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By – Rahul . R
The dangerous effects which is destroying the
 To save the environment we should make efforts like keeping everything clean and do not
litter here and there.
 Throwing waste in the water is polluting water which kills the animals in the sea and also
finishing the marine life.
 The industries are also polluting the world by the smoke which comes out the industries
which is also polluting the air.
 The most dangerous thing which is destroying the environment is plastic. Things like
plastic bags, plastic toys, plastic boxes etc are destroying the environment which is also
causing global warming which is making the Earth’s temperature even more hotter year by
How to save the environment

 First we should take all precautions and all of us on the Earth should always try to keep the
Earth neat and clean.
 We should stop throwing all the garbage in the sea or other water bodies and we should not
bath or wash or clothes there.
 We should not make too many industries which send lot of smoke out, which makes lot of
 And we should stop the usage of plastic so the Earth can be the cleanest place in the whole
universe and if we all follow this we can get rid of dangerous diseases and automatically
the global warming reduces and the place will become very cool.

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