within the settings option, users can

customize their Screen Reader with options
such as text to speech, vibration feedback,
muting, and enhanced focus to name a
Visibility Enhancements

For Visibility Enhancements, users

have the ability to change the color
and contrast of their screens to help
view their phone screens. Contrasted
keyboard, color adjustments, high
contrast fonts and be of great
Hearing Enhancements

For the hearing impaired, the Galaxy S9+

has the capability to connect to bluetooth
hearing aids, transcribe live speech, and
caption media. It can also alert the user
when it hears the doorbell or baby crying.
Bixby Vision
Bixby vision, Samsung’s counter to Apple’s Siri, has the ability to
identify objects around the user, read aloud texts, and identify

Click here
Bixby Vision

Bixby Options

How to find Bixby

Click here
Phone Companion
My favorite feature is Your Phone Companion.
This feature allows for a Galaxy phone to connect
to a laptop. Using bluetooth and an internet
connection, your phone activity can appear on
your laptop screen in real time. When connected
here via bluetooth, you can make phone calls. Your
phone does the dialling and connecting but the
audio will come through your computer. To access
Your Phone Companion, go to settings, apps, Your
Phone Companion.
Phone Companion
Now that you have your phone ready
to connect, you must next prepare your
computer. Go to the Start menu on
your computer and find Your Phone.
Click here

Choose your need!

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