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Trends in Group 1&2

Unit 4 : Section 3
Group 1 : Alkali Metals

Group 2 : Alkaline Earth


Group 7 : Halogens

Group 0: Noble Gases

Alkali Metals : Group 1
❖ Group 1 elements are called alkali metals. Hydrogen is not an alkali metal!

❖ Alkali metals are soft silvery colored metals that can be cut with a knife.

❖ They are very reactive metals and must be stored under oil to

minimize reaction with oxygen to not rust.

❖ Oxidation : + 1
Why are these metals called alkali metals?
❖ Group 1 elements are very reactive with water to form alkaline solutions which
is why they are called alkali metals.

❖ They react with water to form metal hydroxides.

● Alkali metals have one valence electron which is held very weakly by the nucleus.
○ The valence electron can move relatively freely throughout the metal and easily conduct
electricity and heat.
● Alkali metals are extremely good conductors of electricity and heat.

● The farther the electron is from the nucleus, the weaker the attractive force from the
Reactivity of Group 1
❖ The reactivity of Group 1 elements increases going down the group.

This is because on going down the group:

1. The atoms get larger. The atomic radii increase with atomic

number down the group.

2. The outer electron gets further away from the nucleus. Therefore, the
attractive force between the nucleus and the electron gets weaker and so the
electron is more easily given up.
Physical properties of Alkali Metals :

As you move down group 1, the elements decrease in melting and boiling point. However, there is an
increase in the density of an element as you move down group 1.
Why is there a decrease in melting & boiling point?
● As you go down the group, the atomic radius increases.
● The increasing atomic radius means weaker forces between the electron and

→ therefore, less heat energy is needed to break the ‘ bond’ or attraction.

Reactions of alkali metals with chlorine
All the Group 1 elements react vigorously with chlorine. They react with chlorine to
form white crystalline salts.
❖ Lithium : lithium + chlorine → lithium

❖ Sodium : sodium + chlorine → sodium


❖ Potassium : potassium + chlorine →

potassium chloride
Alkaline Earth Metals : Group 2
● Alkaline earth metals highly reactive metals with an oxidation +2 charge.
● They never exist in their pure elemental form in nature due to their reactivity.
● They form hydroxide ions when added to water.
Alkaline Earth Metals vs Alkali Metals
1. The alkaline earth metals are harder & denser than the alkali metals.

2. The alkaline earth metals have higher melting and boiling points compared to
alkali metals. Alkali metals have low melting points.

3. The alkaline earth metals have smaller atomic radius compared to alkali metals.

4. The alkaline earth metals are less reactive than alkali metals.
Why Alkaline Earth metals are less reactive than alkali
It takes more energy to remove two valence electrons from an atom than it does
for one valence electron. This makes alkaline earth metals with their two valence
electrons less reactive or less willing to do chemistry than alkali metals with their
one valence electron.
Flame Test Procedure
❖ A small piece of metal compound is taken on the end of a Nichrome wire and
introduced into a Bunsen flame. The flame emitting from the end of wire will
show a distinctive color that is characteristic of the metal in the compound.
❖ Alkali metals emit distinctive flame colors when heated. These flame colors are
used to identify these elements.
Reactivity of Group 1
Flame Test
Lithium Sodium Potassium

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