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Breast milk or
formula milk

•Rice cereals
•Oat cereals
• Fruits and veggies
• Meats

Note: Both of them should

be blended or smashed.
milk or
Toddlers water
•Pre-schoolers can eat almost
everything but it should be
limited and has to be supervised
by parents.
Practical points to remember

• Breast milk or formula should be the main milk

drink to 12 months.
• Check with a parent or guardian before offering
any food to a baby or young child.
• Never leave baby alone while drinking or eating.
• Cows milk should not be used as the main milk
drink for the first year.
•Feed solid food from a spoon; do not
add food to a bottle feed.
•Use gluten-free cereals to six months.
•Red meat is the best source of iron and
may be introduced between four and six
•Sugar may be used in moderation, e.g.
to sweeten stewed fruit.
•Hot or spicy foods are not suitable
first foods
•Never give chopped or whole nuts
to small babies or young children.
•Keep all utensils used for feeding
babies scrupulously clean.

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