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Critical Thinking

Definition of Critical Thinking

It is new forms of learning, thought, and analysis that

go beyond the memorization and recall of information
and facts.
Definition of Critical Thinking
Critical thinking occurs when students are:

Synthesizing form an argument
Applying creative thought solve a problem
reach a conclusion
Importance of Critical Thinking
According to Cosette, if critical thinking is absent, then
Importance of Critical Thinking
Irfaner (2006) points out that the lack of critical thinking
skills greatly diminishes the students’ chance for success.

I have no clue how to

process information,
analyze it, and draw
Importance of Critical Thinking
By diminishing the students’ chance for success, students
would be lost.
What should I
Which university reply with?
should I attend?

What political side

What job can I should I support?
apply to?
Importance of Critical Thinking
Rolling states that critical thinking skills enable the
students to have a deeper understanding and a richer
A Tool to Enhance Critical Thinking

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