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Group presentation on

Apple Inc.
by group: 08 sec: 02

Course Title: Principles of Management

Course ID: MGT 201
Instructor: Ms. Farzana Chowdhury
1920794 1930456


1920601 1921822


1930836 1931230

APPLE INC. Executive summary
Company overview
Mission & Vision
External Environment
SWOT Analysis

Executive summary

This presentation is mainly about Apple Inc. It provides a

complete guideline with data and researched information
regarding the company. Then the project contains research
methods, company overview of the organization . The main
components of the organizational analysis are the
assessment of external factors that can affect the
performance of the organisation, and a strategic evaluation
of the own resources and potential of the organization.
Internal strengths and weaknesses together with
external opportunities and threats are the key to the
success of an organization.
Apple, founded in April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and
Ronald Wayne, is an American technology company. The company
was established in 1977 and was one of the first manufacturers of
graphical user interfaced personal computers. Different sectors
such as mobile communication devices, digital music players,
notebooks and portables have become part of the company
throughout all the years. It also develops and markets a range of
related solutions for software and services, accessories, and
networking. Timothy Donald Cook, commonly known as Tim Cook,
is currently CEO of the company.

Company Overview APPLE INC.

Apple's mission statement is “ to
bring the best user experience to its
customers through its innovative
hardware, software, and services."

Apple's vision statement is “We
believe that we are on the face of the
earth to make great products and
that’s not changing."
External Environment


The nonspecific elements of the Those constituencies that have a
organization's surroundings direct and immediate impact on
that might affect its activities. managers’ decisions and actions
APPLE INC. In apple’s, there are many possibilities presented by the most
important political forces. Improving trade policy and too
stagnant politics in developing countries are the most
significant political external drivers for Apple, all of which are
opportunities for the company.

Companies like Apple analyze economic factors depending on
their environment in order to develop new plans that will fall
in line as the economy changes.

General SOCIAL
Apple studies socioeconomic implications, social lifestyles,

Environmen gender, and related demographics, and domestic systems to

help appreciate the competition and absorb it better.

Since technology is continually evolving,
companies like Apple must keep up with these
developments and be able to integrate as

Apple is now addressing the potential to
preserve corporate efficiency through recycling
and similar programs.

Legislative changes that arise from time to
time can have an effect on the corporate


Specific Suppliers

t Competitors

Pressure groups
Stakeholders of
Apple Inc.
A stakeholder is any constitutes in the organization
environment that is affected by organization
decisions and actions. Customer, Competitors,
Government, Media, Suppliers, Shareholders,
Employees, Investors these are the stakeholders of
apple inc.
Con su me rs Wi t ho ut c ust ome rs , the compan y
can no t surv i v e s o in almo st all
Employees The emplo y ee s ar e t he one s w ho
create and deli v e r the p r od u c ts
s i tu a t ion s the c ust ome r need s that the c ust ome r con su me s . If
ha ve to come fi rst . Apple al w a ys the o r gani z a t ion can no t choo s e
tr ie s to gi ve offe r good p r od u c ts eno u gh s kill emplo y ee o r the
and good v al u e fo r mone y . compan y lo s e s o r an t agoni ze t hei r
be st emplo y ee s t hen t he
c ust ome r s e rv ice w ill su ffe r .

Supplie rs In v est o rs
E v e ry compan y ' s goal i s to
Apple tr ie s to s a t i s f y in v e st o rs
ma x imi z e i ts p r ofi t . If the
w i t h e x cep t ional financial
compan y w an t ’ s to make a p r ofi t
pe r fo r mance b y ma x imi z ing the
t he y need highe r s ale s a s m u ch a s
r e tur n s on t hei r in v e st men t .
t he y can and fo r that s ell s
In v e st o rs are the mo st impo rt an t
compan y need s to find s ome good
st akeholde rs and de t e r minan ts of
su pplie r ’ s .
co r po ra te s ocial r e s pon s ibili ty
p r og r am s in b us ine ss .
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning methodology that was developed
at Stanford in the 1970s. The acronym SWOT stands for Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and it is a formal preparation
process for evaluating those four elements of a company, task, or
business venture. A SWOT analysis is a basic yet effective method for
optimizing an organization's strengths, strengthening its weakness,
managing risk, and maximizing opportunities.
Strengths Weaknesses
Brand Value High Price
Huge Amount of loyal Incompatibility with
customers alternative Systems
Top Technology Defect in merchandise
Brand Of Choice Incompatibility With
Proficient Research different software
Business Expansion systems

Opportunities Threats
Consistent client Growth Coronavirus Outbreak
Qualified Professionals Supply Chain Disruption
Use of artificial intelligence IncrIncreased Competition
Expand Distribution Rising Labor costs in
Network different Countrieseased
Apple electric automobile Competition
Compe t iti v e advantage i s a capabili ty o r ci r c u m st ance that
enable s a co r po r a t ion to earn highe r than average p r ofi ts in a
pa rt ic u la r ind ustry
B us ine ss Strategy Pricing Strategy
The business strategy of Apple builds on its Apple has managed to generate demand for its
unparalleled ability to develop and construct products and enable it to control its prices by
operating systems, hardware, application differentiating products, innovative advertising,
software, and services to deliver superior brand loyalty, and hype when new products are
usability, efficient integration, and innovative being launched.
design to its customers' new products and
Vertical Integration S u ppl y Chain Anal ys is
Apple's vertical integration has Products and components of Apple have been
provided a competitive advantage, produced worldwide by numerous suppliers.
because it has chip producers, controls Apple has constructed a closed ecosystem
manufacturing, and operates in a that controls almost every business in the
virtually closed ecosystem of supply chain, from the design to the retail
proprietary retail stores, complies with sector.
very strict software standards.
Although Apple is a relative newcomer
to the consumer electronics sector, it
has revolutionized the field completely
through innovation and fearless
experimentation. They still appear
somewhat entrenched as a PC
hardware and software manufacturer in
their old strategy and seem to be
somewhat unwilling to change business
This strategy was successfully developed
over the last decade, but as technology
changes still further, the next newest
thing could easily be left behind. They
also seem to repeat the same

Conclusio compatibility errors in trying to be an

all- doing company, and they are
reluctant to relinquish control. By

n collaborating and partnering with other

technological enterprises, competitors
should avoid errors.

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