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Group Members
Anas Majeed (41212)

Anisha Kishore (41262)

Submitted To
Laraib Manzar (41217)
Sir Monis Ahmed Thakur
Muhammad Nabeel (41257)
Nimra Khan (41204)
 Android was founded by Andy Rubin in Palo Alto of California in 2003.
 Linux based operating system, designed primarily for touch screen devices such
as smart phones and tablet.
 A powerful operating system that supports large number of applications in
 These applications are easily accessible and timely upgraded for the users.
 It is an open source operating system; it’s free and any one can use it.
 Android’s evolution into the most popular platform, in device activations. In just
little over a decade, Android has simply transformed the mobile landscape with its
progressive features.
 Android supports wireless communication using:
• 3G Networks
• 4G Networks
• Wi-Fi Networks
• Bluetooth Connectivity
 Android runs on many devices of different companies which are member of OHA.
 User gets millions of applications that user can not get in any other mobile operating system.
 Interface that is better then the previous touch screen mobiles.
 Multitasking , Multi-touch , Modern web browser , Smart Notification Centre Android
application also developed by JAVA and C/C++ language.
 Android supports advanced audio/video/still media formats such as MPEG-4, H.264, MP3, and
Android Instant Apps - New Trend In
Digital Universe
 What is Instant Apps? Let's discuss it. For example, you need to use a certain app,
but it is not installed on your phone, and a mobile Internet connection doesn't
allow its quick installation from Google Play. To provide users with quick access
to Android apps, Google developed Instant Apps.
 Today, Instant Apps are becoming a part of the Play Store, Google says via a new
“Try it Now” button, users can start using an app without installing it. There's a
small collection of Instant Apps available now, including those from Buzz Feed,
NY Times (Crossword), Holler, Red Bull, Sky scanner, and others.
Versions Of Android
 Android Cupcake 1.5  Android Jellybean 4.1
• Support for Widgets, such as a search box into the app on the • Most used version of android.
home screen, virtual keyboards, MPEG-4 video and • Smoother user interface.
YouTube/Picasa uploading • Included are improved camera features and notifications
 Android Donut 1.6
 Android KITKAT 4.4/4.4
• Voice search and Search box were added.
• Faster OS boot times and fast web browsing experience. • Improved battery management.
• Integration with cloud services.
 Android Éclair 2.0/2.1. • Improved google now.
• Instant messaging, photo editing and a full-screen display
• Bluetooth 2.1 support.
mode that is more immersive.
• Improved typing speed on virtual keyboard, with smarter
 Android Lollipop 5.0/5.1.1
  Android Ice-cream Sandwich(ICS) 4.0
• Supports a large compatibility with apps.
• New features, including facial recognition unlocking,
resizable Widgets, Wi-Fi Direct and touchscreen keys.   Android Nougat(7.0)
• Menu and Back buttons.
• The new Android version will bring a host of new features
• introduced NFC data transfer
including revamped Settings and Notifications menu.
• Possible to respond to messages directly from with in a
Comparison with other technology

Apps 600,000+ 650,000 100,000

Widgets Yes No Expendable live tiles

Expandable storage Yes No Yes

Programmed in C, C++, Java C, C++, Objective-C C, C++, C#

Customizability Yes Limited Limited

Available on HTC, Samsung, Sony, iPhone, iPad and Apple Limited (Nokia, HTC
LG and other TV and other)

Latest versions Android 8.0 Oreo iOS 11.2.5 Windows 10

Conclusion and Future Scope
 Android is now stepping up in next level of mobile internet.
 There are chances of android mobile sales in whole world becomes more then iPhone.
 There are chances of android may become the widely used operating system in world as it
has found its application in many appliances such as washing machine ,microwave ovens
,cameras TVs etc.
 Google may launch another version of android that starts L because Google is launching all
the android versions in the alphabetical order.

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