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Dr. Mozna Talpur
 Alpha blockers:  Beta blockers:
 Nonselective:  Nonselective
 Irreversible:  Propranolol
 Timolol
 Phenoxybenzamine.
 Reversible:  Selective β1 blockers:
 Phentolamine  Metaprolol
 Tolazoline  Atenolol
 Betaxolol.
 Alpha1 selective blockers:
 Parazocin
 Centrally acting adrenergic
 Terazocin antagonists (agents that
inhibitrelease of
 Alpha2 selective blockers:
 Yohimbine.
 Reserpine
 Guanethidine
Group Actions of alpha blockers
 CVS:
 ↓ peripheral resistance.
 ↓ blood pressure.
Epinephrine reversal:
 Alpha antagonist reverses the actions of epinephrine (↓

 Postural hypotension.
 Reflex tachycardia.
 Other effects:
 Nasal stuffiness.
 Miosis
 ↓ GFR- Na and water retention.
 Tone of bladder and sphincter is decreased so ↑
urinary flow.
 Increased intestinal motility.
Clinical uses:
 Phenoxybenzamine:
 Pheochromocytoma Intra operative and pre operative.
 Peripheral vascular disease.
 Phentolamine:
 Clonidine withdrawal.
 Extravasation of NA and Adrenaline injection.
 Parazocine:
 Highly selective for α- 1 receptor.
 Hypertension.
 Raynauds disease.
 BPH.
 Tamsolusin alfuzocin:
 Uroselective. Given in BPH.
Side effects
 Postural hypotension.
 Reflex tachycardia.
 Inhibition of ejaculation.
 Nasal stuffiness.
 Headache
 Dizziness.
 Fluid retention (edema).

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