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Contribution of students at home, community, hospital, campus

during the pandemic

Nama : Sri fadilla Rahmi
NIM : 1811168

Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan

Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam
T.A 2020/2021
Contribution of students during the pandemic in the family
environmentThe role of students is very important, one of the
things that students can do is conduct socialization and education
about hygiene procedures for preventing COVID-19 in the family
environment.activities that can be done by students, such as:
educating families to use masks when leaving the house, washing
hands when finished doing activities and educating families to
keep their distance, and providing nutritious food, vitamins to
families, especially those who are elderly
Contribution of students during the pandemic in the
community.students can use social media to start
campaigns with other students to be able to invite local
residents through social media to comply with the health
protocols set by the government and to socialize and
educate the public about hygiene procedures and
prevention of covid-19 Including independently raising
social assistance for the community whose economy is
affected by the pandemic, as well as carrying out a
program to distribute masks .
Contribution of students during the pandemic in the hospital
environment.Students can educate patients about the impact of
covid-19 today, students while on duty can provide education to
patients and their families about the procedures for preventing
covid-19 by using masks, washing hands when interacting with
patients and maintaining distance while in the hospital.We as
nursing students who are on duty can anticipate while on duty
always use a handscoon when taking action, wash hands before
taking action and after taking action and remember to forget to
use a mask when taking action to patients
Student contributions during the pandemic in the campus
The impact of Covid-19 has determined to have hampered
and robbed students of free movement to carry out
teaching and learning activities on campus. Therefore,
what students have to do online are doing activities at
their respective homes, maybe it can prevent the
transmission of Covid-19 a little because there are no
crowds in the campus environment.
If later we can do teaching and learning offline, we as
students must be able to keep our distance from other
friends, use masks, wash hands always, avoid crowds or
crowds while on campus .
Thank you

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