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After fermentation…

 Beer is filtered before being bottled, canned

or kegged

 Most bottled beer – the carbonation is added

on the bottling line

 Canned beer (widget)

Draught (draft) Beer
Any difference in drinking a beer from
draught than from can or bottle?
• If a pub/restaurant’s draught beer dispensing
system is operating properly than the customer
will get a fresher beer than from a can or bottle.
• Draught beer usually offers better value than a
can or bottle.
How does a draught dispensing system work?
Let’s take a look at the parts involved…
- used to store the beer

- Once kegged, an unpasteurized beer will have

about 2 months of shelf life.
- If pasteurized then 8 months

Attaches to the top of the keg

CO2 & Nitrogen Regulator
Connected to gas tanks and keg
Maintains level of carbonation in keg
Beer Lines attach to

Red line carries gas into the keg

Clear line carries beer out of the keg
Lines need to be clean if beer is to be fresh and flavourful
(foam on beer)

The fob gives a visual display of the beer and ensures that
when the beer comes out of the keg it is not just foam.
Helps a bartender pour beer with a proper-sized head.
Glycol Chiller

Keeps beer cold as it travels from the keg into the

beer lines and up to the bar.
Trunk Line

The trunk line brings together the lines from all the
kegs in the beer fridge as well as the glycol lines
(pink & blue) before heading up to the bar.
Dispensing Taps

Receives the trunk line and distributes each line of

beer into an individual tap.
1. Dispensing Taps
2. Trunk Line
3. Glycol Chiller
4. FOB
5. Kegs
Shall we taste…

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