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There are a few things to consider as you set out to draw realistically.

Drawing realistic
form begins with the understanding of how we visually perceive light and shadow and
how these two relate together to  give us the sense of  three dimensional form. There
are some basic principles you can use as a guide finding form using the information
from the way light interacts with the objects it comes in contact with.

Light and Shadow

It is through light and shadow that we see form. We visually use the information
created from the interplay of light and shadow to understand the shape, size, and mass
of an object. This is because light behaves consistently and this consistency is what
gives us a frame work to to interpret three dimensional form. If you understand how
the light behaves then drawing a realistic object becomes easier.

Light Follows a Path

Light is directional and it moves in a straight path emanating away from a point of
origin.  The light will follow this path until something blocks it form continuing on its
course. The objects that block the light will absorb  and reflect it, changing the direction
of the path the light is traveling. This is what creates shadow. The space behind the
object falls into shadow as the light is no longer able to continue beyond the surface in
blacking the light path.
Cast Shadow and Ground
Identifying the Light Source
Identifying the Light Source

Helps sets the value of color, tone and tint

And makes the objet more realistic

Circle without light and shadow
-light defines the value of hue

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