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Structure and Ultrastructure

The word chromosome comes from Greek “chroma”=“color”,
“soma”=“body”, due to their property of being very strongly stained by
dyes like geimsa and orcein.

Chromosomes pass on to next generation through the gametes. In all

types of higher organisms (Eukaryotes) the well organized nucleus
contains definite number of chromosomes of definite size and shape.

These chromosomes are invisible in the nucleus but can easily seen
during cell division, whether mitosis or meiosis.

E. Strasburger in 1875 discovered thread like structures which is visible

during cell divison
A diploid cell will have chromosome in a pair while a haploid cell will
have single set of chromosomes.

Polypoid cells are those cells containing more than 2 sets of

chromosomes and it may occur due to abnormal cell divison.
Number of chromosome:
In every species the number of chromosomes is generally
constant containing diploid number of chromosomes in their
somatic cells and haploid number of chromosomes in their

The chromosome number differs from species to species.

The smallest number of chromosome is found in ant

whereas the maximum numbers of chromosomes are found
in protozoa.

Ciliated protozoa have 15600 chromosomes, humans have

46 chromosomes, lion, tiger, cats have 38 chromosomes,
yeast have 32 chromosomes.
Chromosomes are normally measured in metaphase stage.
The length of chromosome varies from 0.1µ to about 30µ and
the diameter from 0.2µ to 2µ.

The shape:

the general structure of chromosomes can be

studied best at the metaphase and anaphase of
Shape depends upon the position of
centromere (primary constriction) which joins
two sister chromatids.
According to its position of centromere
chromosomes are divided into:
Telocentric chromosomes: It have centromere
located on one end
Acrocentric chromosomes: It have very small
another arm
Sub-metacentric: Centromere is situated in
such a way that both arms are of unequal
Metacentric: Centromere is located in such a
way that both the arms are equal or almost

Chromatid (half chromosome):

At metaphase each chromosome have two chromatids
each having DNA molecule inside it.

They are attached with each other by centromere and

become separated at starting of anaphase where sister
chromatids migrate to opposite poles.

Hence anaphase chromosomes of mitosis have one

chromatid while metaphase chromosomes have two
2. Chromatin
Thread like fibres seen during interphase are
known as chromatin fibres

Further during cell divison it condense and

forms chromosomes
According to staining properties 2 types of
chromatins are distinguished
(a)Euchromatin: Are loosely packed form of
chromatin and are stained light
(b)Heterochromatin: Are tightly packed than
euchromatin and are stained dark.

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