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Educational tourism is developed because of the growing
popularity of teaching and learning of knowledge and the enhancing
of technical competency outside of classroom environment.
In educational tourism, the main focus of the tour or leisure
activity includes visiting another country to learn about the culture,
study tours, or to work and apply skills learned inside the classroom
in a different environment, such as in the International Practicum
Training Program.
Often educational tourism is called by other names, such as career
enhancement, job development or self-actualization experiences.
1 . Youth Traveling - It involves school excursions , youth exchanges , and the design and
creation for children and adolescents, such as visits to historical , cultural and educational
sites, the purpose of the camp of the learning environment , the other tourism projects may
also involve access to certain destinations abroad.

 2 . Tourism Education - Higher liquidity tourism or study , can be divided into two types:
full-time study program or participate in international exchange programs .

International research programs -Around the world more and more students decide to
complete their degrees in different countries. According to the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development of the organization (OECD), the number of students in higher
education outside their country of nationality has doubled in the past few decades ( 2000-
2011 ) , which is currently about 4.5 million students . 

Student Exchange Program -Due to a variety of higher education reform and the
introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) University students while
studying abroad are still one or two semesters studying at the chance to own universities.
Including exchange programs designed for students , such as internships , sports ,
competitions and summer school mobility plan . 

3 . Workshop Travels - It usually seminars and Education Tourism Symposium distinction is
very important. Providing liquidity and travel with the participants , who are not familiar with
the subject knowledge as the main purpose . Organization of seminars by the company or the
travel supplier , where professionals and students in a common place to gather conduct .

  4 . Language schools -for foreign language learners today to learn the language in a
country , it is spoken , there is the opportunity to become even more important to interact
directly with the native language . There are many in the world, provided by language
schools , which involves not only learning the language , but also to explore the city and
country tours
Why are educational tours are important?

In addition, educational tours play an important role in educating

our learners in a practical and interesting manner. ...
These tours motivate the learners to have interest in learning. The basic
reason for educating students is to let them know more and dig deep into
many concepts and explore them.
What are the advantages of educational tour?

One of the most important benefits of an educational tour is

that it subtly develops an understanding of various social issues
around the world. Students get a better grip on the local and the
global issues. They become more empathetic and respectful towards
other cultures as well as towards their own surroundings.

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