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1-Social customer service is the new


2-Social Media Marketing

. is economical.
Benefits of social media
Growth Advertising

Communication Gaining insights

Content creation and

Brand building
• Increase brand awareness
• Humanize our brand
• Establish our brand as a thought leader
• Stay top of mind
• Increase website traffic
• Generate leads
• Boost sales
• Partner with influencers
• Targeted advertising
• Retargeting
• Reputation management
• Crisis communication
• Customer and audience engagement
• Customer services and customer support
Gaining insights
• Monitor conversations that are relevant to our brand
• Learn more about our customers
• Gauge sentiment around our brand
• Keep an eye on the competitions
• Stay on top of industry news
Content creation and distribution
• Promote content
• Go viral
• Source content
Social media has both positive and negative impact on business, education, teenagers, society.
Social media marketing is an incredibly important tool in today's times. 71% of consumers who have a
good experience when interacting with brands on social media pass on their recommendations to their
friends. However, there are certain downsides of social media management & marketing that you need
to be aware of if you do not want your company to collapse.
∙ With the use of Social Media, It is better to understand the
customer requirements.
•Social Media helps in promoting the Business all over the
∙ Social Media builds deals and client maintenance through
standard connection and auspicious client benefit.
∙ Social Media provides rich customer experiences.
∙ With Social media monitoring you can gain key information
about your competitors.
∙ With the help of social media, Sharing contents about the
Business faster and easier.
∙ Social networking sites helps to make new customers by
providing various facilities.
∙ It helps to increase market insight and expand out beyond your
rivals with online networking.
∙ It also helps to increase awareness among customers for better
understanding of products.
∙ In business, Social Media isn't totally hazard free in light of the fact that a significant number of the
fans and supporters are allowed to post their feeling on a specific association; the negative remark can
lead the association to disappointment.
∙ Negative customer reviews are harmful.
∙ Highly time consuming.
∙ The web is crowded with more and more content.
∙ A mistake made on social media is hard to rectify.
∙ Many of the substantial association have succumbed to the programmers.
∙ The wrong online brand system can fate an organization, and put at a tremendous viral social
∙ Getting included with Social Media is extremely time consuming. As an association you ought to
appoint a man to dependably support your pages and profile with noteworthy substance.
∙ Most organizations experience issues measuring the consequences of web-based social networking

-WhatsApp, for example, is the most

popular channel for customer service
on a global front.
-HELLMANN’S is one of the best
examples to show the impact of social
media on business.
Best Practice
If you are a startup or small

You should be prompt in

responding to online
Final thoughts

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