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Group 3:

Adhe Riska Herawati

Awang Faidhil hasan
Difa Alimah Addin
Muhammad Hilmi Fauzan
Muhammad Mawardi Almadani
Puteri Nur Syifa Nindita Arifah
Based on skill 5 , The sentence should read
“Because of the flourish with which John
became --> signed (past) became (past) Hancock signed the Declaration of
Independence, his name became
not bukan become (present) synonymous with signature
Based on skill 37-38 “Use the correct form of the passive”,
The sentence should read “Segregation in public school
Passive voice form : Be + V3
was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in
Based on skill 27-29 “form comparative and superlative”,
The sentence should read “Sirius, the Dog star, is the
brightest star in the sky with an absolute magnitude about
twenty-three times that of the sun.”
Superlative : compare more than two
persons or things. (add ‘the’ before
the adj.)
- Add est to one syllable words : The
hardest, the darkest.
Parallel Structure means to make the language
as even and balanced as possible.
Based on skill 24-26 “Parallel Structure”,
The sentence should read “Killer whales
Example: tend to wander in family clusters that hunt,
(not balanced) I like to sing and dancing. play, and rest together.”

(balanced, correct) I like to sing and dance.

or I like singing and dancing
Material > materials Based on skill 39 “Use the correct singular
or plural noun”, The sentence should read
Singular : Material is ….. “Some of the most useful resistor materials
are carbon, metals, and metallic alloys.”
Plural : Materials are…….

Adjectives and adverbs can appear in incorrect

positions in the Written Expression Section. The two The community of Bethesda, Maryland,
common errors are: - The position of adjectives with was previously known as Darcy’s Store.
the nouns they describe. - The position of adverbs
with objects.
After any form of have: have, has, had, Based on skill 30-32 “Problem with the form
of the verb”, The sentence should read
having we should use the past “Alloys of gold and copper have been
participle form of the verb. widely used in various types of coins..”
Based on skill 44 “Possessive adjective”,
 Possessive adjectives and pronouns both show The sentence should read “J.H Pratt used
who or what ¨owns¨ a noun. group therapy early in century when he
 Adjectives and possessive pronouns do not brought tuberculosis patients together to
have the same function. discuss their disease.”
 A possessive adjective describes a noun, it
must be accompanied by a noun

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