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I will show a few ‘categories’

As soon as you see a category, please type a brand or name

that comes to your mind using the Chat facility. Do not
think. Just type it out quickly in 5 – 10 seconds.

Mobile phone



 A brand is an identifier: a name, sign, symbol, design, term, or
some combination of these things.

 A brand is a promise: the promise of what a company will provide.

 A brand is an asset: a reputation in the marketplace that can drive

price premiums and customer preference.

 A brand is a set of perceptions: the sum total of

everything individuals believe, think, see, know, feel, hear,
and experience about a product, service, or organization.

 A brand is “mind share”: the unique position a company holds in

the customer’s mind.
A Brand is the name, term, sign, or design—or a
combination of these—that identifies the maker or
seller of a product or service

A Brand is a promise.
 Name
 Logo
 Slogan
 Color
 Packaging & Style
 Sound
 Archtype
 Font
 Messaging
 Video making.
 The name is everything for a brand.
 One of the main branding elements is the Logo of the
company or the product. The brand logo should be clear
and comprehensive.
 The Slogan shows the philosophy of a company - what are
the values and how the company wants to be presented in
the customer’s mind. It is a kind of company value creator.
 Brand colors are carefully chosen. The colors in the brands
have a specific types of messages.
 Sound is a distinctive and differentiating aspect of
 Archetypes are unconscious patterns of our deeds. The 12
archetypes are Hero, Magician, Rebel, Explorer, Sage,
Innocent, Lover, Everyman, Jester, Creator, Ruler & Caregiver.
 Fonts are another expressive aspect of branding.
 Every brand communicates a kind of messaging which
depends on the product or service it presents.
 Videos are an important part of branding and content
creating. Many companies have done in very creative ways.
Brand  names must be chosen with the six general criteria of





Desirable qualities for brand name selection

1. Suggest benefits and qualities

2. Easy to pronounce, recognize, and remember
3. Distinctive
4. Extendable
5. Translatable for the global economy
6. Capable of registration and legal protection.

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