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Introduction To Media Strategy
And Media Planning.
A media strategy is a plan of action that helps your business
reach its target audience and to improve the overall customer
conversion rate. The conversion rate is the percentage of people
who take a desired action after engaging with your website, or
any other form of media that makes a call to action.

Media planning is the series of decisions involved in delivering the
promo­tional message to the prospective consumers. It is the process
of directing the advertising message to the target audience by using
the appropriate channel at the proper time and place.
Media Strategy Purposes
• The reason for a media strategy depends on what the company
hopes to achieve with it. Improving public relations requires a
different approach than increasing profits.
• All media strategies take the same approach during creation.
They must all have specific goals and a specific demographic in
mind. However, a strategy implemented to raise awareness of a
certain issue or condition is typically different than a strategy
used to promote the upcoming release of a product or movie.
• For example in avenger they thought it would be intresting to
show the end of thanos and ironman retiring from the avenger to
kill him in the movie and therefore, people really wanted to see
the movie and make a huge hype for the movie to release
Components Of Media
• Research and Identify Your Target Market:
Take the demographics of your target audience into consideration. The
more you know about your target market, the more effective your overall
marketing strategy will be. Identify your market, where and how they
spend their time, and the media and messaging to most effectively reach
them. For example, marketing through mobile apps and social media
would be more effective to reach the teenage demographic
than advertising in print and traditional media.

• Set Measurable Objectives and Goals:

These must be measurable and specific,Use the SMART method, which
stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Based.
The simple goal to "Make more money" can be measured, but "Increase
profits by 20% by Q3" is a much more specific goal—and it offers a way
• Determine Your Marketing Budget:
The marketing budget is also part of your media strategy. Without a
budget, it is possible to throw thousands of dollars at a problem and
get no clear solution. Having a set budget encourages you to think
each tactic through and be more creative in your problem-solving. It
protects you from overspending or spending money you do not have.
• Craft Your Message:
The marketing proposition is the customer problem your business will
solve and how it will do it. The message is based on your research into
what will appeal to the target audience. You can have different
messages for different objectives, all tying into one theme. Remember
to include a call-to-action.
• Learn From Your Results:
The most effective media strategies evolve over time. If you
launch one strategy that doesn't have the expected business results,
your company can learn from where it went wrong and improve
subsequent launches.
1. Conduct market research.
2. State your media planning objective.
3. Determine your media planning templates.
4. Implement your media plan.
5. Evaluate your success.

As you work through the following media planning steps, keep in

mind that how your business applies the results and conclusions
derived from each step will be unique based on your audience and
Creating a media plan is a detailed process that requires planners to
consider the needs of target consumers as well as the goals of the
business. Here are the essential steps and considerations marketers
must make when creating a media plan.
Determine Media Goals
And Objectives:
• It might be easy to assume that the goal is to drive conversions or
engagement; however, that would oversimplify this step. Goals
may vary by department, or there might be multiple objectives
for one campaign. For example, for the sales team and sales
goals, increased revenue is the objective. However, marketing
objectives might be to increase brand awareness . Knowing the
main goal of the campaign will determine how it runs, as well as
• Once clear goals are established, media planners must conduct research into
market trends and the competitive landscape. This research will offer visibility
into where similar brands and goals have achieved success in the past,
informing planning decisions. For example, perhaps a brand has long relied on
email campaigns but research reveals that competitors have had greater success
with native ads. This demonstrates how the organization should shift its plan.
• Of course, when determining goals and setting objectives, media plans must
factor in budgets. However, marketers should try to avoid assigning strict dollar
amounts to specific channels. Rather, a flexible approach to marketing budget
will allow for optimizations to be made as campaigns run.
Determine Target
• Marketing today is driven by creating positive customer experience. This
means that when developing messaging and selecting where to display
those messages across the media mix, marketers need to be focusing on
specific audience needs.
• First, marketers need to examine which segment of the overall audience
they are trying to engage. From there, marketers need to look at
attribution measurements and engagement analytics to understand the
types of ads these users engage with, which creative is most effective, and
importantly, which channels these consumers use. While marketers often
consult demographic information such as age, location, general interests,
etc., they should be sure to incorporate person level data gathered through
a unified measurement approach to get the most tailored results.  
Consider Frequency And
Another key component of a media plan is considering reach and
frequency. Reach refers to how many people the campaign will be in
front of over a specific amount of time. Frequency refers to how
many times the consumer will be exposed to the ad over the course
of the campaign.  
There are a few popular approaches that marketers take when
selecting frequency.
Continuity: This approach to frequency means that ads will run on
a consistent schedule over the course of the campaign: for example,
two ads per week. This strategy is often used for goods that are not
seasonal and require regular reinforcement to stay top of mind.
Flighting: “Flights” refer to internment or alternating periods of
advertisements followed by pauses in advertising on the channel
altogether. This strategy works well for seasonal products or for
those with less ad budget. For example, when there is a pause in a
flighted television campaign, marketers may choose to run print ads
Pulsing: This is a combination of flighting and continuity. Pulsed
campaigns will incorporate low-intensity consistent advertising that
is augmented by flights of higher-intensity ads during times when
additional messaging can have a high impact.  
Selecting The Right
There are a variety of online and offline channels for marketers to
choose from, and they must use the information they gathered in the
research and goal-setting phases to determine which channels will
bring them the most success.
Here are some of the most popular channels that marketers choose
when media planning, along with their attributes.
• Newspaper .
• Magazine.
• Radio.
• TV/Cable .
• Out of home.

• Digital Publications.
• Social Media.
• Programmatic Advertising.
Media planners need to identify the combination of ads to achieve a specific
result. Their objectives generally align with business goals, such as long term
growth and improving ROI. Media planning will often utilize a wide range of
tactics to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive conversions to help
their organizations accomplish these goals.

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