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Analytical Solution of Reaction-diffusion Equation

Using Separation Variable Method

Author : Miya Rizkiya Ulkhak (15610126)

Dr. Usman Pagalay
Dr. Elly Susanti, M.Sc

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Islamic State University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim

01 Chapter I


02 Chapter II

Literature Review

03 Chapter III



Persamaan Reaksi Difusi

Metode Pemisahan Variabel

Research Problems

How to solve reaction diffusion equation analytically using separation variable

Method ?

Research Purposes

To know the solution of reaction diffusion equation analytically using separation

variable Method ?
Research Method
1. Scalling the reaction diffusion equation

2. Convert the reaction diffusion equation to

For solving reaction diffusion equation analytically

3. Solving function as the choosen function

4. Solving function using separation variable method

5. Solving equation using fourier series

Transfer of mass from substances that have high concentrations to lower concentrations. Mass destruction occurs
because there are differences in concentration which are usually called diffusion gradients and are symbolized by
D. this process will continue to occur until the concentration gradient disappears. this can in physics be formed
into a system of partial differential equations called fick laws.

Chemical Reaction
Interaction between different molecules or the same molecule then produces a new substance that is different
from its origin is called a chemical reaction. There are two types of properties of chemical reactions that are
reversible and Irrevesible reaction.

Reaction-Diffusion Equation
Partial differential equations which describe one or more distributed substances in space change because of the
influence of two processes. firstly due to local chemical reactions where the subsidence is converted into a new
substance. secondly, the process of diffusion which causes substance to spread in space.
Boundary Value Problem

With boundary value

If the function 𝑔 has a zero value for each 𝑥 Then the boundary values and are equal to zero So, it is

called a homogeneous boundary condition but

If and are not equal to zero So it is called a nonhomogenous boundary condition

Kind of Boundary Value Problem

1. “Dirichlet” Boundary Value
W with and the eigen function is a is non zero constant.

2. “Neumann” Boundary Value

W with and the eigen function is and is non zero constant.
3. Syarat Batas “Robin”
Where the eigen value is w and the eigen function is and is non zero constant.
Separation Variable Method
The separation variable method cannot directly solve equation that have boundary nonhogeneous boundary

condition. However, that equation is replaced by adjusting the previous equation which has homogeneous

boundary conditions. Therefore, that equation is changed to the sum of the functions given

Where is not define function and is choosen function that homogeneous boundary condition.
  Solving as the choosen function
For the function 𝑤 (𝑥, 𝑡) the solution given will conform to the boundary conditions for each equation as follows:

1. “Dirichlet” Boundary Condition

2. “Neumann” Boundary Condition

2. “Neumann” Boundary Condition

  Solving using separation variable method


First assumed

Subsequently the process of substitution of this form is made into a differential equation and then separated between
the variables x and variable t. so that two ordinary differential equation functions are obtained.
Then derived the equation which depends on t and twice depends on x then is obtained
Second subtitute the derived equation to the equation (1)

Then suppose the equation equal to

it’s mean that

Third solving the suppose equation
 Solve
we can write the equation as

Then, solve the equation using rule of first order ordinary differential equation
 Solving
We can write the equation as

Then, solve the equation using rule of second order ordinary differential equation. In this study we using
characteristic equation to solve
There are three case of the characteristic equation that are ;
1. when

2. When

3. When
Fourier Series
Richard Haberman stated that in solving the problem of partial differential equations using the method of

separating variables found important things that are if there are conditions where the initial value of an equation is

can be met if is equated with a given linear combination in the form of an infinite series in the form of sine and

cosine functions, i.e.

Where and are cooficient of fourier series

There are three kind if fourier series to solve the problem that depand on boundary condition that are
1. Fourier sine series
Fourier sine series is solving problem to Dirichlet condition when we have Boundary condition such as

so it can be fullfill equation

and cooficient is define as

2. Fourier cosine series
Fourier cosine series is solving problem to Neumann condition we have boundary condition such as
so it can be fullfill equation

and cooficient is define as

3. Fourier Orthogonal Series
Fourier orthogonal series is solving problem to Robin condition we have boundary condition such as

So it can be fullfill equation

and cooficient is define as

Integrasi Sains dan Islam
“ Tidaklah kamu melihat bahwa Allah mengarak awan, kemudian mengumpulkan antara (bagian-

bagian)nya, kemudian menjadikannya bertindih-tindih, maka kelihatanlah olehmu hujan keluar dari

celah-celahnya dan Allah (juga) menurunkan (butiran-butiran) es dari langit, (yaitu) dari (gumpalan-

gumpalan awan seperti) gunung-gunung, maka ditimpakan-Nya (butiran-butiran) es itu kepada siapa

yang dikehendaki-Nya dan dipalingkan-Nya dari siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Kilauan kilat awan

itu hampir-hampir menghilangkan penglihatan “ Qs. AnNur (43)

This research is study about reaction diffusion equation with nonhomogeneous boundary value problem that

quoted from the book titled “Computational Methods in Chemical Eingeneering with Maple” by Ralph E. white dan

Venkat R. Subramanian

With Initial value

With boundary condition

First Step is Scalling The equation
Scaling is done in order to reduce the number of parameters and simplify the calculation, scaling the
reaction equation using the following parameters:

 Scalling the reaction diffusion equation we get

 Scalling the initial value of reaction diiffusion equation we get

 Scalling the first boundary condition we get

 Scalling the second boundary condition we get

Second Step is Convert the equation to get steady-state condition

So we get
1. as the chosen function is

with initial value

and boundary condition


2. as the an known function is

with initial value

and boundary condition

Third Step is solving function as chosen function

is a chosen finction that have “Robin” boundary condition type. So we can solve as follow

with boundary condition

Using the formula

We get
Fourth step is solving function that have homogeneous boundary condition using separation variable method

The function is

With boundary condition


The boundary condition of are homogeneous. So to solve the problem we can use separation method with

follow this step

1. assume

Then derived the equation which depends on t and twice depends on x then is obtained

2. subtitute the derived

We get

Or we can write

Then divide the equation by

3. Suppose the equation with

It’s mean that


4. Solve the equation

Multiplied the equation by

Or we can write

So, we get first order ordinary differential equation that depand on

Then solve first order ordinary differential equation that depand on using Integrating principle
The equation can be write as

Or we can write

Then divide left handed and right handed side by

Integrate both side

So we get

Thus, the general solution from is

5. Solve the equation and

Multiplied the equation by

Or we can write

So, we get Second order ordinary differential equation that depand on

Then solve Second order ordinary differential equation that depand on using characteristic equation.
The equation can be formed by the characteristic equation

Or we can write

So we get the roots of the equation are complex .

Then subtitute


So, We get
6. Find the value of and
The value of and are getting from the boundary condition. There are
Furthermore, obtaining the value of and with the substitution of the first boundary conditions to

So we get,
Then subtitute the second boundary condition to
The eigen value is getting from

We obtained

Then, by looking for patterns from the value of 𝜆 we call the value is

So, we get solution of

Fifth Step, Solution of is

using the theorm of (kebebas linieran solusi ) we get

 we get

Then, the analytical solution of


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