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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99


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Hebrew Gematria: Values from 1 - 99

by Bill Heidrick
Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

Introductory Remarks

In the following, no deliberate attempt has yet been made to include entries from the
Bennett-Crowley Sepher Sephiroth. Crowley's selection should be preserved without alteration as
an insight into his thought. This work is intended to supplement Crowley's Gematria, rather than
replace it. In the final version, additional notes on Qabalistic significance, special Qabalistic
spellings and mystical terms will be added. These entries have been obtained from a 19th century
Hebrew Lexicon (Davies' Student's-Hebrew Lexicon) devoted to study of the Torah and the
balance of the Old Testament. When complete, the Gematria dictionary will contain many
significant words and names from the Torah, variant spellings and important conjugations and
declensions. Mythology and notes on points of Qabalistic tradition will be greatly augmented. In
the final form, it will be possible for a person with knowledge of Hebrew grammar to use this
source to roughly translate the Torah, to access an exhaustive glossary of Qabalistic terms, and to
find brief discussions of the differences between Crowley's usage and the usage found in the
several schools of Jewish or traditional Qabalah. The work is 80% complete at this time in regard
to the Torah and barely started with regard to Qabalistic terms.

Some explanation of conventions may be helpful. Spelling "interchanges" refer to letters

which sometimes replace the entry letter in common words. Thus, some words have the same
meaning and only differ in spelling by one having an Aleph and the other a Tet. Such spelling
interchanges are not rules for substituting one letter for another but clues to use in finding
secondary correspondences to a particular entry under a particular number. In many instances, the
same spelling has different pronunciations, usually carried by vowel points. Such variant
pronunciations are either set off by use of "---" below the primary entry or by use of ";". The triple
dash and the semicolon are also used to indicate a shift of thought in instances where variant
pronunciation is not the issue. Most notes are enclosed within parentheses.

There will be controversy over the numbering of the primes. In Crowley's day, it was
common among non mathematicians to consider the number ONE as the first prime; and he
followed that practice in Sepher Sephiroth. ONE is not considered a prime number in
mathematics, since it does not allow unique prime factoring of other numbers. TWO is considered
the first prime number in modern mathematics and in this work.

For an exposition on Gematria, English to Hebrew substitution and the rarely used
numerations of the vowel points, see the Thelema Lodge Calendar for December 1986 e.v.

Notes on general considerations:

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

Some individual words appear to have self-contradictory definitions; e.g. can mean
"to be gracious" AND "to insult". This often results over time from use of the word in irony. "O'h,
you pulled my beard to show respect? how gracious ( ) of you!". Alternatively, such dual
meanings can derive from improper social usage; e.g. in the case of this word to imply insulting
Certain words have a number of different spellings not accounted for by conjugation or
declension. This is partly natural to dialectical Hebrew and partly the result of "Qabalistic"
spellings which have been introduced over the centuries. Where a mystical or artificial spelling
has been used, the reason is identified and the tradition described, if known to the author. Where
the spelling is an obviously defective construction by improper transliteration, the word will either
be omitted or the source described. Most of the latter are outright errors involving one-for-one
substitution of Hebrew for English. In proper Hebrew spelling, vowels are often omitted and
carried by vowel points. Crowley's usage of Ayin for "O" and Heh for "E" is an example of
unorthodox practice. Double letters in English may often be rendered as single letters in Hebrew:
e.g. "BB" > " ". In particular, the letter "A" tends to be too often replaced by an Aleph, "AI" by "
" instead of " " alone; and the spelling of the Goetic names by Dr. Rudd is generally in gross
error. This tendency of defective spelling is greatest in the names of spirits.
Note that many common nouns become the names of spirits on addition of , , and
to the end of the noun. The choice of ending may be dictated by gender and spelling, with
slightly predominating for femine nouns; but two different deities are meant by this selection in
older words and sources. Exegetical scholarship sometimes addresses this as Yahwistic verses
Elohistic usage. There is reason to suspect that the former represents a tendency toward
monotheism or henotheism and the latter a tendency to retain a pantheon.
An unusually large proportion of the shorter Hebrew words are representations of natural
sounds linked with the meaning. Most of these are associated with exclamations of pain, surprise
or contentment and with the cries of animals. E.g. "moo", the sound of lowing cattle, is
, which sounds a lot more like certain lowing of cattle than "moo". N.B. "moo" (properly a
sound like "hmugh") probably derives from a more placid bovine sound than -- I suppose it
depends on how recently the cow was milked.
All weights and measures are equated to British; e.g. gallon = imperial gallon.
In calculating gematria, it is traditional to ignore finals in the first attempt. To avoid
duplication, words and phrases having final letters are defined under their non-final letter totals.
Cross-referencess are included under the numbers to which such words correspond when final
letter values are included.
In reckoning the correspondences of a word, it is traditional in gematria to consider also
words having a total one less and one more than that of the number in question. This practice is
stated as: "it is permissible to add or subtract an Aleph". An examination of the entries for
consecutive numbers in this dictionary will show that some words duplicate within short ranges,
owing to changes of gender, case, common speech variations, conjugation or declension. The
practice of subtracting one stems mainly from the fact that any word with an Aleph after the first
letter can have that Aleph replaced by a suitable vowel point. Addition of an Aleph to a word does
not effect the pronunciation at all, unless a vowel point is assigned to the Aleph --- even then, such
a vowel point can usually be borrowed from a consonant. This property of Aleph is also found to a
lesser extent for Yod, Vau and Heh.
Some multiple variants differ only in gender or case of possession.

The following Gematria entries have mainly been extracted and collated from: Student's
Hebrew Lexicon, a Compendious and Complete Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to The Old

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

Testament ... by Benjamin Davies, 1960 reprint of the 1880 revised edition. Work in progress has
reached . Entries for numbers greater than eighty will substantially increase after this point.
The entries under the number 210 will give a better idea of the size of the finished work.

Mystical terms are minimal at present, but are being added from: The Kabbalah: Its
Doctrines, Development and Literature by Christian D. Ginsburg, 1863 --- this is the source from
which Mathers plagiarized the introduction to Kabbalah Unveiled. Ginsburg's Kabbalah is noted
as "G-K" where warranted in the notes.

For serious use, rather than casual examination, check each entry against a Hebrew
dictionary or lexicon (latter preferred). If the word can be found in such, there may be additional
meanings or a correction to a typo. Serious students of Qabalah should make every effort to
acquire at least a good lexicon and preferably several. Pronunciation requires a rudimentary
knowledge of vowel points (only listed in such references) and accents (often on the second
syllable, but there are many exceptions). Please inform the author of any typographical errors, but
be aware that no one dictionary can provide references to all these entries.
This compilation is Copyright © by Bill Heidrick. All citations from it of more than four
entries must be accompanied by a notice identifying this source. Entire lists of the
correspondences for up to 20 different numbers may be reproduced for non-commercial reasons if
properly credited to this source, including address and copyright notice. Electronic copies of this
entire work may by distributed by anyone, so long as no fee is charged for the service and the
entire work is not reduced or otherwise diminished. Full printouts of this work may be made
without charge only by and for an individual in physical possession of the electronic version. Such
printouts may not be sold or given away.

For commercial license and/or exception to the above conditions, contact the author:

Bill Heidrick
P.O.Box 167
Artois CA 95913 USA

--- with thanks to Fr. Fons Numeris, who taught me Gematria and is far better at it.

-1- Multiplicative Identity operator

--- Aleph.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , , ; , , , , , , , )
(Aleph = --- 111/831; --- 117/837 --- Ox.)
(The value of 111 is significant in QBL tradition)
--- the name of the first Sephira is --- (see 620).

-2- 1st prime

--- Bet.
(In spelling interchanges with: , , , , , , , , )
(Bet = --- 412 --- House.)
--- As a prefix: in, within, among; with, by, at; upon; into, towards; in the
manner, according to; in regard to.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- As an abbreviation: in names.

--- the name of the second Sephira is (see 73).

-3- 2nd prime

--- Gimel.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; ; )
(Gimel = --- 73; --- 83 --- Camel.)
--- the name of the third Sephira is --- (see 67).
--- father; benefactor, cherisher, sustainer; teacher or adviser; lord or possessor;
chief of a family or tribe; forefather; founder of a guild or of a profession or
of a trade.
--- blooming freshness; blossom-time, blooming age, bright verdur; fruit.
--- to enter; to lead to, to bear.

-4- 4 = 22
--- Dalet.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , , , , , , ; ; )
(Dalet = --- 434 --- Door.)
--- the name of the fourth Sephira is --- 72.
--- pr.n. "Father" --- an alternate name1 of the 2nd Sephira Chokmah,
--- elated, proud.
1. G-K p. 90

-5- 3rd prime

--- Heh.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , , ; , ; , .)
(Heh = --- 6 --- Window or Vent-hole. (spelling for Yetzirah).
--- 10 --- an exclamation of grief. (for Asiah).
--- 15 --- signing, lamentation. (for Atziloth & Briah).)
--- As prefix: the (definite article).
--- To introduce a question: that.
--- the name of the fifth Sephira is --- 216.
--- to be bright or fresh; to thrive, to bloom.
--- to be hollow.
--- to flee.
--- fugitive.
--- vapor, mist.
--- (see also 417). turning or surrounding; circumstance or cause; account (of).
--- food.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- ridge (of altar); top, bosses, bulwarks, rampart; vault; brothel; rim (of wheel); the
back; plowers; piece of wood, board, plank; pit, cistern, den (of lions).
--- this thing; that.

-6- 6 = 2x3
--- Vau.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; ; .)
(Vau = --- 12 --- A holdfast, Nail, Hook. (spelling for Asiah).
--- 13 --- A holdfast, Nail, Hook. (for Briah & Yetzirah).
--- 22 --- A holdfast, Nail, Hook. (for Atziloth))
--- As prefix or free-standing: and, even.
--- the name of the sixth Sephira is --- 1081.
--- a separated thing, part.
--- thread, yarn, cord; linen, white linen; branches; nobles.
--- praters, liars.
--- to cut out, excavate; cistern, pool.
--- roof, covering; cover (of an altar).
--- (12); bear; she-bear.
--- the letter Heh, vent-hole, window; lo!, behold!, as, just as.

-7- 4th prime

--- Zain.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; .)
(Zain = --- 67/717 --- Weapon; Ornament; Sword.)
--- the name of the seventh Sephira is --- 148.
--- to be severed, forsaken; to stray (in solitude); to loose oneself,
to vanish; to perish, to be undone; to sever, scatter, to dissipate;
destroy, to bring to ruin, to rob.
--- annihilation, ruin. (many offshoots of this root).
--- the royal title of the Amalekite princes.
--- perhaps: circle.
--- to cause to pine, to vex.
--- to train.
--- will, choice, desire.
--- or, either; or rather; or else, unless, perhaps; of if; if.
--- where? (implying "not").
--- to prate, to lie, to invent.
--- to be curved, crooked, bent; to dig; to be convex, high.
--- coriander; fortune, a deciding, apportioning; luck.
--- to melt, flow away, languish.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- (12, 17); yield up!, give!, come on!

--- to flow; affluence, fullness.
--- a fish.

-8- 23
--- Chet.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; , ; ; ; ; .)
(Chet = --- 418 --- Barrier or Fence.)
--- the name of the eighth Sephira is --- 15.
--- to breathe after, to long for; to be willing, to obey; to will or wish.
--- thriving vegetation; reed, bulrush. (from =3
--- elephant. (Stresses life breath as vitality, longing and importance).
--- to bind.
--- to breathe after; to love; to lust; to be attached; to delight.
--- amours; loveliness.
--- then; at that time; thereupon.
--- go in!, lead in!, bear in!
--- entrance.
--- this, these.
--- a fish; to be crushed; depressed, anxious, despondent; pr.n. "Fearful".
--- to speak; tattle; slander; to be hairy, shaggy.
--- pr.n. "Friend"; pr.n. "Beloved" --- David (14, 24); breast (female only, in the sense
of for suckling).

-9- 32
--- Tet.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , , , ; , ; , , .)
(Tet = --- 24 --- A coiling; Serpent.
--- the name of the ninth Sephira is --- 80.
--- proper name form of . (9 = 3x3, father of fathers).
--- to be strong.
--- powerful one.
--- to be hollow.
--- water skin, leather bottle; the hollow belly (of conjurers, in which the conjuring
spirit dwells and speaks as if from out of the earth); a necromancer.
--- (see also 13); to light, to heat.
--- brother; friend; kinsman; one of the same tribe; a fellow countryman; a
confederate, an ally, a neighbor or fellow man; a fellow or match.
--- oh!, ah!, alas!; fire; fire-stove or pot; howlings; owl.
--- firm; pupil (of the eye).

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- to cover; to conceal, act covertly, deceive, cheat.

--- covering, clothing; outer garment; concealment, treachery; rapine.
(First three consecutive letters after . The beginning without the first step. Concealment
of the first. This is seen in the letter ='s 9 as 10-1).
--- to enter.
--- to despise.
--- spoil, plunder.
--- to sprout, grow up; rise, be high, exalted, majestic; to be haughty; to be deep,
hollow; pride; ungodly.
--- the back; body; the middle, midst.
--- pr.n. "Exile".
--- shout, cry (of joy).

10 > 1 - 10 - 10 = 2x5
--- Yod.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , , ; , ; , , .)
(Yod --- or --- 20 or 14 --- Hand (open, palmer side & fingers).
( is the preferred spelling in Qabalah).
--- the name of the tenth Sephira is --- 496.
--- to be strong.
--- pr.n. "Might".
--- to shine; blooming, blossoming.
--- secrecy, concealment (in speaking or moving); sorcerer; sorcery; mutterings;
necromancer; softly, stealthily, secretly.
--- to be cut off, severed; to be forlorn; lonely.
--- to bind.
--- to prate
--- separation, loneliness; separately, alone.
--- pr.n. "Part".
--- to hollow.
--- to tread down, destroy.
--- arch or brow of eye; felloe (of a wheel); to be high, tall, exalted; haughty,
proud; high minded; height; highness, majesty; gather.
--- back, body; middle, midst.
--- a shearing; a fleece.
--- to dart, to fly swiftly; rapid flier (a bird of prey), the glede, vulture, kite.
--- ha!, ah!, oh! (grief); alternate spelling of the letter Heh.
--- to be angry, fierce; wolf.
--- skin on a grape, husk.
--- bosom.
--- to be miry, dirty.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

11 > 2 - 11 - 5th prime

--- to slaughter.
--- pr.n. "Mighty One".
--- to cluster (see also 17).
--- ah!, oh! (interjection of grief).
--- to turn; to wind; to surround; to be strong, mighty.
--- turner (fire poker made of wood); a fire-brand.
--- pr.n. "Father's Brother" = "Uncle".
--- where?
--- woe!
--- howl; howler.
--- abode; coast; shore-land; island.
--- food.
--- pr.n. "A Pit".
--- to cleave, to dig; till, plow; to cut off; locusts.
--- issuing forth, birth.
--- to flow out, to evacuate (the body), urinate; tattle, talk, report, rumor.
--- to shine, gleam; to glitter; gold.
--- to speak softly, whisper; sound of heart beating.
--- oh!, wo! (grief).
--- a buzzer, fly, mosquito.
--- proud; impudent, wanton; impious.
--- to wrap, hide.
--- festival; feast; festive sacrifice.
--- good; pleasing.

12 > 3 - 12 - 12 = 22x3
--- Abyss; lost thing.
(5,4, ,2,1: 3 missing = lacks of perfection, or the mystery is hidden.
12 > 3 = . 3+7 = 10 > 1 see #7,
This is the Hebrew word for "Abyss", that which is crossed by the path of on the Tree of
Life diagram.
If is added, and removed: 4+3+2+1 = 10.)
--- to be desired or fitting; to wish or crave for, to strive after.
--- howl.
--- to measure or mark off.
--- to rest or dwell.
--- desire, lust or longing.
--- settled or decided.
--- pr.n. "Father's Brother" = "Uncle".

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- to be silent, still; to be empty, waste.

--- (16); to prate, babble.
--- particle of entreaty, pray!
--- to cut away, crop off; banks of a river; fortune, Venus (as good luck sign, lucky
--- pr.n. "Gog" = prince of the land of Magog, "To be High" or "Gigantic".
--- a melting away (for anxiety); dread.
--- (6); bear; she-bear.
--- to increase, multiply abundantly; a fish, fish.
--- to flow, pine away.
--- (7,17); yield up!, give!, come on!
--- he, she, it; to be.
--- the letter Vau; a holdfast, hook, nail.
--- this; lamb.
--- to fold, cover up; to embrace, to love, imbosom, caress, cherish;
pr.n. "Caressed".
--- vertigo, dizziness, trepidation.
--- the numerical adj "one", a, an; indicator of multiplication (as "one" seven times
...); sharp.
The one and the many are one
--- to be bright, good; to be happy, to rejoice.

13 > 4 - 13 - 6th prime

--- how!, ah!; pr.n. "Yah ( ) is Father".
(1/2 = 26/2 = 13. This instance represents desire for of as half the
great name of god. Father's longing for Mother, 1st half in search of the 2nd half.)
--- a band or tie; band to troop; a compacting together; arch, vault (of heaven).
(Elimination of the in a straight sequence indicates lack of capacity to flow ---
current, direction of passage, etc. --- thus a binding force of adhesion. Represents the
limiting condition for maintenance of creation.)
--- a loving; love; a love, a beloved or a darling.
--- pr.n. "Water".
--- (see also 9); to light; to heat.
--- settled; firm.
--- to unite.
--- one (1); first; anybody, someone; the same, sole.
--- to be eager; willful; hateful.
--- enemy.
--- wasteness, emptiness.
--- to be high (of the forehead); forehead-bald.
--- to be high; to lift up; to remove; to escape.
--- to cut or wound; to decide or destine; to bind or join.

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--- a depression, valley, a hollow; body; person; a people; troops; swarms.

--- anxiety, depression; agitation.
--- to go slowly, softly.
--- to fish; a fisher.
--- to pound (vulgar term for activity in intercourse or for masterbation).
--- love excessively.
--- to murmur; have a deep tone; coo; sigh, moan; to mutter (as enchanters); to
rumble; growl; to speak; to sign; to meditate, answer, think; devise, plot; to
separate, remove (dross): to take away; murmuring, whispering; sighing,
moaning, muttering (of thunder); meditation; a sound.
--- to shout, cry, roar, sing; be powerful, strong; pr.n. "Mighty" --- a Syrian god
"Hadad" or "Adad".
--- Spelling of the letter name Vau in Briah & Yetzirah.
--- pr.n. "A Gift".
--- to present with, to endow, pr.n. "Endower"; gift, dowry.
--- brightness, bloom; Ziv (2nd Hebrew month: New moon in May to new moon in June);
--- to hop, spring; locust.
--- one; to rejoice; to split, cleave.
--- to be good, pleasant.
--- to long for.
--- to enter, go within, penetrate; have sex.

14 > 5 - 14 - 14 = 2x7
--- (see also 13); to go slowly; softly.
--- to look out or hope.
--- to join.
--- to penetrate, to stick in.
--- buckthorn.
--- pr.n. "Boyish".
--- to tread, despise.
--- despised.
--- prey, booty.
--- pr.n. "Cavern of the Defile", "A Defile".
--- to be curved, arched; body, ridge, back; a lifting up; pride; person.
--- a depression, valley; hollow; body; person; a people; troops; swarms.
--- to sacrifice; a sacrifice.
--- to boil; to warm or move (the heart); to love; and object of love, a beloved; a
friend; uncle; nephew, pr.n. "David" = "Beloved"; boiler, pot, kettle; basket.
--- want, need; sufficiency, enough,; who, which, that.
--- aha!

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- gift, offering.

--- to stretch out (the hand); to point, lead.
--- to shine, glitter (as gold); to be bright yellow; gold; shekels (when preceded by a
numeral); gold light, brilliance; oil.
--- locust.
--- to turn about, move in a circle, dance; to reel; to celebrate a festival or
--- to shout, to shout afar or aloud.
--- (20); the hand, the letter Yod; power, force; help; a slap or stroke; the side, the
brink; space, place; a monumental pillar.

15 > 6 - 15 - 15 = 3x5
--- sprout, ear (of grain).
--- to love excessively.
--- marsh-grass, sedge, bulrushes, Nile-grass.
--- pr.n. "Brother"
--- a turn or fate calamity, ruin.
--- faithless.
--- to tread, trample; despise; to show contempt for; to treat with impunity.
--- contempt, derision.
--- exaltation, highness, majesty; pride, haughtiness; excellency.
--- pr.n. "Collector".
--- to be curved or arched.
--- to cut out, hew; pr.n. "Quarry"; a fleece.
--- to be sick; to menstruate; to be sad, languish; to spin; to clothe; sickly, weakly,
menstrous; a menstruous cloth; sad, wretched; to drive or push away; rinse,
--- India.
--- to sound forth, sing; to make famous, to praise; to shine, to bloom; utterance,
sound; renown or splendour; pr.n. "Hod" the eighth Sephira
--- considered2 feminine in traditional Qabalah. Hod corresponds3 to the Left Leg
of Adam Qadmon (161).
--- signing, lamentation. Rare spelling of the letter Heh.
--- to flow (water, menses, semen, etc.); flux.
--- pr.n. "Projection".
--- hide.
--- to breath, to speak.
to cut up, to plow; a plowed field.

--- to utter, to confess; to praise.

--- short from of --- he/she is, he/she creates; god.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- pr.n. "He Is" or "She Is", Yah --- the divine name associated4 with the 2nd
Sephira Chokmah, (73). (Isa. XXVI, 4)5.
2. G-K p. 92
3. G-K p. 93
4. G-K p. 90.
5. G-K p. 90.

16 > 7 - 16 - 16 = 24
--- slaughter, murder..
--- pr.n. "Strength".
--- where
--- shortened form of , divine name (see 21).
--- hyssop
--- to grasp, seize; to hold fast; to take fright; to join together; fasten in; to cover
over; to shut fast; to take out (by lot).
--- property.
--- pr.n. "Seizer" or "Possessor".
--- clamorous bird (of prey --- unclean), vulture, falcon.
--- where?, where now?, anywhere.
--- criers, howlers; jackals.
--- so often as.
--- to shine, gleam.
--- marble; alabaster.
--- to despise; cut off, plunder, spoil, rob.
--- (12); to prate, babble.
--- idle talk, prating.
--- to flee, to hasten away; refuge.
--- to gush, burst forth.
--- to breathe, to live, to be or exist; to breathe after or desire; to expire, die; ruin;
desire, cupidity; calamity; mischievousness.
--- he, she, it; she; she is, was.
--- to enclose, envelope.
--- to cut into, to cleave.
--- to be sharp, pointed, to be eager, quick, fierce; to sharpen, brighten; pr.n.
--- to be bound, indebted; debt.
--- to behold, look on.
--- a hook or ring.
--- to be miry, dirty; to twine or bind together; to fast.
--- to be becoming, suitable.

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17 > 8 - 17 - 7th prime

--- (a gentilic noun used for Haman --- suggests Amalekite origin).
--- nut.
--- pr.n. "Longing".
--- woe! (of complaint or threatening.)
--- to burn, be on fire.
--- to join.
--- to cry ah!, oh!; to groan, to howl.
--- a cut or gash, furrow; a troop or band.
--- pr.n. "Fortunate"; a kid (goat).
--- to break forth, burst forth; deliver; rush, rush forth.
--- to shear off, crop off, cut off, sever; pr.n. "Shearer".
--- thew, sinew, tendon.
--- to push or thrust down, overthrow.
--- to fish; fisher.
--- (7,12); yield up!, give!, come on!
--- to be destroyed.
--- to dream.
--- a buzzer, fly, mosquito.
--- to slaughter, kill (animals for food or sacrifice for a private reason); slaughtering;
meal, repast; a sacrificing; a sacrifice.
--- to shine.
--- boiling; to boil up (with pride); to act proudly toward.
--- this.
--- cleft, fissure; excavation (home).
--- to be glad, rejoice; pr.n. "Sharp Flowering".
--- to make a circle, mark out with a compass; circle, vault, arch.
--- to be bright, goodly, pleasant; to be cheerful, happy; to be good or well, to
please; fertile (land); fat (cattle); fruitful, fresh, fine; fair, pleasant, sweet, nice,
great, ample, right, true; virtue; benefit, welfare, prosperity; goodness; beauty;
joyousness; good luck; good things, blessings; the best, choice.
--- to daub, smear over; to plaster; to besmear.
--- to give; give!, yield up!, set!, place!, come on!; to set or lay a foundation; a
gift; lot, condition.
--- to be about to bound or spring.

18 > 9 - 18 - 18 = 2x32
--- pr.n. "Father is ". (see also )
--- at that time; then.
--- enmity, hate.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- pr.n. "Boyish".

--- fishing, fishery.
--- pr.n. "Exile".
--- to shine, gleam.
--- pr.n. "Locust".
--- to tie knots, make intricate; to riddle.
--- to fail or miss; to sin; to forfeit; fault, sin; punishment, penalty; sinner, a
guilty one.
--- alive; living; fresh; running (water); life; a living one.
--- to be pressed or pained; to expel, separate, remove.
--- to love warmly; to cast or throw lots.
--- to shout aloud; pr.n. "Loud-shouting."

19 > 10 > 1 - 19 - 8th prime

--- craving or need; woe! (19 > 10 reflects the need for perfection).
--- pr.n. "Brother".
--- male enemy.
--- pr.n. "Union".
--- pr.n. "Brotherly".
--- pr.n. "Union".
--- to hide, conceal.
--- pr.n. "Job", "Greatly Injured", "Greatly Hated".
--- to confide; to feel confident, to be secure.
--- to be bulging, thick.
--- confidence, security.
--- villagers?
--- aunt.
--- to wet, flow; to dye; a bird of prey inhabiting ruins, kite, glede.
--- pr.n. "Mighty".
--- pr.n. "Endowed".
--- pr.n. "Buzzing".
--- to beat off, to beat out, to thresh.
--- to breathe, to live; to speak; to wind, coil, encircle; life --- name of Eve; a
round tent or encampment, a hamlet or village.
--- to hew, cut, to fell; to be cut, marked with cuts; to be party-colored.
--- to slaughter (cattle); to kill (men), to massacre; a slaughter, killing, butchering;
slaughtered beast, butcher's meat; slayer, butcher; cook; executioner, life-
guard, body-guard.
--- to sound forth, speak out; to throw or cast; to stretch forth, extend.
--- to become a Jew; pr.n. "Praise".

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- pr.n. "Yah is Father."

--- to flow away, to escape; to deliver or rescue.
--- to be about to turn aside, deliver, rescue, avert, keep off.

20 > 2 - 20 - 20 = 22x5
--- Koph.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , , , ; ; , , )
(Koph --- --- 100/820 --- Bent or Hollow Hand, Palm, Fist).
(When on the end of a word, sometimes takes a different shape and has the
value 500)
--- As a prefix: as, like, as if; about, approximately, around; so, as well as, after,
according to; very, most, utterly (comparison); when, according to.
--- As a particle: as like; as it were.
--- pr.n. "Blooming".
--- intimation or declaration.
--- brotherhood.
--- contempt, objects of contempt.
--- pr.n. "Loving".
--- languor, illness; what is sickening, loathsomeness; faint, sick at heart.
--- to thrust.
--- a fluid; die, ink.
--- to breathe, live; to be (root of & ), to exist, live; to be for; to come
into existence; to become something; come to pass, occur; ruin, calamity.
--- to shine, gleam; to sprout, spurt, shoot forth, flourish, abound; move to and
fro, range about.
--- to hide
--- to divide, to sunder; to discern, to select; to behold, look on; the divided part,
middle part, breast; to cut; seer, prophet; covenant.
--- to sweep away dirt.
--- to twine, bind; to spin.
--- (14); the hand, the letter Yod, power, force; help; a slap or stroke; the side, the
brink; space, place; a monumental pillar.
--- pr.n. "Loving".
--- pr.n. "battle-shout".

21 > 3 - 21 - 21 = 3x7
--- divine name expressing: "I AM"; (see also 16). The divine name associated with
the 1st Sephira, (620); expressing absolute being. (Exod. III, 4)6.
--- (a thing) held, a holding; property.
--- (501 w/f); that; but, yet, however; only (limitation).
--- pr.n. "A Son of the People".

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- pr.n. "Worshiper of Yah".

--- swarm of locusts.
--- to burst forth; break forth, rush; bear, deliver.
--- to break forth, burst forth; bear, deliver; rush forth; pr.n. "Gushing Forth".
--- signing, moaning; complaint.
--- oh!, woe!, alas! (grief, threatening), ho! (exhortation).
--- to boil up (with pride); to act proudly towards.
--- festive.
--- pr.n. "Hiding Place".
--- to cover, to shelter.
--- pr.n. "Sight"; "A Vision"; "Appearance".
--- short form of --- "He/She is"; "He/She creates"; god.
--- to be good; to be well.
6. G-K p.90

22 > 4 - 22 - 22 = 2x11
--- woe! (of complaint or threatening).
--- to prate, babble.
--- banks; a she-kid (goat).
--- thrust, push; a fall.
--- to destroy.
--- spelling of the letter Vau for Atziloth.
--- sacrifice.
--- sharpness, point; joy, gladness.
--- breast.
--- to cut into, to hook fast; hook; thorn, thornbush.
--- to cut into, pierce through, transfix.
--- wheat.
--- good, a blessing; welfare; goodness; bounty.
--- to drive, thrust; to shoot; the reins (kidneys).
--- pr.n. "Living One".
--- to gather together; assemble. (The Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters).
--- to be united; oneness, union, community; together, unitedly; alike, equally;
all, all as one.

23 > 5 - 23 - 9th prime

--- (503 w/f), to twirl or eddy; to mount up in a column (of smoke).
--- pr.n. "Brotherhood".
--- where?, where now?

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- to drop or trickle, to flow scantily.

--- trickling, weeping, a tree (like balsam-scrub).
--- shout of joy; vintage-cry; war-cry.
--- pr.n. "Gift of Yah", "Zebadi".
--- to remove; to bind, knit.
--- brightness, cheerfulness.
--- to bind, to sew; thread, string.
--- a sin, a sin offering; sinful; penalty for sin
--- to live, be, exist; to coil up, to enclose, collect; vitality, life; animal, beast;
living things; quadrupeds (opp. to birds, reptiles etc.); wild beasts; living creature
(angel); a band or troop of men; a people.
--- to daub, smear over; to plaster; besmear.
--- to hurt, to pierce; to be sore; feel pain, to suffer; to be sick or sad; pain; grief.

24 > 6 - 24 - 24 = 23x3
--- pr.n. "Father is ". (See also ).
--- pr.n. "Hoped For".
--- a riddle, enigma.
--- pr.n. "Brother or Friend of Yah". (See also 30).
--- trust, security.
--- body; corpse; the name of the lowest soul in Qabalah (for Malkut).
--- pr.n. "Loving"; baskets; love-apples.
--- pr.n. "Beloved", "David".
--- (504 w/f); this; crushed, oppressed, wretched; victim.
--- choirs.
--- pr.n. "Dowered".
--- fullness, exuberance; an animal, wild beast; fertility (?).
--- pr.n. "Villager".
--- tapestry.
--- a cook; a slaughtering (of cattle); flesh (of a butchered beast), meat.
--- to be sticky, slimy; to coil; a serpent; the letter Tet.
--- pr.n. "Loving".
--- pr.n. "Extended".
--- to make round.
--- a pail, tub.

25 > 7 - 25 - 25 = 52
--- pr.n. "Father is He".
( + = He + Father = 12 + 13, lacks one ( ) of 26 = ).
--- pr.n. "Brotherly".

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- to bind together, fortify; pr.n. "Fortress".

--- to break in pieces, beat small; oppress; crushed; small; broken (in spirit);
contrite; dust.
--- pr.n. "Abundance".
--- pr.n. "Yah Hides".
--- an animal, a beast.
--- to daub, smear over; to plaster; to besmear.
--- pr.n. "High".
--- Judah's Land --- Judea; the Jews.
--- pr.n. "Yah is Brother".
--- pr.n. "Yah lives".
--- pr.n. "Hidden".
--- thus; now; hear; this way, that way; hitherto.

26 > 8 - 26 - 26 = 2x13
--- pr.n. "Holder".
--- (506 w/f); to stick, join together.
--- pr.n. "Festive".
--- pr.n. "Sharp-peak".
--- hook, ring.
--- to cut, dig, explore.
--- god, Jehovah or Yahweh; He/She is; He/She creates. --- the divine name
associated7 with the 3rd Sephirah Binah, (67)
--- pr.n. "Pleasantness".
--- to be dejected, sad.
--- to be heavy, weighty; to be a burden; to be wealthy; to be severe; to be dull; to
be in honour; to be glorious; sore, grievous; abundant, numerous; sluggish;
difficult; the liver; glory; violence; a multitude.
--- to lie, to deceive; lying, deceiving.
--- a window, a hole; thus, now; hitherto; in this manner; how?
7. G-K p. 90

27 > 9 - 27 - 27 = 33
--- pr.n. "Brotherhood".
--- to flow in drops, to weep; to weep at or for.
--- weeping.
--- (507 w/f); transparent, clear, pure; free from fault, blameless.
--- sin.
--- trick, intrigue; a riddle, poetic saying, song; a parable, proverb, maxim;
oracle, vision.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- plaster (on a wall).

--- to cover, hide; to go out, be quenched; to perish.

28 > 10 > 1 - 28 - 28 = 22x7

--- pr.n. "Father is renown".
--- (508 w/f); to tangle, to perplex.
--- pr.n. "Valley of Vision".
--- pr.n. "Of Gold", a place reich in gold and near Sinai.
--- (34); pr.n. "Yah Presents".
--- (24); pr.n. "Dowered".
--- to be clear, transparent; to be pure.
--- sin-offering.
--- to live.
--- (508 w/f); a man-trap; the gums, palate, inside of mouth (stress is on those parts
which taste food).
--- clay; mud, mire.
--- lovely, pleasant; one beloved, a friend.
--- his or its unions; together; alike; all together; pr.n. "Union".
--- to cut or hollow out; to burn, glow, sparkle.
--- to shine, twinkle, pr.n. "Nubia".
--- strength; might; ability, capacity; violence; strength (of the earth), wealth,
produce, riches, means; a lizard (gecko).

29 > 11 > 2 - 29 - 10th prime

--- to crush, break; crushing.
--- (509 w/f); to tread to pieces, tread down.
--- pr.n. "Fulness".
--- pr.n. "He Thanks".
--- pr.n. "Leader".
--- pr.n. "Yah Presented".
--- to bind together; to combine, devise, to fabricate, to lie; a lier; a lie, falsehood.

30 > 3 - 30 - 30 = 2x3x5 (1st 3 primes)

--- Lamed.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; )
(Lamed = --- 74; --- beater, chastiser; staff, goad, Ox-Goad)
--- As a prefix: (direction or motion) to; into; for, towards; to, for, into; to, for,
against; (may express "belonging to" or "possession"); by, from; in regard to respect
to; at, in.
--- mellon(s).

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- pr.n. "Father is Goodness".

--- declaration or solution (of a riddle).
--- (see also 24); pr.n. "Brother or Friend of Yah".
--- deceit, falsehood.
--- (510 w/f); to pound, bruise (in a mortar); a cock, treader.
--- pr.n. "Renown of Yah".
--- pr.n. "Yah Beholds".
--- pr.n. "Praised" --- Judah, Tribe of Judah; Judea, the Jews.
--- pr.n. "Extended".
--- (510 w/f); to strike or smite.
--- to be weary, faint; to be feeble, dim; dull of sight; feeble, expiring; depressed;
pale, faint; mitigation, healing.
--- to pierce, to wound; to destroy.
--- pr.n. "Deceptive".
--- that; because; for; when; where fore, that; but.

31 > 4 - 31 - 11th prime

--- (see also 37); pr.n. "Holds"
--- pr.n. "Brother of Union".
--- (511 w/f); how?; oh how!
--- that, yon.
--- nothing.
--- a strong or mighty one; a hero; strength, power; God --- divine name
associated8 with the 4th Sephira Chesed, (72).
--- to, towards, unto, into; against.
--- these.
--- (definite article replacement) "the".
--- pr.n. "Love of Yah".
--- (511 w/f); to go.
--- pr.n. "Seer".
--- to burn or brand.
--- (37); nothing, nothingness; no, not; without; not yet.
8. G-K p. 91

32 > 5 - 32 - 32 = 25
--- pr.n. "Strong".
--- trickling; dripping; weeping.
--- nothing; not; that not; lest; not yet.
--- Lord, Bel, Belus, Baal.
--- heart; purpose resolve.

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--- to be clear, pure, faultless; to gain or win (in a law-suit); to cleanse, make pure.
--- arrow, lighting. (All thirty-two paths of the tree of light, created by the Lignting).
--- pr.n. "Yah is Good".
--- pr.n. "Yah Keeps" --- a chronicler to King Josiah.
--- pr.n. "Yah assembles".
--- one alone, an onely one; an only son; only daughter; lonely, desolate; forlorn,
--- weight; abundance; riches; glory, honour; majesty or glory. (This is the Divine
Glory, used in a traditional Hebrew night prayer which formed the basis for the middle part
of the Lesser Pentagram Ritual of the Order of the Golden Dawn).
--- to hollow out, to pierce.
--- to conceal, hide.
--- the heart; the life, soul; feelings, affections, emotions; thinking, moral
sentiments; volition, determination; knowledge, understanding; middle or

33 > 6 - 33 - 33 = 3x11
--- to fall or sink down, to droop; to wither, anguish (of a green field); to be
sorrowful; to mourn.
--- to be moist; to be fresh or green.
--- moist spot, meadow.
--- mourning; a wailing cry.
--- truly, decidedly; but, yet.
--- river, stream; river district.
--- to vex or hurt.
--- exultation; heap; fountain, well; bowl; to be hollow.
--- purity, cleanness (moral).
--- to wait for; testing; a bait, a hook, an angle.
--- pr.n. "Beloved".
--- pr.n. "Yah Lives".
--- to burn, to be parched.
--- to seize or raven; to bellow or roar.
--- a cavity or basin; a log (measure for liquids = 1/12th of a = 3 1/3 gills).

34 > 7 - 34 - 34 = 2x17
--- to roll (of water), to flow in waves, to well.
--- wellings of dew; reservoirs of dew.
--- pr.n. "Brother of Renown".
--- pr.n. "Confusion"; Babel, Babylon.
--- to open up, reveal
--- a dashing (to pieces); breakers.

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--- moving, swaying to and fro, tottering; weak; poor, lowly; thin, lean.
--- (28); pr.n. "Yah Presents".
--- pr.n. "Yah is Gracious".
--- pr.n. "Roaming".
--- according to need of; as, as soon as; when.
--- to be strong, powerful; strength.
--- wound, hurt; calamity.
--- to cover up, envelop; the heart.
--- pr.n. "Strife".

35 > 8 - 35 - 35 = 5x7
--- to break forth; cheer up.
--- to turn, plait or combine, twist together; to be high; to bound or limit; to set (as
a boundary); pr.n. "Little Mountain", "Hills".
--- to shear away, shave off; barber.
--- to be tottering, to be poor.
--- (515 w/f) ; how?
--- that.
--- there, yonder; (particle of interrog.)
--- a Judean; a Jew, a Hebrew.
--- nothing (31).

36 > 9 - 36 - 36 = 22x32
--- to be bright, to gleam, to shine.
--- contain; tent (both Bedowin and Tabernacle); shell or exterior of Tabernacle;
dwelling place; the temple; the palace (of the Sun); people; family; patriarchal
--- to tent.
--- lign-aloes, aloe-trees.
--- pr.n. "Eloha" --- divine name associated9 with the 5th Sephira Geburah, (216).
--- pr.n. "Brother of Goodness".
--- how?; how; how!; where?, where there?
--- to worship, adore + god or might.
--- to be strong, muscular, fleshy.
--- will or wish; to affirm or swear by God; to intreat God (sometimes = to curse).
--- swearing; oath; curse; a covenant or agreement.
--- terebinth.
--- God; idol.
--- oak.
--- to separate; to go away; to divide, part, distinguish.

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--- a part.
--- to press together.
--- (41); pr.n. "Praise ye Yah".
--- to that side, yonder-ward.
--- to be vigorous.
--- to gasp or pant; to be tired or faint; pr.n. "Languid".
--- to or in separation.
--- not; oh that, of if!, if!, would!
9. K-G p. 91

37 > 10 > 1 - 37 - 12th prime

--- to be wrong (in mind); to be foolish.
--- to knit or twist together; to be strong; mighty.
--- to go before or in front of; to be before; to begin.
--- strength; body.
--- (see also 31); pr.n. "Holds".
--- see!, lo!; if (conjunction).
--- to haste; to be alarmed, to tremble; to flee; to hasten after; to perish suddenly.
--- to fall away, fail, be worn out; to fall off, waste away; mistress, possessor.
--- pr.n. "Timid."
--- to be timid; to terrify; to scare.
--- to bind, twist; to be firm, strong; nape of the neck; to be great, high, extolled,
mighty, important, precious; to grow up; growing, lusty; greatness, honour,
majesty; pr.n. "Huge".
--- to cover over; enclose; covering; shin.
--- to float, flutter; banner, standard; pendant; to set up or display a banner.
--- to leap or spring.
--- to breathe, blow, exhale; to be vain, to act or speak vainly, have a vain hope;
breath of air, a gentle breeze; breath; vanity; idols; idolatry; exhalation, mist;
pr.n. of Able, Adam's second son --- "Exhalation".
--- pr.n. "Pure".
--- pr.n. "Exploration".
--- pr.n. "Yah Keeps".
--- life; peerless or unique. Yehudia, the highest soul in Qabalah, associated with
the Sephira Keter.
--- splendid, gorgeous; important, precious things.
--- to low, to roar; to burn, to parch; a flame; the heart.
--- to burn, to flame; a flame; a flashing or glittering; sword blade.
--- not; oh that!, oh if!, if!, would!

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

38 > 11 > 2 - 38 - 38 = 2x19

--- pr.n. "God's Training".
--- will of God.
--- to glide; move away; to depart; to flow off or ebb; to vanish.
--- departure.
--- to spring up or issue forth, to flow; to produce.
--- a streaming, rain; produce, increase; bough; what is produced.
--- Toll, tribute; consumption (tax), excise.
--- pr.n. "Valley of Vision".
--- to make bare, to strip, uncover, disclose, reveal, open; betray; to fling away;
drive into exile; open up; cause to migrate, lead away captive; pr.n. "Circuit";
exile, captivity; a well; bowl-shaped capital (of a pillar); oil-bowl.
--- to lift or draw (water).
--- host, army; unconsecration, unholiness; common use.
--- pr.n. "Yah is Good".
--- his or its unions; together; alike; all together.
--- to be straight, even, direct.
--- to strive or quarrel.
--- study or learning.
--- to burn or parch.
--- moist, sappy, fresh, new; freshness, vigour.

39 > 12 > 3 - 39 - 39 = 3x13

--- (see also 33);
river, stream; river-district.
--- I will begin; I will profane.
--- pr.n. "God's Friend".
--- to be turbid; to become foul or corrupt (morally).
--- to be hard, firm.
--- old clothes, rags.
--- redemption; relationship.
--- to go in a circle, to whirl, to turn round; to exult; to rejoice; to tremble;
--- exile.
--- to move to and fro, to swing, wave; to draw, draw out; hanging down or
pendulous thing; thread work; weaver's thrum; locks (of hair); poverty.
--- habitation; to roll, to be round; dung balls; to dwell; to cohabit with.
--- to be sullied or rusty; to be sick.
--- dew. (in Qabalah, a reference to the free gift of the deity without need for merit or prayer).
--- pr.n. "False".
--- pr.n. "Deceptive".

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- child-bearing.
--- to burn, to be swarthy.
--- to scoop out.
--- covered or secret; ladanum (gum from opium poppies)

40 > 4 - 40 - 40 = 23x5
--- Mem.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , .)
(Mem = --- 80/640; --- 90/650 --- Water.)
--- As a prefix: what!; whatever, somewhat; from, out of (particle of departure,
sometimes used for indications of comparison or contrast)
--- pr.n. "Deceptive".
--- loathing; to loath, to abhor.
--- pr.n. "Brightness".
--- pr.n. "Son of Strife".
--- to cut, strip off, flay; to tear, snatch away, seize; to rob, steal, plunder;
evaporate water; peep, twitter.
--- to bear, bring forth; child, offspring.
--- to draw, lift out.
--- a Jewess.
--- to wrap together, twist, bind; to bind, pledge; act torturously; to wound, to
hurt, to destroy; to overthrow; writhing (labor pains); pangs; cord, rope,
measuring line; a portion, an estate; a district, region; a snare, a toil; a band, a
troop; destruction, desolation; hurt, harm; pledge; perverseness; a ropeman,
shipman, sailor; a cable, ship's cable; a mast, helm.
--- to stick on, smear over; to be sticky, greasy, fat; to be white; milk, fresh milk;
fatness; the best part.
--- to hang about, to be torn; to be mended in pieces or patches.
--- pr.n. "Yah Sees".
--- in secret, stealthily; to conceal or hide; to utter privily or softly; gentleness;
--- to languish or faint; to wander or err, to act or speak rashly or foolishly.
--- to be burnt, swarthy.
--- to hide.
--- if not; whether not; perhaps; unless.

41 > 5 - 41 - 13th prime

--- "her tent" --- symbolic term for Samaria.
--- pr.n. "Fat".
--- a strong ram or buck; stag, hart.
--- to knit or twist together; to be strong, mighty.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- mighty or foremost man; great or strong tree, oak, terebinth, palm; buttress,
pilaster, piller, post; frieze.
--- power or force.
--- pr.n. "God"; to.
--- to hop about, leap or spring.
--- (601 w/f); mother; step-mother; grandmother; a female ancestor; benefactress;
Earth-Mother; owner; city.
--- there!, if now!; whether-or; no, not; if.
--- to sever, leave off, rest, cease.
--- separate, hinder.
--- pr.n. "God's Majesty".
--- limit, bound, edge, margin; a bounded district.
--- to glow, burn; live coals; lightning.
--- to be smooth, bare, bald; make bald, shear, shave; devastate.
--- a solid mass, a cake.
--- to be bright, to gleam.
--- to that side, yonderward.
--- to dip, to sink into; to be baptised.
--- to will, wish; to be dull, foolish; to be wry; to be in front, to begin.
--- a burning or branding; pr.n. "Window of Yah".
--- to cast down or prostrate.
--- to cleave to, to accompany; to bind oneself, to borrow; to will or wish.
--- what?; whatsoever. (In Qabalah, much is made of contrasting and , "who" and
"what"; signifying presence or lack of person, 10 v. 1, and the significance of words
spelled with either letter. This significance is held to reflect strongly on 50 and 41. In
particular, the 10 v. 1 aspect is sometimes taken to deny the existence of personality in the
higher soul).

42 > 6 - 42 - 42 = 2x3x7
--- a god, God.
--- cubit, ell; pr.n. "Mother" --- an alternate name10 of the 3rd Sephira Binah, (67)
--- terror, sudden ruin.
--- terror, sudden ruin; pr.n. "Timid" or "Shy" of the mother of the tribes of Dan
and Naphtali.
--- destruction; lack, nought, nothing; without.
--- greatness, majesty (of God); renown.
--- to be afraid.
--- to trouble, make turbid.
--- (31); pr.n. "Praise ye Yah".
--- this.
--- to lift or draw (water).

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- to be slack, to leave off, cease, desist, rest, fail, let alone, abstain; failing, frail;
forbearing; destitute, forsaken; resting-place; the grave.
--- to hide; to dig; pr.n. "Concealment"; hidden or indefinite time; duration, life,
age; the world; mole.
--- pr.n. "God is Good".
--- to flow or run; to sound aloud, shout; to bring; a stream; a blast, signal; the
--- pr.n. "Yah is Glorious" --- name of the mother of Moses.
--- a lion.
--- a flame; blade or point.
--- to turn aside.
10. G-K p. 90

43 > 7 - 43 - 14th prime

- --- pr.n. "Inglorious".

--- great, vast, mighty.

--- to roll; a revolving; age; exultation, joy.
--- to open up, reveal; cause to migrate, lead away captive.
--- (603 w/f); accumulation, junction, addition; together, also, even.
--- to shake, pour out; put aside, remove.
--- to be weak, feeble; to be sick or ill; to feel pain, hurt; to soothe, stroke; to be
sweet, comely; to adorn; a cake; sacrificial cake.
--- pr.n. "Beloved of Yah" --- a name of Solomon the Son of David.
--- lion or lioness.
--- to wend or bend aside; to turn away; almond-tree or hazel; pr.n. "An Incline".
--- to grind, to chew, to eat.
--- great, mighty; a Magus or magician.

44 > 8 - 44 - 44 = 22x11
--- pr.n. "Father of Might" ( ) ( 13 + 31 = 44, + . Near approach to 13 + 13 =
26, or . Actually a sort of numerical counterpoise to it. Stress to but
weakness > . 44 > 8 as will, Hod.).
--- (604 w/f);
to be bent down, to be sad.
--- to gather, to flow together.
--- bowed down.
--- a pool; sedge flag or reed.
--- pr.n. "Emigrant".
--- pr.n. "God's Gift".
--- pr.n. "God is Father.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- Babylonian, (confusion).

--- "Small precious things", bdellium --- a sweet resin.
--- exile; captivity.
--- to absorb, drink up; swallow; bulrush; absorbent (of moisture); Egyptian
papyrus, paper-reed.
--- (524 w/f); to crush, be wretched.
--- bucket.
--- (604 w/f); blood; blood-guiltiness, murder; sap, juice, wine.
--- to move in a circle, to dance; to turn or twist oneself, to writhe; to bear a
child; to tremble, to be afraid; to be firm, strong, mighty; to wait; to surround,
enclose; sand; pr.n. "Circuit".
--- a soiling or rust.
--- to be fresh, young; a lamb.
--- pr.n. "He (God) Redeems".
--- in the Jubilee.
--- to lay down, let down (from the womb); to bring forth, to bear; to lay eggs; to
beget (as a father); to create, produce; one born; a male child; a lad or boy.
--- a spark.
--- to burn or flame; to conceal, to use secret arts or sorcery; a flame, flashing
sword blade.
--- to hew or cut; a tablet, table or slab; fold of a door.
--- a garment; carpet; a measure.

45 > 9 - 45 - 45 = 32x5
--- (605 w/f); to stamp down, to make solid; to dam.
--- to be blood or red colored; to sparkle.
--- pr.n. "Adam" -- the first man; man, men, mankind; a male. (Note that =
mother; = symbol of the womb or maternal signature. = woman within woman
= man is inwardly woman).
--- land of Edom; father of the race of Edom.
--- (see also 241/801) Aramea.
--- a red (precious stone) --- garnet, carnelian.
--- (see also 84/644); to be dumb, silent; to be struck dumb; to be amazed; to rest, to
leave off; to stand still; to become silent; to be destroyed
--- pr.n. "Bright".
--- plunder.
--- (605 w/f); pr.n. "Multitude"; noise, crowdings (of people); they; such as they.
--- a habitation; heaven.
--- to creep, glide; to slink away, be timid.
--- a pledge or pawn.
--- pr.n. "Fatness".

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--- to lift, to cast.

--- so and so, thus and thus.
--- to hide, conceal; to be sticky or tough; a covering or veil; pr.n.
"Concealment", the name of Lot.
--- a (kind of) lizard.
--- garlands or festoons.
--- force, might; exceedingly, very; energetically, quickly.

46 > 10 > 1 - 46 - 46 = 2x23

--- pr.n. "Father is Exultation".
--- hind, doe (also a term of endearment for a woman).
--- fat tail (burned in sacrifice --- 10 to 20 lbs on oriental sheep).
--- pr.n. "God is God" or "God is Yah" or "El is God" or "Mighty God" or
"Mighty He is"; "Elijah" --- (see also 52).
--- cubit, ell.
--- hand-maid, maid-servent, female slave.
--- terror.
--- Mother-city, metropolis; a foundation; fore-arm.
--- a people, tribe.
--- tin, tin-alloy; dross (to be separated from true metal).
--- border, margin (of land); seashore; limit, a bounded district.
--- young bird; young dove; eaglet.
--- pr.n. "Partridge".
--- pr.n. "God Sees".
--- pr.n. "Strength".
--- pr.n. "Binding" or "Garland", "Levi".
--- to moisten; to be moist or juicy, fresh.
--- to be great, much, numerous; magnitude or multitude, a number or amount; a
hundred; before (or) after.

47 > 11 > 2 - 47 - 15th prime

--- wry, perverse; foolish; a fool; wicked; godless.
--- foolish.
--- if not; whether not; perhaps; fearing, doubting or hoping.
--- (607 w/f); hum, hubbub (exp. of noise tumult or alarm).
--- (607 w/f); to be dumb, mute.
--- an elevation, height, sacred or altar-height, shrines or chapels built on
eminences; strong-holds; fastness; grave-mound, sepulcre.
--- fringes, tassels; wreaths, festoons.

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--- to cut off; divide; measure; bind together; be strong, valiant; a dividing; ell or
cubit; mighty men, warriors.
--- this.
--- (527 w/f); to be clean, bright, pure.
--- to be shaky, to waver.
--- pr.n. "Mole" or "Weasel".
--- to draw out, to press (for information).
--- head-dress, turban.
--- pr.n. "Yah is Might" or "Yah is God".
--- to be honored, renowned; to be great or chief, to be noble; excellency,

48 > 13 > 4 - 48 - 48 = 24x3

--- (608 w/f/); to be high, to rise upwards, to tower.
--- in water.
--- greatness, majesty (of God); renown; pr.n. "Greatness" --- alternate name of the
4th Sephira Chesed, (72).
--- pr.n. "God's Good Luck", "God's Goat".
--- exultation.
--- this.
--- removal, a putting aside, besides, except.
--- to move in a circle, dance; power, might; strength, produce; riches, wealth;
force (for war), army; honesty, virtue, worth; fortification, bulwark, rampart,
moat; pain, pang; trembling, terror.
--- (628 w/f); to seize.
--- ornament, necklace; prostration, suffering, sickness; grief; evil; calamity.
--- (608 w/f); father-in-law; warm, hot; pr.n. "Swarthy", Ham, Egypt; heat.
--- produce (of the land); wealth.
--- a blast, a loud shout, sound or signal; "Jubilant"; river, stream; the Jubilee.
--- to wait, hope.
--- a ruby or carbuncle.
--- a star; the planet Mercury; a prince.
--- jaw, jaw-bone; cheek.
--- from that time
--- to stretch out, to measure; to mete out; to requite, flight, a fleeing or passing
--- fat, marrowy; wealthy, noble.
--- marrow.

49 > 13 > 4 - 49 - 49 = 72
--- (609 w/f); to go softly, slowly.

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--- river, stream; river-district.

--- pr.n. "El Chai" --- divine name associated11 with the 9th Sephira Yesod, (81).
--- (see also 50); to flow.
--- to be similar or like; to become like, to resemble; to liken or compare; to use
similitudes; to think or deem; to meditate; to remember; to make oneself like.
--- dumb, silent; to make silent; to destroy.
--- silence; utter desolation.
--- pr.n. "Father Tent" or "Family".
--- camel keeper.
--- (particle of wishing:) oh that!
--- pr.n. "Sickly.
--- "Ever Living God" or "God Lives".
--- pr.n. "God is a Friend".
--- (609 w/f); dumb.
--- (55); pr.n. "Yah hath saved".
--- (609 w/f); to stamp hard, to tread or beat upon; foot-stool, hassock; to cut (into
parts); piece, portion.
--- "Ever Living God" or "God Lives".
--- to wrap together, to thicken or curdle; to be hot, to burn; to heat, anger, wrath.
--- lamb; Aries (zodiacal sign).
--- a girl, maiden.
--- pancakes.
--- a coming in, entering; an entrance; setting (of the Sun), westward.
--- stretch, measure; middle; extension, greatness; tribute; garment, carpet;
--- to strike, smite.
--- an incline or depression.
11. G-K p. 92

50 > 5 - 50 - 50 = 2x52
--- Nun.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ).
(May be added initially or medially or finally. May be assimilated or dropped).
(Nun = --- 106/756 --- Fish).
--- (see also 450 & 49); firm ground, earth; land or soil; tract of land, territory,
country; the whole earth, the globe.
--- pr.n. "Fortress"
--- to flow; to become or be similar or like; to compare, use similitude; to think
or deem; to remember; dumb or silent; to rest, to be destroyed; silence.
--- (610 w/f); to close.
--- pr.n. "Unwedded".

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--- (610 w/f); to cut off, devour; locust.

--- to be hard, firm.
--- (610 w/f); to be dumb; to rest.
--- to move to and fro, be pendulous, wave, totter, hang loose.
--- to hum, growl, snarl, coo, groan; to sound, roar, splash; to make a din; to be
internally stirred; to be agitated; to buss about; they.
--- to plunge; to be soiled, sullied, polluted; to be unholy; unclean.
--- pr.n. "Poverty-stricken."
--- one born.
--- (610 w/f); a humming, roaring; the sea, a large river, the Nile, Euphrates; a
reservoir; the West; warm springs.
--- completeness, totality, all; the whole; every; any one; wholly; altogether.
--- garment.
--- to mix.
--- mixture; spiced wine.
--- to reach or come to.
--- who? (always suggests a person, even if applied to a thing); whoever, every one.
(In Qabalah, much is made of contrasting and , "who" and "what"; signifying
presence of lack of person, 10 v. 1, and the significance of words spelled with either of the
pair of letters. This significance is held to reflect strongly on 50 and 41. In particular, the
10 v. 1 aspect is sometimes taken to deny the existence of personality in the highest soul).

51 > 6 - 51 - 51 = 3x17
--- (611 w/f; see also 45/605);the land of Edom, Essau or his posterity the Idumeans.
--- (611 w/f); to alarm, to be noisy, to rage.
--- fearful, terrible.
--- terrors, idols.
--- to eat (often used of sword, fire, hunger, pestilence, idols, etc.)
--- eating; food; provision; prey.
--- pr.n. "I Am Able".
--- (531 w/f); these.
--- (701 w/f & see 57/707, 61/711); pr.n. of Heliopolis, with ;
--- where?, whither?
--- ah now!, ah I pray thee!
--- to be nothing, naughty, wicked; to make effort, labor; to be exausted, to
suffer; to earn by labour.
--- (611 w/f); to glow, to flame; pr.n. "Live Coal".
--- (611 w/f); to roar, to be noisy; to agitate.
--- them.
--- wrong, harm.
--- to be bright, warm.

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--- to hold, confine, shut up; to restrain, keep back; enclosure; a prison;
--- (531 w/f); to go (business or errand); to send or dispatch.
--- wreath, garland.
--- look-out, expectation, hope.
--- concealment, hiding-place.
--- raw or under-done.
--- now!, pray! (particle or interjection of wishing or inciting).
--- pr. n. "House of Ammon", Thebes (in Egypt).

52 > 7 - 52 - 52 = 22x13
--- pr.n. "Father is Shelter".
--- pr.n. "Yah is God". (see also 46).
--- pr.n. "God Hideth".
--- (see also 56); I (first person singular); ah now!, ah pray thee!
--- dumb beast; cattle; tame beasts; beast of burden; wild beasts.
--- (702 w/f); a sage.
--- son; king's son, a prince; boy, youth; grandson; descendants, posterity; a
young one (beasts & birds).
--- pr.n. "Great is Yah".
--- (612 w/f); to be foul, rancid; pr.n. "Loathing".
--- thought, plan, plot; counsel; mischief, crime; lewdness, incest; revolt,
--- pr.n. "forbearing".
--- pr.n. "Long-lived" or "Worldly".
--- to be warm, eager; to strive after something; to desire or covet; to take
pleasure or delight in; attractiveness, pleasantness.
--- (612 w/f); to long for, to become attached; brother-in-law, husband's brother; to
act the brother-in-law, to perform the levirate (impregnate your brother's widow to
get him a son, the duty broken by Onan).
--- to bind, combine; a bond or fetter.
--- to weave, plait; dog; to be fierce, bold; pr.n. "Bold", "Brave", Caleb; a male
prostitute, catamite.
--- rash utterance.
--- pr.n. "Magog".
--- to suck out; to collect or store up; sucked out, exhausted. --- pr.n. "Firm".
--- to be renowned.
--- pr. n. "Hill", of a city of the priests near Jerusalem.

53 > 8 - 53 - 16th prime

--- (613 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Day".

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--- (703 w/f);to glow steadily; to build; to be firm.

--- to turn round.
--- stone, rock; hailstone. ( = (son) + (father)).
--- round plate or disk; midwife stool; potter's stool or wheel.
--- pr.n. "My Tabernacle in Her" --- symbolic of Jerusalem.
--- pr.n. "Yah is God" --- see also 46.
--- eagerness, haste.
--- build.
--- (703 w/f); enclosure, garden, orchard. park.
--- writhing, pain; strength, bulwark.
--- trinket, ornament.
--- to bind or join, hold, enclose; to be hot, to glow; heat, excitement; wine;
anger; poison; warmth; the sun.
--- pr.n. "An Exile".
--- pr.n. "Restrained".
--- pr.n. "Place of Troops", "Megiddo".
--- garner
--- to wipe; to wipe out (erase letters); to forgive (sins); to wipe off men (get rid of
them); to touch on.
--- full of marrow.
--- to bubble up or pour forth; to announce or tell; to speak as moved by divine
impulse, to prophesy; to speak as a prophet or bard, to chant or sing; to rave;
to act the madman.

54 > 9 - 54 - 54 = 2x33
--- (704 w/f); basin, cup. --- to enclose, to hold or contain.
--- stillness, rest.
--- (704 w/f); pr.n. "Judge"; tribe of Dan; Dan --- a Phoenician deity also called
Eshmun; this.
--- pr.n. "god's Present".
--- (614 w/f); to burn, to be scorched; black, dark-colored.
--- soft curds; curdled milk.
--- unclean, condemned; stolid.
--- one born; descendant.
--- to take or catch; to seize; to master, to capture; to select or choose; snaring.
--- entrances, havens.
--- contempt.
--- an altar.
--- to be firm.
--- downwards.
--- a branch or shoot; a rod or stick; a scepter; empire; a spear; a stem or tribe.

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--- a couch, divan; a litter or palanquin; a bear (for the dead).

--- spreadings or expansions.
--- a stretching or straining.
--- to bore through or make hollow; vain, foolish.
--- a heap; waves (poetic reference to waves as heaped up in the sea).

55 > 10 > 1 - 55 - 55 = 5x11

--- pr.n. of a city "Human".
--- pr.n. "Edomite", "Idumean".
--- (705 w/f); to make firm, to settle, to rule or govern.
--- strong.
--- foundation, pedestal; basis (of a pillar) or timbers underlying (wooden partitions).
--- (615 w/f); pr.n. "Cisterns" or "Locusts".
--- (705 w/f); gibbous, to curve; hunch-backed.
--- to steal, rob; thief.
--- stillness; the grave.
--- pr.n. "Yah hath saved"; (49).
--- to take, receive, hold; to be strong, firm.
--- (535 w/f); to go; to be going to die; to spread; to extend; float; flow; continue,
keep on; to walk, to live, pursue a way of life; to go away, to disappear, be
gone, depart, die; a way, course, stream; a way-tax, toll.
--- (705 w/f); they; you, this, that; lo!, behold!; if; whether?
--- uncleanness; impurity; an unclear thing.
--- pr.n. "God Quickens" or "God declares".
--- to be hot; to be bright; to be warm.
--- to be able.
--- to hold, contain, restrain; to be complete, finished; to be prepared, ready; to be
destroyed; to waste away; to fail; to pass away or vanish; conclusion,
completion; utterly, completely; destruction, utter ruin; pining, failing; to be
stable, firm; a bride, spouse; a daughter-in-law.
--- to thee; pr.n. "Journey".
--- garment; disease, sickness.
--- to gird; a girdle; a bond, fetter.
--- to envelope, to be hollow.
--- a leather bottle.
--- to be dry.
--- drought; the south (the dry quarter); South Palestine.
--- to drive away.
--- eminence or excellency.

56 > 11 > 2 - 56 - 56 = 23x7

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- pr.n. "Father is exultation". ( = 13).

--- to wait in hope.
--- (616 w/f); pr.n. "A Holding".
--- how?
--- terror, fear.
--- food.
--- (also 52); I.
--- whither/ where-ward?
--- to sigh, to lament.
--- to bow, incline; to meet, approach; to cause to occur.
--- to swim or float.
--- (706 w/f); parenthetically Samson (as "Danite").
--- sycamore. (Nuit is called the Goddess of the Sycamore).
--- (616 w/f); pr.n. "He Will Ruin Them".
--- pr.n. "Seen of God".
--- (616 w/f); day; festival day; birthday, day of calamity, of battle; by day; today,
at this or that day; lately; in the daytime; about that time; to be warm or
--- completeness, totality, all; the whole; every, each; to hold or measure.
--- gold exactress (process) or gold making.
--- to be marrowy (of a bone); to be fat (of a sheep).
--- to rest or settle, to dwell.
--- dwellings, pastures.
--- to impel or incite.
--- to be willing or ready; to give freely.
--- pr. n. "Liberal" (a king of Israel, also a son of Aaron).

57 > 12 > 3 - 57 - 57 = 3x19

--- (707 w/f); destruction.
- --- ah now!
--- foolish.
--- (707 w/f; also see 51/701);
to be nothing, naughty, wicked; to make effort, to
labor, to toil; to be exhausted, to suffer; to earn by labour.
--- breath; nothingness; vanity; naughtiness; worthlessness; sinfulness; falsehood;
hypocrisy; deceit; idolatry; idol; labor or sorrow; distress.
--- wealth; force (poetically: son or sun).
--- pr.n. "Powerful" or "Rich".
--- we.
--- (707 w/f); to be pressed together, to be thick; the thumb; great toe.
--- to build; lay a foundation; to build upon or up in; to rebuild, restore; grant
family prosperity (descendants).

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--- (707 w/f);

to grow, increase; grain, corn, bread.
--- to be yielding, impressible.
--- (707 w/f); to be hard.
--- (707 w/f); sort, kind.
--- pr.n. "Waverer".
--- (617 w/f); to muzzle; to close up; to restrain.
--- desire, longing; delight; object of delight; lust.
--- to crouch; a lizard.
--- confinement; a prison.
--- desires.
--- overthrow, ruin.
--- an altar; (see also 114).
--- pr.n. "Flowing Waters" --- of a city in Reuben.
--- to be raised or convex, to be prominent.
--- to be in front or present, to be manifest.
--- to flow.
--- the front; before, in presence of; over against; against (as opposing); like,
corresponding to; over (president); from over against, opposite.
--- no, to nay, say 'no' (also the English word "No" exactly.
--- to be tough or raw.

58 > 13 > 4 - 58 - 58 = 2x29

--- pr.n. "Father is Splendor".
--- pr.n. "perennial".
--- (708 w/f); the ear; to hear; to obey.
--- to point; to sharpen.
--- to weigh.
--- weapon or implement.
--- (also 3); fruit.
--- to enter, lead to, to bear.
--- (708 w/f; also 62/712); to separate, distinguish, mark; to see, discern, hear, feel;
to attend; to perceive.
--- enter.
--- pr.n. "Great is Yah".
--- garden, park.
--- (708 w/f); pr.n. "Low Country".
--- (708 w/f); to surround, to cover.
--- to be black or dark; to sadden.
--- (538 w/f); to be black, gloomy, unhappy, wretched; wretchedness; wretched

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- (708 w/f); favorable inclination, favor, grace, kindness; gracefulness;

attractiveness, charm.
(considered a Noteriqon for , Secret Wisdom or Qabalah.
--- pr.n. "God's Assembly".
--- waiting, hoping.
--- (618 w/f); to be warm, heated; to be in (sexual) heat, to rut; to conceive.
--- the brightness or fiery splendour of Yahweh upon Sinai, in the tabernacle, in
the temple. (Schkinah --- 385).
--- pr.n. "Pledged" or "Bound".
--- to streak or color (especially the eyes with kohl); to paint. (this is the word for
cosmetic antimony paste, Kohl, and is the root of the English word Color).
--- net-work; a basket, a cage.
--- to be firm or strong; haleness, strength; hale old-age.
--- (538 w/f); to lick up, to devour, to consume.
--- seductions.
--- a stroke or blow.
--- pr.n. "Love".
--- pr. n. "Speaker", Nebo the Chaldean deity akin to Mercury (worshipped as the
celestial scribe or interpreter).
--- pr. n. "Hill-top".
--- to shine or gleam; to cause to shine; to enlighten.
--- a shining or gleaming (of fire); glory (divine).
--- light or day-break.
--- to move to and fro, to flap (wings); to move or wander about, to stray.
--- to flee.
--- to be tall or lofty, to be eminent.
--- to sigh or pant.
--- to spring or shoot up, to sprout; to be vigorous or hale (of old men); to
increase (as wealth); to utter.
--- pr. n. "Rest" or "comfort", Noah.

59 > 14 > 5 - 59 - 17th prime

--- pr.n. "Brother by Birth".
--- to lament, to moan.
--- (619 w/f); pr.n. "Nations" or "Gentiles".
--- (709 w/f); to protect, shelter.
--- pr.n. "Whisper".
--- (709 w/f); to gain, to buy.
--- to be pendulous, to wave, wobble; to cut off or hurt the tail; to smite the rear (
of any army); tail; end, stump; posterior, mean.
--- pr.n. "Sandy".

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--- wall; town-wall.

--- pr.n. "God Lives".
--- trust, confidence; security.
--- slaughter or massacre.
--- pr. n. "Brilliance" or "Beauty", (Venus).
--- to move or flee away; to remove or put off.
--- to reach out, to give.
--- a liberal gift (especially the hiring of a hooker).
--- removal or separation; what is removed, uncleanness or impurity.; an
abominable act (esp. incest).

60 > 6 - 60 - 60 = 22x3x5
--- Samekh.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; , , ; , , , ).
(May be added initially or finally.)
(Samekh = --- 120/600 --- A Prop or Support).
--- (620 w/f); pr.n. "Father's Brother".
--- (710 w/f); to bind, to plait.
--- (710 w/f); to try; to make glow, to melt; to purify (by fire); to test or prove; to
(Good confirmation of Tarot "Temperance" correspondence to = 60).
--- prying-place, watch-tower.
--- (710 w/f); mounting, swelling; excellency, majesty; pride, haughtiness.
--- curdled milk --- cheese.
--- a theft; a thing stolen.
--- to gather together, store up, hide; treasurers; chests for keeping valuables,
treasure-chest; coverings.
--- (710 w/f); to tread, press down, subdue, have power, rule; to contend (at law); to
judge; vindicate, defend, punish; judgment.
--- sound (of a harp).
--- they; themselves; hither, to this place; lo!, see!.
--- to enclose, contain; a basket.
--- (66); to hold, contain; to be capable of; to be able; to prevail, to succeed; to
control oneself; to master, comprehend.
--- (540 w/f); to go, to walk.
--- anything prepared or made up; what holds or contains; a vessel or utensil;
garment; baggage; instrument or tool; weapons; a vessel or boat; grasping one
--- a miser.
--- a sight, vision.
--- a view, a window.
--- a broom.
--- a spinning, spunwork.

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--- to bark or bay (as a dog).

--- pr. n. "Barking" (of a city).
--- southward.
--- pr. n. ""Brilliance" or "Beauty", (Venus).
--- to call or cry, to wail or lament.
--- to move to and fro, to wave or nod; to wander about; to wander away; to nod
or incline towards, to condole or comfort; to bemoan.
--- to heap up.
--- to move off or flee.
--- a moving or wandering about (pr. n. of the region of Cain's wanderings).
--- condolence.
--- to comfort.
--- wailing.

61 > 4 - 61 - 18th prime

--- pr.n. "Father is Strength". (contrast = 44 > 8).
--- (711 w/f); ruler, lord; owner, possessor; (divinity sometimes).
--- pr.n. "Strong One".
--- to hum; to growl; to snarl; to coo; to be internally stirred.
(compare: > --- addition of = fire or divine spirit with:
> --- addition of = earth or matter).
--- (711 w/f); pr.n. "Lovely".
--- (711 w/f); not.
--- where; where = no where!; as nothing; about nothing; without; of nothing,
worse than nothing.
--- none; nothing.
(The highest nameable stage in Qabalah, the Void before the the manifestation of the
limitless and, eventually, the One. Term used in Qabalah to signify the third and last aspect
of the deity beyond the manifested universe).
--- to lament; alas!, halloo!, yell, howl, wail.
--- to be of no account.
--- to gather in, to harvest.
--- to be strong.
--- I; an; me; my.
--- ship; shipping; a fleet.
--- (711 w/f); to stretch out, distend, expand.
--- belly, womb; innermost part (heart).
--- to bend.
--- (711 w/f); incline or bend.
--- (711 w/f); to breathe; to be vain, light; to toil, earn, bet by labor; wealth, riches;
worth, value; enough.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- confinement, a prison.

--- pr.n. "To God".
--- a refuge; a harbour, haven.
--- the good or choice, the best part.
--- to look hard.
--- pr. n. "Look" or "Regard".
--- to push or thrust, to gore; to overthrow.
--- apt to push, goring.
--- voluntariness, voluntary; liberal allowance, plenty; free-will offering.
--- to be tough or raw.
--- to be lofty or eminent; to extol or celebrate.
--- to rest, to remain or dwell.
--- a dwelling, home; a pasture.
--- to boil or cook.

62 > 8 - 62 - 62 = 2x31
--- band, priest's girdle, ornamental belt.
--- to be strong, to heal.
--- pr.n. "Healer", "Physician".
--- (712 w/f, also 58/708); to separate, distinguish, mark; to see, discern hear, feel; to
attend; to perceive.
--- separation, internal, between.
--- to well up, flow, pour over; pour together, to confound; to mingle in sexual
connection, to defile; Baal.
--- pr.n. "Built"; "Wise"; sons (of).
--- (712 w/f); to grow; grain, millet.
--- to beget, cohabit; to commit fornication; to commit adultery; to play the
harlot; a shore, harlot; religious apostasy; to go whoring (after sex, idols, the True
God, etc.).
--- pr.n. "Place of Lizards".
--- pr.n. "Yah has plunged", "Yah has consecrated", "Yah has baptised".
--- (712 w/f);
to understand. (compare )
--- compass or compasses (for striking a circle).
--- desirable or lovely.
--- to thrust out or expel; to impel or strike; to be thrown out; to be driven out; an
--- pr. n. "Nobility".
--- to bound or spring; to spurt.
--- fruit or produce.

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63 > 9 - 63 - 63 = 32x7
--- (713 w/f); Abadon, place of the dead; destruction; place of destruction; the
abyss (see also ).
(6+3=9 or, on finals, 713 -> 11. Sephir Yetzirah: "10, not 9, not 11. wo/f lacks 1, w/f excess
by 1 of perfection. = 1 is the symbol of the no-thing, yet 10 > 1. --- This word embodies
all and null, but stresses null and only possesses all by implication).
--- to feed, to fatten; to collect, to bring together; to fill in, to cram.
--- pr.n. "Powerful" or "Rich".
--- pr.n. "Insight".
--- to roll, cause to turn; hollow out, excavate; a rolling; dung, ordure (rounded
form or of men); turn, circumstance.
--- pr.n. "Low Country".
--- wax.
--- wretchedness, wretched one.
--- to bend, turn, to incline; to settle down in, to dwell in, encamp; to be pointed,
to pierce; compassions, mercies; pr.n. "Beauty".
--- (713 w/f); to press or crush.
--- (713 w/f); a pining away.
--- (713 w/f); pr.n. "Fish-like" or "prolific" --- name of Dagon, the fish god.
--- to nourish, pamper; to point, sharpen; to shape, form; to deck, ornament, deck
out, adorn; to be well fed.
--- pr.n. "Deliverance".
--- pr.n. "God gladdens".
--- pr.n. "renowned".
--- preservation of life; sustenance, livelihood; a wound or sore.
--- pain suffering; sorrow, grief.
--- a prophet, a speaker.
--- brightness, splendour.
--- to lead or guide.
--- to sip or suck in, to keep drinking, to tipple; a drunkard.
--- drink; drinking bout or carousal.
--- pr. n. "Sabean Man", name of a son of Cush and the Sabean people.

64 > 10 > 1 - 64 - 64 = 26
--- complaint; sigh.
--- (714 w/f); to tread, press down, subdue, have power, rule; to judge, vindicate,
defend, punish; judgment; place of judgment; tribunal; cause for judgment;
wrong, guilt; right, justice, controversy, dispute; sentence, punishment; a
judge; an alternate name "Din" for Geburah, the 5th Sephira.
--- to move to and fro, be pendulous, wave, totter, hang loose; to be slack, weak,
languish; to fail (of eye); to be poor.

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--- pr.n. "Judge".

--- to be warm, heated; to be in (sexual) heat; to rut; to conceive.
--- pr.n. "Gold Waters".
--- a prophecy; a prophetic writing.
--- to incline oneself, to rest, to settle down; to repose (also figuratively of death; to
abide or remain.)
--- rest, quiet.
--- to stretch out, extend; to spread out or expand; to hold out or propose; to
spread abroad; to bow down or stoop; to go away.
--- consolation.
--- to turn, to approach; to traverse; to go around, to encompass; to besiege, to
surround; to turn or change, to become like.
--- stocks (a wooden frame for confining the feet).

65 > 11 > 2 - 65 - 65 = 5x13

--- (71); supreme Lord; The Lord (divinity). (G D 6+5=11: the formula of
completion of the Great Work).
--- (715 w/f); there; then.
--- pr.n. "Swarthy".
--- on account of.
- --- (715 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Adad" (Syrian god).
--- (625 w/f); baskets; love-apples.
--- still, silent; silence; rest, ease; devotion in.
--- a palace, temple, tabernacle, sanctuary; heaven.
--- (715 w/f); hin --- liquid measure 1/6 of a (= 5 English quarts).
--- (545 w/f); a going, step.
--- to be bright, to shine; to make display, boast; to give a clear sound; pr.n.
--- hush!, silence!; silently.
--- to scatter; to cast away, reject; to dissipate, evaporate.
--- (715 w/f); to be soft, sticky.
--- to be violent, cruel; to oppress; to mourn, to coo.
--- a vessel, the kidney; the inward parts; the kernel or best part.
--- like what?, how?, to pine after, long for; how great?, how long?, how many?,
how often?
--- a door post.
--- a girdle
--- a striking or beating; a stroke or blow; a wound; slaughter.
--- a wail or elegy.
--- to move or quake (said of the earth).

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66 > 12 > 3 - 66 - 66 = 2x3x11

--- drying up..
--- (716 w/f); yarn, thread.
--- I will go.
--- an eating, a meal.
--- a ship.
--- sighing, lamentation.
--- to trouble, injure; to hurt; to vex.
--- (716 w/f); a trier (of metals), assayer.
--- watch-tower.
--- pistacianut.
--- (716 w/f); pr.n. "Refuge".
--- wheel (of a chariot); a whirlwind; chaff, stubble.
--- pr.n. "Stinky".
--- pr.n. "Favor of Hadad".
--- to press or fasten together.
--- to be able.
--- (716 w/f); to boil or bubble up; to ferment; Greece, the Greeks (Ionia) ---
"Wineland(ers)"; mire, mud.
--- pr.n. "God beholds".
--- (60); to be able; to hold, contain; to be capable of; to prevail, succeed; to
control oneself; to overcome; to master; to comprehend.
--- (626 w/f); to group; to join, to cluster together.
--- as, like; when, as soon as; thus.
--- to turn, wind.
--- spoil or booty, riches or wealth.
--- willing or prompt, voluntary; a noble or prince.
--- to mark off, to measure.
--- a measure (a corn measure containing 1/3 of an Ephah, about 1 1/2 peck)

67 > 13 > 4 - 67 - 19th prime

--- (717 w/f);
pr.n. "Father is Judge" --- father of the Tribe of Dan.
--- to cause to consume, give to eat.
- --- where now?
--- ingathering; time of harvest, 6th Hebrew month (from Sept. to Oct. new moon).
--- nought.
--- discernment, understanding; pr.n. "Intelligence", Binah ---the third Sephira,
considered the feminine or passive potency12. Binah is (720) in Greek13.
It corresponds14 to the Heart of Adam Qadmon (161).
--- pr.n. "Yah Built-up"; building.

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--- (717 w/f); evacuation, defecation; belly (of creeping animals).

--- stone-wood, ebony-wood, hard-wood.
--- on the altar.
--- (717 w/f); the letter Zain; weapon; ornament; sword.
--- (717 w/f); pride, haughtiness.
--- to wave, to shake or scatter out, to squander.
--- to spice, to season, flavor; to ripen; to embalm (a corpse by spicing); to be
--- (717 w/f); to pound, crush; to oppress; to grind; the grinders (molar teeth).
--- pr.n. "He (God) Causes to Build".
--- (717 w/f); to nourish; to pamper.
--- (71); pr.n. "Firm".
--- to form into balls or grains.
--- unless.
--- pr. n. "Barker" (of a dog god of the Avites).
--- chief man, overseer; leader; prince; noble or excellent things.
--- a turn or course (of events).
--- to fall down before, to adore (used only of idol worship or of a man with god-like
--- to agitate, to move hither and thither.
--- pr. n. "Devoted To Seve" (roughly "devoted to Chronos", the name of an Egyptian
king Sevechus contemporary with King Hoshea of Israel).
12. G-K p.90
13. G-K p. 93
14. G-K p. 93

68 > 14 > 5 - 68 - 22x17

- --- wo! now!
--- I will extol him.
--- pr.n. "Long Eared".
--- pr.n. "Wise".
--- to tread to the ground, trample on (enemies); to despise.
--- pr.n. "Building".
--- (718 w/f); covered, enclosed.
--- harlot, prostitute.
--- pr.n. "Abundance".
--- (628 w/f); life; livelihood.
--- (718 w/f); grace, beauty.
--- (628 w/f); to be wise, to gain wisdom; to gain by wisdom; to teach, make wise;
to be a well trained (magician); wise, intelligent, understanding, discreet,

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--- poor.
--- to turn, move round, bore through, perforate; writhe, be pained; to be loose,
free, common, profane; to revolve, a flute; piper; one thrust through,
dispatched, slain; unholy, unclean; defiled; a prostitute.
--- wheat.
--- pr.n. "Yah is Great".
--- pr.n. "A Relative" or "A Connection".
--- pr.n. "Plaited".
--- a prophetess; a mistress of song, a female bard; a prophet's wife.
--- to enclose or shut up.

69 > 15 > 6 - 69 - 69 = 3x23

--- foddering; crib or rack.
--- (719 w/f); desiring or begging, poor; a poor man.
--- pr.n. "Father is Noble".
--- (719 w/f); pr.n. "Brotherly".
--- pr.n. "Protected".
--- round blocks, logs; idols.
--- dung, ordure (of men).
--- pr.n. "Strife".
--- to be green, sprout; myrtle.
--- (719 w/f); clay.
--- to bedew; to flow; to distil; to overshadow, to cover; to seek or find the shade.
--- (719 w/f); affliction, sorrow.
--- abomination; exile.
--- to move or go, to go off or back.
--- to hedge about or enclose.
--- refuse or dross.

70 > 7 - 70 - 70 = 2x5x7
--- Ayin.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , , ; , ; )
(Ayin = --- 130/780 --- Eye)
--- "Yah is Lord"; also 76.
--- (720 w/f); watch-tower.
--- (720 w/f); proud.
--- curdled milk, cheese.
--- goings, progress; processions; ways; caravans, companies of travellers
--- to speak low, be still, silent.
--- (720 w/f); pr.n. "Judge".

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--- (720 w/f); wine.

--- a miser.
--- (720 w/f); place; right, erect, firm; upright, honest; correct; rightly, well; a
stand, base, pedestal; office; thus, so; a gnat or midge.
--- night; by night, calamity or distress.
--- a wailing or lamentation.
--- pr. n. "Comforter".
--- a seat or sitting; a session (of persons); association; deliberation; a secret.
--- to drag along, to pull about; to tear up, tear to rags.

71 > 8 - 71 - 20th prime

--- --- pr.n. "Adonai" --- (65); divine name associated15 with the 10th Sephira
Malkut, (496).
--- (721 w/f); certainly; but, yet.
--- naught, of no value; nothingness; idols; vanity.
--- alas!
--- (631 w/f); to bind (arching of a building); to be tongue tied, mute, dumb.
--- projection, molding.
--- dumbness; silence.
--- something bound.
--- porch.
--- but.
--- to fall; to droop; to languish; to be withered; to mourn.
--- (551 w/f); to be pointed or sharp.
--- an awl, graver; tin; lead, plummet.
--- wood.
--- rejoicings, feast of thanksgiving (at vintage).
--- pr.n. "Distress".
--- pr.n. "Marsh" or "Bog".
--- (721 w/f); a vision (especially from God); a prophecy; a revelation.
--- pr.n. "Mighty is Yah".
--- a dove.
--- (631 w/f); that if; for it; but if; but, unless; except, that; because, for.
--- (67); pr.n. "Firm".
--- to title.
--- (631 w/f); to join, unite, combine; a people, nation.
--- pr.n. "Circumcision".
--- pr.n. "Who Like Yah?".
--- a brand (in the skin).

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--- to fill, make full; to fill with; to be full; to be filled with; completed (as the days
of pregnancy or of time); to be sated.
--- full; pregnant.
--- fullness; a multitude.
--- pr. n. "Bountiful is Yah".
--- nobility or high estate.
--- something boiled, pottage.
--- consecrated one, a Nazarite (Nazarites took a special vow, shaved off all their hair and
thereafter refrained from cutting their hair); an unpruned vine; a prince.
--- to beat or smite.
--- smitten.
--- smitten down.
--- to hide or envelop.
15. G-K p. 92

72 > 9 - 72 - 72 = 23x32 (counterchanged)

--- pr.n. "God is Mighty". (the Shemhametforash).
--- (632 w/f); pr.n. "Weepers".
--- mixed fodder, provender.
--- (632 w/f); to check or restrain.
--- pr.n. "Bright".
--- (722 w/f); dung, excrement.
--- (722 w/f); pr.n. "Pining" or "Wasting".
--- to bow, bend (the neck); to incline oneself; to be gracious, pious; to abuse,
insult; kindness, goodwill, compassion; piety, religion; mercy, favor;
reproach, disgrace; pr.n. "Chesed" --- the name of the fourth Sephira,
considered masculine and active in traditional Qabalah. Chesed is
(911) in Greek16. It corresponds17 to the Right Arm of Adam Qadmon (161).
(The adverse meanings may come from use in irony).
--- mill; the grinding (said of the teeth).
--- (722 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) Understands".
--- to tread down, to trample.
--- to be about to eat.
--- pr.n. "Yah is Bountiful".
--- (722 w/f); to bind, fasten.
--- (552 w/f); to gush forth.
--- a spring.
--- pr. n. "Fruitful".
--- darkness or blackness (especially of a cloud); a cloud; a gloomy spot, a dark
thicket; a threshold or step.

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16. G-K p. 93
17. G-K p. 93

73 > 10 > 1 - 73 - 21st prime

--- pr.n. "Ear of Yah".
--- to be about to bear a penalty.
--- (77); to pray, to seek.
--- turning, rolling; ring; circuit, region; circle.
--- pr.n. "Dungy" (imagine the poor devil with this for a name!)
--- (633 w/f); roll, fold together; wrapping together, mass; unformed substance,
fetus, embryo; (Golem)
--- a weaned child; to bear; requite, reward, recompense, benefit; to mature,
ripen, wean; bearer, carrier, camel; the letter Gimel.
--- pr.n. "Dusky".
--- wisdom, skill, proficiency; piety; science, knowledge; the name of the second
Sephira, Chokmah --- usually considered the masculine or active potency.
Chokmah is (781) in Greek18. It corresponds19 to the Brains of Adam
Qadmon (161).
--- (723 w/f); a mill, hand-mill.
--- a ball, pellet; beads.
--- (633 w/f); lions.
--- perplexity.
--- a sickle.
--- to scrape off, to remove; to sweep off.
--- refuse (of metal), dross; base metal.
18. G-K p. 93
19. G-K p. 93

74 > 13 > 4 - 74 - 74 = 2x37

--- longing, lust; stimulant (caper-berries).
--- (724 w/f); these, this.
--- knowledge, opinion; know!, understand!, be aware!, respect!; have sex!
--- (724 w/f); the murmur, dull sound; meditation; plot, device.
--- pr.n. "Myrtle" --- Jewish name of Esther.
--- short, twig.
--- to cover, protect, hide; to pity, have compassion.
--- to set; to be found; to set down; to appoint; to assign; foundation, beginning.
--- variant spelling of the name of the ninth Sephira, Yesod, but not generally
used in Qabalah.

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--- (114); name of the letter Lamed (30); beater or chastiser; staff, goad; ox-goad;
to meditate or think, to study or learn; to practice or exercise; accustomed to
or familiar with; a disciple or adherent. (see also 421)
--- to bind or connect.
--- connection, kindred or progeny.
--- a circuit; round about.
--- to sweep or clear away.
--- pr. n. "Off-scouring".
--- to cover or hide; to protect.
--- progress, duration; long or indefinite time, eternity; booty or spoil; while; as
far as.
--- during, within; till or unto; to or for (of purpose).
--- a witness; testimony or witness; a legislator or ruler.
--- still, while, yet, again; further, longer; besides.

75 > 12 > 3 - 75 - 75 = 3x52

--- pr.n. "Liberal Brother".
--- (725 w/f); contempt.
--- (725 w/f); strong confidence; hope.
--- to be vaulted, curved, bowl-shaped; to be arched, hilly; pr.n. "Hill".
--- pr.n. "Dinaites".
--- to be established; foundation.
--- brightness; bright star, morning star (Venus & Lucifer).
--- (635 w/f); to stamp, tread hard; beat, smite; to break to pieces; to snap off,
break up; shine, sparkle; hither, here; pr.n. "A Smiting".
--- to be full; plenteous, numerous.
--- (81); pr.n. "Yah is Able".
--- wailing.
--- (725 w/f); to perform, execute; to minister, serve; to be a priest; a priest.
--- a group, cluster; the Pleiades, the Seven Stars.
--- to surname, give a title of respect; to bite or sting; a plant or shoot; pr.n.
"Cane" or "Reed".
--- (635 w/f); to eat, to devour greedily.
--- night; by night.
--- wherefore?, Why?; that not, lest.
--- pr.n. "Who Like Yah?", Micah the prophet.
--- speech or discourse; a byword.
--- a word, command; a matter or thing.
--- to strike or smite..
--- smitten.
--- pr. n. "Conqueror", pharaoh Necho IInd of Egypt.

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--- to turn aside or roam.

--- rags, torn pieces.
--- to breathe or blow; to breathe after, to desire, to love (passionately), to dote or
lust after.
--- love or charm.
--- to pass, to go or come; to pass away or perish; to be abolished; to depose.
--- pr. n. "Timely" or "Seasonable" (the prophet Iddo, author of some lost historical
works and also the name of the grandfather of the prophet Zechariah).
--- a pipe or flute.

76 > 13 > 4 - 76 - 76 = 22x19

--- pr.n. "Yah is Lord"; (see also 70).
--- a bundle of grain (Eng. "corn"), a sheaf.
--- to be separated, removed; removal, behind; near, by the side of; amidst; all
around; while yet, within.
--- pr.n. "Hill".
--- pr.n. "Quarry".
--- folly; wickedness.
--- (726 w/f); a hiding, concealing.
--- (726 w/f); to stand, to exist; pr.n. "A Settlement" or "Colony"; cake (sacred
offering); to prepare.
--- unless; loop.
--- to, for.
--- fullness, abundance.
--- filling in or setting (of gems).
--- fullness, a multitude.
--- (556 w/f); a layer or set (of building material in a wall), a course (of bricks).
--- (556 w/f); to point or sharpen.
--- rest or quieting; pleasantness.
--- sacrificial or sweet odors, incense.
--- powder or spice.
--- to break up or till; to labor or work; to serve.
--- to make or do.
--- a servant, a slave; minister or messenger.
--- worshipper.
--- work or deed.

77 > 14 > 5 - 77 - 77 = 7x11

--- (637 w/f); something bound or jointed together; vault, arch, hall.
--- if not, but perhaps; but, nay but.

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--- pr.n. "Son of Circumcision" ='s a Hebrew.

--- to bubble, well up, boil; to long for, to seek; to pray; (73).
--- to cut off; to hew down or fell; to destroy; break asunder, destroy power.
--- (727 w/f); pr.n. "A Stream", the name of a river in paradise: Gihon.
--- to wrap together; to be tight, hard, sterile.
--- (727 w/f); seething, boiling up, raging.
--- pr.n. "Yah Builds".
--- pr.n. "Yah is Bountiful".
--- a strong or high place; tower; platform, pulpit; bed or bank (of flowers), raised
parterre; castle.
--- planet, wanderer (of the sky).
--- fullness, a multitude.
--- a filling up; a rampart; fortress, citadel.
--- to wrap up or cover; to be thick or fat.
--- cloud.
--- to bend or twist.
--- pr. n. "Overthrow" or "Ruin", a Babylonian province.
--- strong, might, fierce; strength; a stronghold.
--- she goat.
--- strength or might (of God); warriors; firmness or stability; defense; glory or
splendour; the ark; praise or musical celebration.

78 > 15 > 6 - 78 - 78 = 2x3x13

--- to bubble up; to boil up.
--- prayer, petition.
--- circuit, district.
--- benefit, punishment.
--- to low (sound of cattle); call, cry; pr.n. "Lowing" (moooo...).
--- (638 w/f); wise; a wise man, a magician.
--- flute, pipe; unconsecrated, open, common, profane; desecration; exclamation
(of aversion).
--- (638 w/f); to be strong; to be at ease or rest, to sleep, to dream; to be white; a
--- to be mild, tender; to toil, tire; to carry.
--- (558 w/f); to taste; to teach, train; to dedicate.
--- to hurl down.
--- pr.n. "Trodden" or "Threshing-floor". --- ancient name of the city of Jerusalem
(when it was a Jebusite city).
--- (728 w/f); pr.n. "Fortress".
--- (638 w/f); to feed on, consume; to fight or war; war, seige; food, meal, feast;
bread, loaf.

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--- a flood, deluge.

--- roll or volume.
--- to well up or flow
--- to wear out or decay; to be worn away, to vanish
--- to salt, season with salt
--- worn out clothes or rags
--- salt; to take or eat salt; to eat the salt of someone, be a friend or dependant; to
take salt with one, to feed at someone's table.
--- a seaman or mariner
--- to be in front or before the eyes.
--- straight ahead, right on.
--- the front; over against.
--- offscouring, sweepings.
--- a round loaf, a cake.
--- to bind or combine; to set fast or determine.
--- to cover or envelop.
--- pr. n. "Strength".

79 > 16 > 7 - 79 - 22nd prime

--- to be strong, firm.; pr.n. "Firmness" (Boaz = name given to the pillar on the left hand
at the entrance into the Temple of Solomon; 1st Kings 7, 21 --- the other was called
(90/740) (In some masonic derivations, this pillar is black with a white , and the one on
the right hand is white with a black ).
--- to bind; twist; writhe; be in contortions; to die; breathe out.
--- (639 w/f); covering mantle.
--- a weaned child; bearing, deportment; behavior, benefit, punishment, desert.
--- pr.n. "Weak", "Wavering".
--- knowledge; carnal knowledge. Variant spelling of the name of the "latent"
Sephira Da'at --- infrequently used. (see 474).
--- (639 w/f); pr.n. "People's Fort".
--- (639 w/f); to opress; pr.n. "Oppression" or "Lambs".
--- pr.n. "He Hopes in God".
--- to lift or hurl.
--- to stroke or rub over, to smooth; to be smooth; to slip out or escape
--- to be delivered or saved; to deliver oneself, to escape; to hasten away
--- pr.n. "Deliverance of Yah"
--- to cause to escape, to save; to lay eggs
--- to deliver or bring forth --- use for birth.
--- mortar or cement.
--- circles or circuits.

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--- off-scouring or filth, dung.

--- pr. n. "Roaming".
--- to go or pass on; to invade or assail.
--- to cover, to put on, to deck.
--- to pass, to go or come; to pass away or perish; to be abolished; to depose.
--- pr. n. "Ornament" or "Beauty" (a wife of Lamech and a wife of Esau).
--- an assembly or meeting; a company or group, a family; a gang; a swarm.
--- a witness; testimony or proof; a confirming or ratifying, ordinance or precept
(of God).
--- times or periods (of menses).
--- pr. n. "Circle" or "Compass", the giant-king of Bashan.
--- to move round, to dance, to form a circle.
--- to let go or set loose, to release; to leave, to forsake or abandon.
--- to bind or fasten, to fortify.
--- a graver or style; a writing-pen or reed.

80 > 8 - 80 - 80 = 24x5
--- Peh.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , )
(Peh = or --- 81 or 85 --- Mouth. also has the meaning: here).
--- hill.
--- to cut off, hew down; stem, trunk, stump; sapling.
--- (560 w/f); treasuries.
--- (86); abundance; force; multitude.
--- (85); foundation, princes; pr.n. "Yesod", "Foundation" or "Basis" name of the
9th Sephira. Yesod corresponds20 to the Genital Organs of Adam Qadmon
--- a shovel (for removing the ashes from the altar).
--- priesthood; priestly office.
--- to deck (with a garland), to crown; to kindle or glow; to complete; pr.n.
--- throne; banner.
--- accustomed to or familiar with; a disciple or adherent.
--- (640 w/f); the letter Mem; water.
--- fork, flesh-hook
--- (560 w/f); to fall to pieces, go to ruin.
--- pr. n. "Confidant"
--- (560 w/f); a thicket; a crowd or mass (of people).
--- a boot or hut; the tabernacle.
--- lust or passion.

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--- pr. n. "Timely" or "Seasonable" (the prophet Iddo, author of some lost historical
works and also the name of the grandfather of the prophet Zechariah).
--- still, while, yet, again; further, longer; besides.
--- to turn or wind, to bind; to be strong or firm; to endure or continue; to certify
or assure, to exhort or comfort; to ratify or sanction; to bind fast or ensnare.
--- counsel or discretion.
--- a ruin.
20. G-K p. 93

81 > 9 - 81 - 81 = 34
--- pr.n. "I Will Trust in ".
--- yell, howl.
--- (641 w/f & 71/631); projection, molding.
--- trees.
--- (641 w/f); rams.
--- (731 w/f & 91/741); these.
--- (641 w/f); to join; to combine.
--- pr.n. "A Rendezvous".
--- I.
--- (561 w/f); to pour out, to anoint.
--- (801 w/f); also; addition; accession; too, yea more, even.
--- breathing; the nose; anger; the nostrils; the face; two persons.
--- to kick; tread, trample on; to despise or spurn.
--- (731 w/f); pr.n. "Vision"; a revelation.
--- trembling, anguish.
--- to sink, press into; to impress; to go deep.
--- pr.n. "Yah is Able"; (75).
--- (85); pr.n. "He Fills Up".
--- to cover, a set time, festival; the new or full moon; a chair, throne; seat (of high
priest, of judgment); tribunal.
--- night.
--- (641 w/f); to fail. to be deficient.
--- circumcision.
--- pr.n. "Who Like Yah?".
--- labor; work or business; tillage or husbandry; service, sacred ministry or
employment (of the priests and Levites); furniture.
--- to knit or bind; to pledge or pawn.
--- pr. n. "Timely" or "Seasonable" (the prophet Iddo, author of some lost historical
works and also the name of the grandfather of the prophet Zechariah).
--- a pipe or flute.

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--- to bend, to twist; to be perverse.

--- overthrow; a ruin.
--- pr. n. "Ruin".

82 > 10 > 1 - 82 - 82 = 2x41

--- prayer.
--- sweat.
--- pr.n. "Full of Holes".
--- kind, merciful;; pious, godly; gracious.
--- pr.n. "Yah Gives Ear".
--- to tread, to trample; to wash clothes.
- --- nay, pray!, Oh no!.
--- (642 w/f); Libyans.
--- (732 w/f); to be white; to make bricks; to burn parch or bake; white.
to droop or wither; to fade or pass away, to perish (said of the heavenly bodies, of
men, of land).
--- to gush out or flow.
--- to sound aloud.
--- foolish; impious.
--- we fade.
--- a leather bottle; vessel, earthen pitcher.
--- a lyre or harp.
--- (562 w/f); to interweave or interlace.
--- a thicket.
--- denseness, compactness.
--- thickness.
--- pr. n. "Worshipper" or "Servant", the grandfather of King David.
--- to harbor or succour; pr. n. "Strong Place".

83 > 11 > 2 - 83 - 23rd prime

--- to be salted or bathed in salt water --- said of newborn infants.
--- (643 w/f); pr.n. "Fountains".
--- hard; unfruitful; shrivelled, famished.
--- pr.n. "Camelman".
--- (643 w/f); to join, gather together, combine; strive after, long for.
--- (803 w/f); a back or a ridge; body, person; wing.
--- the letter Gimel (var. spelling); a camel.
--- to move, shake; to tremble, agitate, disquiet.
--- pity.
--- dedication; sacrifice of dedication.

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--- a hurling down.

--- (89); pr.n. "Yah Gives Ear".
--- to pain; to labor, toil; to be weary; labor, wages; weary, exhausted; weak,
--- tower, platform; raised parterre.
--- a dance.
--- pr.n. "An Invalid".
--- disease; sickness.
--- holes or caves.
--- saltness, a barren place.
--- to pierce or cut.
--- a sambuca (an instrument like a harp).
--- to flee or haste.

84 > 12 > 3 - 84 - 84 = 22x3x7

--- pr.n. "Father of Ma'el".

--- (644 w/f); 2 Wells (a city in Moab).

--- (804 w/f); to envelope.
--- wings, troops.
--- (644 w/f; 45/605); to be dumb, silent; to be struck dumb; to be amazed; to rest, to
leave off; to stand still; to become silent; to be destroyed.
--- a precious stone (perhaps amethyst or agate).
--- benefit, punishment.
--- the congregation (of Israel).
--- (644 w/f); a dream; fancy, folly, trifle.
--- pr.n. "Spared".
--- (564 w/f); pr.n. "Teaching" or "Initiation" --- said of a son of Cain.
--- to wander.
--- to fix or settle; to know; to understand; to be aware; to respect; to be
acquainted with; to have sexual intimacy; to know of or about; to be skilled;
to discern; to know how; to cut, lacerate; to perceive, understand; pr.n.
--- to define, fix; to fix on, betroth; to bring together, assemble.
--- (644 w/f); food, meat; flesh, body.
--- for what was needed; sufficiently.
--- something spun; thread or yarn.
--- a wheeling round, a dance; pr.n. "Dance".
--- sea-purslain or marsh-mallow (a brackish plant eaten only by poor).
--- (644 w/f); some of the blood.

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--- duration or time (of life), age; ornament or adorning; gear or trappings (of a
--- pr. n. "A Setter Up".
--- pr. n. "Strong is Fortune".
--- to strengthen, to make firm or mighty; to be or become strong.
--- to cover; to put on or wear; to wrap or fold up.
--- to rush or haste.

85 > 13 > 4 - 85 - 85 = 5x17

--- pr.n. "The Tall".

--- to bind, to gird round.

--- (91) covering; an ephod; a cope; an idol or image.
--- chalice, goblet; the cup of flowers, calix.
--- (95); pr.n. "Daniel", "God is Judge".
--- (645 w/f); to make a noise; to rattle, to set in commotion; discomfit; to impel,
urge forward, scatter, destroy utterly.
--- pr.n. "God's Anger".
--- (645 w/f); a precious stone; diamond or adamant.
--- pr.n. "Yah is Able".
--- foundation.
--- to collect, snatch up; to take out, to remove.
--- to cover; a set time, festival; the new or full moon; a chair or throne.
--- (735 w/f); therefore, for these; except; but.
--- pr.n. "Birth" of a town in Judah.
--- fork.
--- pr.n. "Who Like Yah?".
--- to move on.
--- to reach the mark, to attain, to finish.
--- to cut away; to castrate.
--- a booth (made of interlaced boughs), an arbor; a tent; a dwelling.
--- bundle.
--- to loathe.
--- to rush or dash.
--- to cut or grave.
--- freed.
--- pr. n. "The Ruin".

86 > 14 > 5 - 86 - 86 = 2x43

--- Ephah (dry measure --- small and scanty, full, two hinds -- etc.).

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- where?; how?, what sort?

--- to bake; baker.
--- (646 w/f); gods (esp. goddesses); god; goddess; rulers; priests; Yah. ("pluralis
excellentiae or majestaticus" --- as "we" = I --- god as a sum of forces).
pr.n. "Elohim" --- divine name associated21 with the 6th Sephira Tipheret,
(In place of or explaining development of "the majestic plural":
is the masculine plural of a feminine word ='s "male and female gods and
goddesses." Perhaps a trinity of + + ).
--- (646 w/f); pr.n. "Double Cake".
--- (80); abundance; force; multitude.
--- to enfold, to keep in, hold in; to contain; a cup; a lot or portion; pelican,
--- (736 w/f); pr.n. "Statue" or "Pillar"; Saturn as an image or idol.
--- (736 w/f); to pass the night; to lodge; to stop for the night; to turn in; to dwell or
abide; to execrate.
--- (646 w/f); to lack, be defective; a want or defect; a blemish or fault
(of body or mind.)
--- pr.n. "I Spoke"
--- to foul or soil.
--- (566 w/f); to anoint.
--- to enclose.
--- to tangle together.
--- pr. n. "Servant of Yah".
21. G-K p. 91

87 > 15 > 6 - 87 - 87 = 3x29

--- pr.n. "Father Knows".
--- (647 w/f); the mighty ones; princes.
--- (807 w/f); to surround, to contain.
--- (737 w/f); strong one; oak.
--- (567 w/f); unguent-flask.
--- (88); to bake; baker.
--- here; now then; do this then; thus; if not so.
--- (737 w/f); pr.n. "Strong Will", "Stout-hearted".
--- (737 w/f); pr.n. "Timorous".
--- not-anything, nothing.
--- pr.n. "In Council of Yah".
--- (807 w/f); to cut off to use cutting words; to reproach, to blaspheme.
--- to becloud; to degrade.
--- pr.n. "Agitation".

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- (647 w/f); to hum, mutter; meditate; to consider, propose; to form a plot or plan;
to resolve; plan, purpose.
--- pr.n. "Mercy of Yah".
--- the affectionable or kind bird; the stork.
--- to flow, run; sweat.
--- pr.n. "God's Day". (Sabbath).
--- to be strong, firm; bold, shameless; to decide, order, command.
--- the moon; the white or pale; a brick or tile; whiteness, brightness or luster; the
storax tree; frankincense.
--- (647 w/f); pr.n. "Libyans".
--- (647 w/f); failure, defect.
--- folly; wickedness; punishment (of wickedness).
--- corpse; carcas; trunk (of an idol).
--- to flow or run; to be fluent.
--- to turn in, to lodge.
--- labor; work or business; tillage or husbandry; service, sacred ministry or
employment (of the priests and Levites); furniture.
--- a pledge or pawn
--- labor or work; business or administration.
--- perversity or sin.
--- pr. n. "My Might".

88 > 16 > 7 - 88 - 88 = 23x11

--- so, therefore; here; now then; do this then; thus; if not so; (87).
--- to spring up, to be high.
--- a shaking, disquieting.
--- agitation, terror.
--- (648 w/f); pr.n. "People's Fort."
--- (738 w/f); pr.n. "Strong".
--- (648 w/f); to be warm, hot; to be in heat.
--- (568 w/f); initiated men; trained or drilled (for war).
--- (808 w/f); polished, rubbed, smooth; clean, guiltless; coast, shore, heaven
(harbor); bosom, bay.
--- pr.n. "Yah Gives Ear".
--- to cut or lop off.
--- Bethlehemite; pr.n. "Warrior".
--- (738 w/f); to importune, to be lewd.
--- pr.n. "Praise of God".
--- a gathering, a crowd or troop.
--- pr.n. "Weakling".

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- to grasp, get hold of; to possess or inherit; to dispossess; to give in possession,
to distribute or alot.
--- to move or flow along.
--- to bore or make hollow.
--- a burrowed or excavated place, shaft (of a mine); a channel or ravine, a wady; a
brook or torrent, stream.
--- till that, ere that.

89 > 17 > 8 - 89 - 24th prime

--- (649 w/f); reddish or red spotted.
--- to puff, to pant.
--- (739 w/f); pr.n. "Circuit".
--- (809) w/f); to be gibbous, bulging; to enclose.
--- (739 w/f); pr.n. "Circuit".
--- silence; stillness (of winds), a calm.
--- to strike, push against.
--- (809 w/f); to thrust, push; to overthrow, repulse, drive out, expel.
--- to testify or bear witness; to cause to testify, to take for witness.
--- (649 w/f); necklaces.
--- to cover, hide.
--- (809 w/f); little ones; young children; a family.
--- (83); pr.n. "Yah Gives Ear".
--- to clothe; to counsel; a counselor.
--- concubine.
--- a bar (of iron).
--- to take up, to raise a weight, to hoist; to lift or put on; to impose;
--- to lift up.
--- a burden or load.
--- pr. n. "Ornament of Yah".
--- ravenous beast; bird of prey, an eagle.

90 > 9 - 90 - 2x32x5
--- Tzaddi.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , , , ,
; , ).
(Tzaddi = --- 104 --- Fish Hook).
--- a girdling or fastening on; covering, coating.
--- (650 w/f); redemption.
--- (650 w/f); silently, in silence; dumbness.

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pr.n. "Much
--- ( --- Known" or
pr.n. "Yah is Witness" --- (an or "Eye" in or spelled
--- (740 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) establishes" (Yachin = name given
to the pillar on the right hand at the entrance into the Temple of
Solomon; 1st Kings 7,21 --- the other was called (79)).
(In some masonic derivations, this pillar is white with a black ,
and the one on the left hand is black with a white .)
(650 w/f); to hum, make a noise, roar, rage; to be pure,
--- (570 w/f); to pour, to be poured.
--- (94); pr.n. "Punctual".
--- (740); a javelin; pr.n. "Lance".
--- a purse; a bag; a cup.
--- complete, perfect; wholly; the whole; a holocaust or
whole burnt-offering.
--- (650 w/f); to wound; insult, shame; disappoint.
--- (740 w/f); to pass the night, to lodge, to turn in, stop for
the night; to dwell.
(570 w/f); to destroy or overthrow; pr.n. "Destroyer",
--- in the southward region.
--- pr.n. "Progenitor".
--- (650 w/f); The letter Mem; the flowing, running; water or
waters; dangers; weaknesses (as in turned to water);
--- to be shallow, deficient in water (especially of a well).
--- (570 w/f); to rule, to be king
--- to consult, take counsel
--- to make king to cause to reign
--- to reign; to counsel
--- a king
--- counsel
--- pr.n. "Moloch" or "King", the name of the Ammonite
deity offered human sacrifices by the Israelites,
(810 in Greek)
(740 w/f);
manna --- food divinely provided in the
--- who?, what?
--- part, portion

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- from, out of (particle of departure, sometimes used for

indications of comparison or contrast)
--- they are defiled.
--- a eunuch.
--- a wicker-basket.
--- abandonment or forsaking; desert or ruins; pr. n. of
mother of Jehoshaphat.
--- might or strength.
--- strong or mighty; force.

91 > 10 > 1 - 91 - 91 = 7x13

--- (741 w/f); tree.
--- (741 w/f & 81/731); these;.
--- (741 w/f); to make firm, to found, to prop up, to build; to sustain, to nurse; to
be firm, to be reliable, trusty, faithful; to be made firm, a sure place; to be
durable, lasting; to be nourished, carried; faithful, true; to believe.
--- to turn to the right.
--- exercised, skilled; architect; artist.
--- fidelity; truth, amen.
--- (85); covering; an ephod; a cope; idol, image.
--- (651 w/f); pr.n. "Confusion".
--- to extend mercy.

--- the temple or palace of Yahweh.

--- the "Lord God", "The Lord Creates", the Lord is He".
--- bridal state or charms.
--- pr.n. "Yah Establishes".
--- food.
--- (741 w/f); a vessel or utensil; to form; to refuse; refusing or unwilling;
obstinate; to prepare or make.
--- pr.n. "Who Like Yah?".
--- (571 w/f); one going or sent (on some errand or service), a messenger; an angel
(as messenger from God).
--- an angel.
--- a queen
--- to count or number
--- (651 w/f); to whisper or mutter, to utter in a low or mysterious voice, to speak
--- an utterance or oracle.
--- pr. n. "Oakland" (a town in Benjamin).
--- to be pendulous or lifted up (especially of a balance); to be bartered or valued.

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--- pr. n. "Highway", a town near Jerusalem.

--- pr. n. "Worshipper of Yah", Obadiah.

92 > 11 > 2 - 92 - 92 = 22x23

--- fig.
--- (902 w/f); slime, mire.
--- scorn.
--- (812 w/f);
to push, thrust; hasten.
--- to be gibbous, bulging up.
--- pr.n. "White".
--- anything, something; at all.
--- thought, planning; counsel, purpose; mischief; counsel, prudence.
--- a delight, an object of desire; darling (of a child); charms or attractions;
something coveted or precious.
--- (572 w/f); to rule over
--- to begin to reign, to become king
--- (572 w/f); any one of thy brethren

- --- (652 w/f); if now!

--- becoming to, attractive to.
--- sudden ruin.
--- dunghill or sink.
--- pr. n. "Entangling".
--- to bear (a burden, penalty or chastisement for sins); to be laden; big with young
(said of cattle)..
--- to bear, to lift up.
--- a bearer or porter.
--- a burden, responsibility, charge.
--- to rescue or save (in haste).
--- to bind, to spin or weave.
--- to bore or dig, to burrow.

93 > 12 > 3 - 93 - 93 = 3x31

--- (903 w/f); to be white, to shine; to be conspicuous.
--- pr.n. "Tent of the Height" --- wife of Esay, also name of a tribe of Edomites.
--- to shine; to fashion.
--- to be willing.
--- (813 w/f); reproaches or revilings.
--- slackness; interval.
--- (813 w/f); to flow, flow out; to lend, borrow.

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

--- pr.n. "The Dew is Father-in-law" (implies a blessing, dew is a free gift of the deity;
but rain must be earned).
--- to cover, veil; covering, protection; a canopy, curtain, bridal-couch, bride's
--- pr.n. "God Understands".
--- wearied; labor, toil; a work done; gain, earnings; pain or labor (of giving birth
or producing offspring). (Compare with Lt. INRI).
--- (87); frankincense.
--- (743 w/f); to enclose or shut up; to hand over or surrender; a shield.
--- a torrent.
--- a possessing or occupying; a possession or estate; an inheritance; destiny or

94 > 13 > 4 - 94 - 94 = 2x47

--- vantage-ground, high region; gold-coast.
--- body, corpse.
--- (744 w/f); to dung, to manure; dung, manure.
--- (574 w/f); to tread, stamp out, quench, go out; to be destroyed.
--- stumbling block, offense.
--- (814 w/f); to enclose, shelter; coast, shore; haven.
--- (744 w/f); pr.n. "Strong-hold"; hole, window.
--- (654 w/f); to hum, buz, murmur; noisy throngs.
--- pr.n. "Punctual"; (90).
--- pr.n. "Barren".
--- a Chaldean.
--- (654 w/f); secret or magic arts; sorceries.
--- disease.
--- pr.n. "Deliverance of Yah"
--- to leap.
--- pr. n. "Exultation".

95 > 14 > 5 - 95 - 95 = 5x19

--- (655 w/f);
pr.n. "Red Hills"; men.
--- pr.n. "God is Judge"; Daniel.
--- (655 w/f); pr.n. "Confusion".
--- (745 w/f); to make a noise, commotion; pr.n. "Mercury".
--- (655 w/f; 161/1371, 183); Hinnom, "Lamentation" --- name of the valley South
East of Jerusalem where children were sacrificed to Molock.
--- (745 w/f; 101/751); habitation; tribe of Zebulun.
--- galbanum.

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--- to leap, start up; to be startled, alarmed.

--- (815 w/f); to bind, collect.
--- (101); pr.n. "Yah Establishes".
--- reproach; shame.
--- (745 w/f); pr.n. "Veiling".
--- pr.n. "He (God) Looks".
--- smitten by God (paralyzed).
--- to shine, to be fair, beautiful.
--- completion, a sheepfold.
--- a kingdom, royalty. (variation of spelling of 10th Sephira --- 496).
--- (575 w/f); to be made king or be caused to reign; to advise or command; to be
--- the king --- reigning monarch of any country
--- a queen
--- pr.n. "Counsel"
--- to divide or portion out, to count or allot to, to appoint or prepare; to cause; to
--- a number or proportion; a weight (especially a hundred-shekel weight
--- a part or portion; a disk or joint (of food).
--- (655 w/f); to moan or groan; to growl; to roar.
--- to lift up, to make light of, to slight.
--- to be still or silent. --- a pause or silence (found in Psalms to indicate a musical
--- pr. n. "Ornament of Yah".
--- pr. n. "Strong".

96 > 15 > 6 - 96 - 96 = 25x3

(746 w/f); loc pr.n. "Stone of Departure".
--- Ephah (dry measure).
--- where?; how?; what sort?
--- fixedness; allowance, wages; a compact.
--- columns, pillars.
--- bringing up, fostering; truly.
--- fidelity.
--- pr.n. "Thorny".
--- (746 w/f); pr.n. "Fruitful".
--- (656 w/f); by day; daily; all the day.
--- (746 w/f); pr.n. "Tarrying Over Night".
--- (97); pr.n. "Beauty".
--- a covering (of skins).

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--- (746 w/f); to form.

--- an errand or service, business; a pursuit, trade or calling; ministry or
mission; a fabric or manufacture; goods; cattle.
--- reign, exercise of kingly power
--- kingdom, realm
--- (656 w/f); ever since day has been
--- dunghill or privy.
--- (656 w/f); to slumber, to be drowsy; to be slothful.
--- pr. n. "Exaltation".
--- (576 w/f); a polite greeting meaning "I am thy servant".
--- pr. n. "Fortress", Acre.

97 > 16 > 7 - 97 - 25th prime

--- (657 w/f); pr.n. "Wealthy".
--- (907 w/f); to be compressed; narrow; to press; to press oneself; to hasten.
--- (747 w/f); pr.n. "Deerfield" or "Oakland".
--- (747 w/f); a builder; architect; supporter.
--- a multitude.
--- Amon (god of Egypt).
--- a stay or prop; trustiness, fidelity.
--- swamp, marsh.
--- pr.n. "Brilliant".
--- (817 w/f); pr.n. "Flowing", "Melting"; "Lent Succor by God".
--- (747 w/f); to number, measure out; to arrange, determine; time, stated time; to
settle, determine together; a season, festival.
--- (577 w/f); to quench, extinguish; bring to an end.
--- (817 w/f); to seize, capture.
--- to spread wide; to stretch out; to cause to stretch; to make to grow; to nurse;
the spread hand, palm, hand-breadth; a corbel.
--- (96); pr.n. "Beauty".
--- building, structure.
--- (657 w/f); to bind or fasten.
--- a nose-ring, an ear-ring, a ring.
--- burden or task.
--- pr. n. "Exalted".
--- pr. n. "Worshipper of Yah", Obadiah.

98 > 17 > 8 - 98 - 98 = 2x72

--- so therefore.
--- (908 w/f); to be white, shining.

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--- fine white cloth, cotton, linen.

--- scorn.
--- (748 w/f); pr.n. "Fortress".
--- darkening.
--- (748 w/f); sun, sun image --- consecrated to the Baal-Haman, the Phenician sun
--- (658 w/f); to be hard, to be frozen; stone; gratuitously, for nothing, in vain.
--- to cut, eat off, to browse.
--- (908 w/f); arrow; lightning; infliction; arrow-wound; the point (of a spear).
--- weariness.
--- (818 w/f); to be barefoot; barefooted, unshod.
--- to puff, to blow; panting, eager.
--- a helmet.
--- a covering.
--- (658 w/f); fat ones (sheep in particular).
--- the driving (of a chariot).
--- to divide out; to distribute or bestow.
--- (658 w/f); to pant or sigh; to grive; to repent; to pity or compassionate; to
comfort oneself; to avenge oneself, take vengance.
--- pr. n. "Consolation".
--- property or possession.
--- to forgive or pardon. --- one apt to remit or pardon, forgiving.

99 > 18 > 9 - 99 - 99 = 32x11

--- pr.n. "Panting".
--- (749 w/f); table, tablet; metal plate, mirror.
--- pr.n. "Dung-heap".
--- pr.n. "Favor of God".
--- (749 w/f); to hide, conceal; to bury; to lay up, keep.
--- pr.n. "Yah Knows".
--- a cutting or lopping off.
--- smitten by God (paralyzed).
--- tribute
--- laden.

I'll be adding to this page from time to time..

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HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

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