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Cells are like a house

Written by rezi
The cell membrane keeps all the other organelles in
The cell membrane is and walls keep people in or out.

like the walls

The nucleus coordinates the activity of a cell and
Nucleus is like a parent similarly he parents control what goes on in the
The golgi apparatus prepares proteins and similarly a
The golgi apparatus is chef prepares food.

like a chef
The endoplasmic reticulum is like the stairs because
endoplasmic reticulums the reticulums are like a passage way for the cells and

are like the stairs the stairs get people around

Chloroplasts take in sunlight and do photosynthesis to
Chloroplasts are like create food for the cell, this is like a solar panel

solar panels creating energy for the house.

Ribosomes make proteins for the other organelles.
Ribosomes are like Electricity makes the house work for the people inside.

The vacuole is like a water tank for a cell, it stores
The vacuole is like a water. The storage room stores tings too.

storage room
Lysosomes break down dead organelles and like the
Lysosomes are like a trash can the trash can holds unnecessary things.

trash can
Now you know some stuff about cells

Thanks for reading

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