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Ellayne 3rd Class

Countable and
Uncountable Nouns
READING - Why Is Gardening Important?
Gardening is good for a great many things. It can be good for your health, good for your soil, and good for the wildlife in
your backyard. It’s a great way to relieve stress, to set goals for yourself, and to nurture something. On top of all that,
growing your own produce is a great way to become more sustainable at home and to reduce your environmental
Gardening also happens to be a great hobby. It's something that you can do season after season, year after year, and
into your twilight years. Even if you don’t have robust flower beds or a vast back garden, you can still find ways
to garden indoors and on a smaller scale. This makes gardening a versatile hobby, as well as a healthy one. 
Birds, bugs, and bees — especially honey bees — are essential to the lifecycle of the world at large. Bees are one of the
most important pollinators in this group but they aren’t the only ones. Your backyard garden is bound to have its own
native pollinators and your garden is a great way to coax them back into your life. They’ll help your flowers look nicer,
keep your perennials coming back, and help your vegetable garden to flourish. 

By Green Matters
1. Does your house have a garden?
2. How good is gardening for your health?
3. What are the names of some famous gardens you know?
4. What are names of common flowers and vegetables in your country?
5. Is there a flower store near your house?
6. Would you prefer to have a flower garden or a vegetable garden? Why?
7. What are some things that need to be done in the garden?

1. Exposure to sunshine. 
2. Fresh air
3. Weight loss
4. More savings
5. Flavorful produce
6. Organic options
7. Stress relief
8. Improved sleep
9. Increase confidence
10. Quality time with loved ones.

1. What does he think about gardening?

2. What are its advantadges to cultivate at home?

3. What is the relation between vegetables at home and in shops?

What’s your favorite flower?
Countable and Uncountables Nouns
Countables and Uncountables
Gardening adds years to your life, and life for your years

See you next class

Vacation: 21.07
Return: 04.08

DMS Aulas Particulares de Inglês

ESL Teacher Daniele Moreira

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