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My theory is that the colonists of roanoke split up,

half of them went south, and the rest went west

( inland )

Written by Rezi Malik

The reason why the colonists moved from their original settlement was that the the indians that were already there were
killing people. They decided to split up because if one group got killed by more indians the rest of their colony would still
live. My evidence that half of the colonists moved south is that on a post on a wall surrounding their colony there is an
engraving that says croatoan on it. Croatoan is an island far south of their settlement. The half of the colonists would have to
firs walk many miles south then take a boat to croatoan. My evidence that half of the colonists moved inland ( west ) is that
there is sassafras there. Sassafras was in their original settlement, and they had it there because 1. It was a cure to the skin
disease syphilis and 2. It would please queen elizabeth 1 because she had syphilis. Another piece of evidence that supports
that half of the colonist went west is that Jhon White, the governor of roanoke drew a map, and that map had a patch over
where the sassafras was, and where their fort would be. The colonists were lost, and here is what I think happened to them.
The people who went south were detained then killed by the hatteras indians for infiltrating their land, and the people who
went west were chased down by the spanish. My evidence that they were chased down is that the english and the spanish
were having a war over land in america after they both totally annihilated the native americans with their guns and horses.
When the colonists saw that they were on their land, they started hunting them. They were chased southwest, and Elanor
dare, John white’s daughter, created the dare stones. The dare stones are messages describing what was happening in their
colony. Eventually the spanish succeeded in hunting the colonists, and the colony of roanoke was finished.
Information Sources (citations)

Unearthing Roanoke

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