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Youth’s Role in

of Pakistan
In words of James” Youth is the joy, the little
bird that has broken out of the eggs and is
eagerly waiting to spread out its wings in the
open sky of freedom and hope.”
• The role of youth is of most importance in
today’s time. Young participation is
important because youth are the country’s
power. Youth recognize problems and can
solve them. Youth are strong forces in social
movements. They educate children about
their rights. Youth are the building blocks of
a nation. It is a fact that the countries which
utilize their youth in as right direction are
more developed.  On the contrary, the
countries which fail to realize the
importance of the youth lag behind in every
department of life. This is one of the
reasons of the backwardness of Pakistan.
• The youth hopes for a world free of
poverty, unemployment, inequality and
exploitation of man by man. A world free
of discrimination on the grounds of race,
colour, language and gender. A world full
of creative challenges and opportunities
to conquer them. 
• Youth is the spring of Life. It is the age of
discovery and dreams.  we are eyeing our
youth as a source of technical manpower.
Entire world is looking at Pakistani youth
as a source of talents at low costs for their
future super profits. If Pakistani youth
make up their mind and work in close
unity with working class people, they can
hold the political power in their hands.
Pakistani youth has the power to make our
country from developing nation to a
developed nation. 
“We cannot always build the future for
our youth, but we can build our youth for
the future.”          (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

• The countries where the youth are agile and pay

their proper contributions towards their nation
are more developed. The youth have some
responsibilities towards their nation. They must
get proper and complete education and Take part
in welfare activities. Spread awareness and
education among the masses about their rights
and responsibilities and Help other youths in
building confidence and pursuing the field of
interest. Promotes the fair image of the country
before the world. They must Guide newcomers
in every field on right lines. If they fullfill their
responsibilities our country will obviously
progress by leaps and bounds.
• Despite constituting a major chunk of our
population, our youth are lagging behind in every
field. They have been trapped in a culture marked by
guns, violence and drugs. All this has resulted in an
unstable economy, a shattered confidence of foreign
investors, lawlessness and a break-up of the social
fabric. Let’s see what major problems are faced by
our youth.
• The most impounding problem our youth is facing at
present is frustration. This monster is eating up our
youth slowly and gradually.
 “The foundation of every state is the education of its
youth.”(Diogenes Laertius)

• Illiteracy is a very big problem in Pakistan. Pakistan has a large youth population. An
estimated 103 million or 63% of the population fall under the age of 25 years. Due to
endemic poverty, the majority of youth in Pakistan do not have the opportunity to
experience a childhood. Male youth literacy rate is estimated to be 53% and female youth
literacy rate is even lower at 42%. As far employment is concerned 15% of the youth is
unemployed. If we would be able to control illiteracy we will be able to get a lot from our
• Poverty is another major problem of our youth.
Due to lack of resources they are unable to get
quality education and pursue their field of
interest. Poverty is a sort of disease which is
weakening our youth.
• Owing to poverty and unemployment, parents
instead of sending their children to schools,
prefer child labour for them. Child labour is a sort
of deluge that is draining away our precious
talent to be utilized in right place.
• Our youth in the grim situation finding no other
consolation resort to the use of drugs. Growing
use of narcotics is becoming a major problem of
our youth.
• Despite the multiplicity of problems, it is still a
right time for government to take some pragmatic
steps. Of the 15 largest countries in the world in
terms of population, Pakistan has by far the
youngest population. We need to bear in mind
• “the destiny of nations is in the hands of youth”
Keeping in view this fact, here are some
suggestions to make good use of our youth:

•  Competitive teachers must be recruited who could encourage and guide our youth to right lines.
• Politics must be prevented in the educational institutions.
• It has become a common psyche among the well-educated people that after the completion of
the education they would leave their country in the lurch. Government must prevent brain-drain
in our country by providing full employment and act as a magnet for bright minds.
• Parents should teach youngsters patience to face the difficulties and be steadfast.
• Youth be given ample opportunities to prove and cash their skill in every field.
• Right men be placed on right places.
• Pakistan media is booming and ruling on every
person educating about every aspect of life but they
are also doing nothing for youth. They could formed
such platform in which they can hire the services of
youth in highlighting and solving different problems
of society and the result will definitely be good.
Through this we could also control the rising
violence among youngsters because of no work if the
youth of Pakistan will be engaged in productive
 work so, it will bring change also and our society
will be saved from further destruction.
• Majority of Pakistan's Population live in Villages &
backward towns. Most People there don't have the
vision & they don't understand importance of vote,
later on its effect, towards Pakistan's Overall
Progress & Development. But there are some
educated people in such areas who can play vital role
in convincing their local people.  People in such
areas don't have access to cable news channels. If
rural youth became able access media and we
become  successful in mobilizing them we would
progress with double speed.
• In order for youth to be prepared to work in
partnership with adults, they need to
develop and/or enhance their leadership
skills. Leadership training prepares youth to
manage time, work as a team, set goals, start
conversations, facilitate meetings, and make
effective presentations.  Promoting youth
leadership development is a great way to
promote positive life skills learning.
• Our youth is not lack in ideas of changing our society but proper
guidance is not being provided to us. We should bringing change
from our schools and colleges, there should be a volunteer student
organization in every school, colleges and university of Pakistan
and they should be supported from our elders for the services they
rendered for making a change.
• Youth ministry is there in Pakistan but without planning and
without, even so many youth do not even aware of what actually
youth ministry is. They can engage youth in every project so that
we should be aware of our capabilities and achievement.
• Unfortunately no one is bothered to dream any
vision. Martin Luther has said, "I have a
Dream" and the dream come largely true. If he had
not thought of that dream he would have
accomplished nothing in his life. Another problem is
its indifferent attitude towards things, situation and
politics .The new cool formula of “let the things be
“is proving fatal to Pakistan's development .
‘Youth is like a fire It crept forward. A Spark at first Growing into
a flame The brightening into a Blaze’.

Pakistan can become a developed nation only if everyone contributes to the best of his or her
capacity and ability. Youth is wholly experimental and with the full utilization of the talents of
the Youth, Pakistan will become a complete Nation. Let us hope for the same.

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