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Notes 6

“Jensen is dead? When did that happen?” McCoy asked. “This morning,” John said. “Are you saying that you killed Matt Jensen this
morning?” Lem asked. John frowned at his brother. “You don’t seem to listen all that good, do you? Yeah, that’s what I’m sayin’.”
Lem shook his head. “No, you didn’t, little brother. If you kilt someone this morning, it wasn’t Matt Jensen.” “How the hell do you
know?” Greene demanded, the tone of his voice showing his anger. “On account of me ’n Luke just seen ’im in Rongis no more ’n a
hour ago,” McCoy said. “And he looked pretty healthy for someone who got hisself kilt this mornin’.” “Damn, I wonder who it was
that we kilt?” Toone asked. * * * “Mr. Conway’s been shot!” Sanders said, barging into the sheriff’s office. “Killed?” Matt asked
anxiously. “No, he ain’t dead, but he’s bad hurt.” “Where is he?” “He’s home. I done got the doctor ’n he’s on the way out there,
but Miz Conway told me to be sure ’n get you, too.” “Let’s go,” Matt said, grabbing his hat as he stood. Chapter Thirty-three Spur
and Latigo Ranch “I shouldn’t have come here,” Gabe said to the others as they waited outside for the doctor to examine Hugh.
“This is all my fault.” “What do you mean it’s all your fault?” Ed Sanders asked. “Those awful men who stole my sister’s ranch want
to get rid of me. So they shot the man who is giving me a place to stay.”
• Mr. Short, I’ve no doubt that when they learn about you, they will want to get rid of
you,” Matt said, “but so far there are only a few people who actually know that you
are here.” “Oh, I do hope you are right. I don’t want to be an imposition on Mr. and
Mrs. Conway, especially since they have been so nice to me.” “Don’t be foolish, Mr.
Short. You’re not an imposition,” Lisa said, the anxiousness over Hugh showing in her
voice. “Here’s the doc,” Ed said as the doctor came into the room. “He’s paralyzed
from the waist down,” Dr. Bosch reported. “Oh, no!” Lisa cried, and she leaned into
Matt, who, almost involuntarily, put his right arm around her. “Is it a permanent
condition?” Matt asked. “It’s too early to say,” Dr. Bosch replied. “Fortunately the
bullet didn’t sever the spine. If it had, the paralysis would definitely be permanent. As
it is, the bullet is putting pressure on the spine, and that’s shut everything down. He
won’t be able to move his legs; he won’t even be able to feel them.” “You’re saying
that the bullet is still in there?” Matt asked. “Yes.” “If you took the bullet out, would
that relieve the pressure on his spine?” “I think it would, if I can get it out,” Dr. Bosch
said. “But the problem is the bullet is pretty deep. If I go probing round in there and
don’t get the bullet out, I could wind up making it even worse.” “Worse how?”

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