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Candaba, Pampanga: A Place To Remember

Candaba, Pampanga
I've been to Candaba, Pampanga for the first time, and I hav
en’t really got a chance to explore all the beautiful places
there when our school decided to have a field trip and Pampa
nga was or destination. My first visit in Candaba was really
amazing. We go to “Lola Corazon’s Leisure Farm“.
We all gather at Canossa College campus and we all
wait for our bus. As early as 4:00 A.M. I was alre
ady there at Canossa College.

Me and my classmates are so excited for the field

trip.We travel almost 6 hours to reach Candaba, Pa

Then an hour ago, the buses is already there At ex

actly 12 P.M. we reached Lola Corazon’s Leisure Fa
rm. We gather our Team Building Activities there i
n Lola Corazon.
Before we start our team building,we all eat first
our lunch to gain more energy for the activities.
At exactly 1:00 P.M. the team building is already starte
d. We pray first then followed by the national anthem th
en some opening remarks and so on. There’s a lot of acti
vities on the team building.

And honestly it is so exciting and interesting. I’m sure

I will enjoy this! The team building finish at exactly 5
:00 P.M. We clean ourselves and we prepare to go back ag
ain at San Pablo City. 6:00 P.M. we left Lola Corazon’s
Leisure Farm.
I am so tired and I did not notice that I have already a
sleep.I woke up at 11 P.M. and here we go we are already
at San Pablo City. I am so excited to go home and I want
to lean on my bed forever.

That day was so tiring but honestly I enjoy it so much.

I wish one time I will bring my family there.

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