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Presented by
Sneha Das
3rd year Bsc.Nursing
Geriatric Depression Scale
 The Geriatric depression scale is a 30 item self
report assessment used to identify depression in
the elderly people
 The scale was first developed in 1982 by J.A
Yesavage and others
The scale has two forms:
 Long form(GSD-L) having 30 item measure
 Short form(GSD-S) having 15 item measure
 The scale is used with healthy, medically ill and
mild to moderately cognitively impaired older
 It is used in any setting: community,acute and
longterm care.
 It is easy to administer and score

- YES/NO format
- takes approximately 5-7 minutes to
What is depression?
 Depression is the decrease in energy or drive to
participate in the things that are important
 Causes: lack of satisfaction,death of a loved
one,retirement,co-occurring illnesses,loss of
independence etc.
 Symptoms:Anxiety,extreme sadness or
hopelessness,emotional withdrawal,headaches,
stomachaches,bowel and bladder complaints
Questions in GDS
Question Yes No

1. Are you basically satisfied with your life? 0 1

2. Have you dropped many of your activities? 1 0

3.Do you feel that your life is empty? 1 0

4. Do you often get bored? 1 0

5. Are you in good spirits most of the time? 0 1

6. Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? 1 0

7. Do you feel unhappy most of the time? 1 0

8.Do you feel helpless? 1 0

9.Do you prefer to stay at home,rather than going out and doing new 1 0

10.Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most? 1 0

11. Do you think its is wonderful to be alive now? 0 1

12.Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now? 0 1

13.Do you feel full of energy? 0 1

14. Do you feel that your situation is hopeless? 1 0

15.Do you think that most people are better off than you are? 1 0
How to administer GDS?
 Administer GDS in a private,quiet room
 Speak slowly and clearly
 Maintain eye contact
 Introduce GDS and provide instructions
i.e, I am going to ask you some questions about your mood
Please answer YES/NO based n how you have felt over the
past week
Scoring of GDS
 Maximum score:15

Add up the total points from YES/NO responses

Interpretation of results
A score of:
 0 - 4 : Normal(depending on age,education and
 5 - 8 : Mild depression
 9 - 11:Moderate depression
 12 -15:Severe depression

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